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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
经商[jīng shāng, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄕㄤ,   /  ] to trade; to carry out commercial activities; in business #10,406 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I thought we agreed that you was gonna leave town.[CN] 我以为咱们已经商量好了 你会离开这里 Life (1999)
Clark started in mercantile, but he's strong in gold now.[CN] 克拉克经商出身 现在金矿上很强势 Advances, None Miraculous (2005)
Always remember, the art of good business is being a good middleman.[CN] 永远记住 好的经商策略是做一个好的中间人 Layer Cake (2004)
The art of good business is being a good middleman.[CN] 好的经商策略是做一个好的中间人 Layer Cake (2004)
Clause four of the law passed this afternoon... limits Jewish involvement in public and economic circles.[CN] 议会今天通过第4款法律 限制犹太人的经商范围 Sunshine (1999)
First rule of business is you have to know who to speak to.[CN] 经商第一课 你必须搞清楚在和谁谈生意 Episode #2.10 (1990)
My father was failing at work, and my mother picked up and left[CN] 父亲因为经商失败 母亲放我一人,离家出走 Fireflies: River of Light (2003)
Nick and I have an arrangement. You can trust me.[CN] 尼克和我已经商量好了 你就相信我吧 50 First Dates (2004)
We regarded this as the Ransom Kidnapping Case.[CN] 经商议后,认定是一宗求财的绑架案 Bayside Shakedown (1998)
Well, it's the gang, madam, it was all pre-arranged to rob you.[CN] 夫人 那帮流浪汉是一伙的 是已经商量好要抢您的东西 A Scandal in Bohemia (1984)
The father's business failed, and he ran off leaving debts behind.[CN] 他父亲因为经商失败负债累累 已经不知去向 Diary of June (2005)
One can either do business or cozy up to his wife.[CN] 一个人除了去经商, 就只能奉承自己老婆 Paheli (2005)


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