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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
弥补[mí bǔ, ㄇㄧˊ ㄅㄨˇ,   /  ] to complement; to make up for a deficiency #5,624 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But the mistakes...[CN] 只要能弥补那些过错 Tell It to the Frogs (2010)
If I get us out, would that make up for it?[CN] 要是我帮大家逃出去可以弥补 Guts (2010)
To make up for the lousy and selfish way[CN] 弥补我当初自私可耻的 Static (2010)
because it is a day of atonement, so... everybody atone.[CN] 因为今天是弥补过错的一天 所以 大家都来弥补过错吧 Breaking Fast (2010)
- What are friends fοr?[CN] - 朋友就是弥补这一点的 The King's Speech (2010)
You think you screwed up, so you're running around trying to fix it.[CN] 觉得自己搞砸了 就想尽量弥补 Takedown (2010)
Look, it may be time for you to play the dutiful wife, but you can't tell me that fixing your marriage is worth putting people's lives at risk.[CN] 听着 也许你是该做个尽职的妻子 但你要弥补自己的婚姻是你的事 别把大伙的安全拿去冒险 Wildfire (2010)
I still got so much to fix.[CN] 我仍然要去弥补很多东西 Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming (2010)
No, but it'd be a start.[CN] 弥补不了 不过算是个好开始 Guts (2010)
Not like that, it's about making up for my losses.[CN] 可以这样说 弥补我的损失,你知道 Born to Raise Hell (2010)
I paid society for my crime with eight years of my life.[CN] 我用八年的人生弥补我的罪行 The Grace Card (2010)
Sheldon, you can't fix this with gifts.[CN] Sheldon 这不是送礼能弥补 The Apology Insufficiency (2010)


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