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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
阵亡者[zhèn wáng zhě, ㄓㄣˋ ㄨㄤˊ ㄓㄜˇ,    /   ] people killed in battle #92,505 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yeah, but at least we can find it on a map.[CN] 至少知道阵亡者是来自北部 Tigerland (2000)
Almost 10 years after the last Americans left Saigon... the men who fought in Vietnam got their parade.[CN] 差不多10年之后, 最后一个美国人才离开西贡... 对越战中的阵亡者进行游行. Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (1985)
These nine are the dead.[CN] 以上九名 为所有阵亡者 Shinobi: Heart Under Blade (2005)
"We will find In them in the temple of Yasukuni", where the leached ashes of deceased were blessed, it was the place of the farewell to soldiers who left for the war wrapped up in haramaki, [CN] "我们将在靖国神社相会," 在那里阵亡者的骨灰被供奉起来, 是离别的士兵们前往战场前的传统告别语, Japan: 1941-1945 (1974)
You lived through the war Can you tell that to the fallen?[CN] 你经历过战争 你会对阵亡者说那些吗? KT (2002)
Collect ammunition from the dead and give the money.[CN] 收集阵亡者的弹药 Only the Brave (2006)
If my father had seen the things that I've seen, he'd also tell you to burn the dead before nightfall.[CN] 如果我父亲见到我所见之物 他还会告诉您在黄昏之前焚烧阵亡者 The Children (2014)
I'll need the boys to pick up the swords they drop.[CN] 我需要那些男孩作为阵亡者的替补 Walk of Punishment (2013)
For the familiar ones of the victims, widowers and mothers, the chance of the pride or the tears, it had passed in the day of the farewell.[CN] 阵亡者的家属, 寡妇和母亲, 并不比(与她们的亲人)说再见的那天 拥有更多骄傲的理由, 更多流泪的权利 Japan: 1941-1945 (1974)
My brother Ivan was not so lucky.[CN] 我哥哥伊万却没这么幸运, 他成了阵亡者之一。 Love and Death (1975)


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