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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
营房[yíng fáng, ㄧㄥˊ ㄈㄤˊ,   /  ] barracks; living quarters #29,840 [Add to Longdo]

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Four guards, one on each side of the passengers, two down the middle.[CN] 赶快回那些营房去 Better get back to the barracks. Cease Forcing Enemy (2016)
McIntyre, you're under arrest. Confine yourself to quarters pending an investigation.[CN] 麦肯泰尔,你被捕了 待在营房里等候调查 MASH (1970)
Blood.[CN] 新奥尔良灰,长营房,刺刀。 The Magnificent Seven (2016)
Got it?[CN] 营房里如果有人碰我 我就干掉他们 If anyone in this barrack touches me, I'll kill them. The 5th Wave (2016)
The barrack in the back is for the women.[CN] 后面的营房是给女人的. Jîn (2013)
The police barracks aren't going to clean themselves, you know.[CN] 警察营房都不会清洗自己,你懂的。
I would stand outside the window to the parlor.[CN] 我可以在夜里从奴隶营房偷溜出来跑去主房间 XXI. (2016)
I want a detailed map of the area around Zembala, a scale model of the barracks plus all the details you can get me on the garrison strength.[CN] 还有部队营房的模型 和你所能得到的当地部队的情况 The Wild Geese (1978)
If so, they'll need a new Kapo for this hut.[CN] 他们需要一个新的盖世太保 来看管这个营房 Kapò (1960)
- We are total soldiers.[CN] 女兵营房 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
Or private-label MBS.[CN] 或者私营房贷证券 The Big Short (2015)
How long will this war go on now with so many losses?[CN] 不能到外面去 久不久和家人见面 当然也不能走出营房独自走 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)


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