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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
挺身[ていしん, teishin] (n, vs) volunteer; volunteering [Add to Longdo]
挺身[ていしんたい, teishintai] (n) volunteer corps [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Jon thinks, unless he can do something about it... that there's gonna be nuclear war.[CN] 乔觉得,如果他不为此挺身而出的话... 一场核战争就会爆发 Watchmen (2009)
Do pushups. I'm telling you, I do them before I run.[CN] 做点伏地挺身 跟你说吧 我之前也会做几个 Valentine's Day (2010)
I will stand and fight.[CN] 我会挺身对抗 Avatar (2009)
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?[CN] "默然忍受命运... 暴虐的毒箭 或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难 The King's Speech (2010)
♪ Right Brigade ♪[JP] ♪右翼挺身隊さ♪ Green Room (2015)
In this period of endless robberies, finally a nameless hero stepped forward.[CN] 在这段劫案频繁的日子里 终于有一位无名英雄挺身而出 City Under Siege (2010)
- Now drop and give me 15.[CN] 现在 做十五个伏地挺身 Big Nickel (2010)
I mean, you see something happen that's so wrong you have to act... even if it means the end of you.[CN] 当看到有些事走向万劫不复 你就必须挺身而出 即便这会引来杀身之祸 Edge of Darkness (2010)
Pushups make you run faster?[CN] 伏地挺身能有帮助? Valentine's Day (2010)
So now everyone that knows the truth is either gone or they won't fess up.[CN] 现在知道真相的人 不是离开,就是不肯挺身而出 Easy A (2010)
I felt I was in my comfort zone.[CN] 我觉得自己应该挺身而出 Unstoppable (2010)
We're delighted with your willingness to come forward.[CN] 我们非常高兴与您 愿意挺身而出。 Chasing Madoff (2010)


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