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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
孔道[kǒng dào, ㄎㄨㄥˇ ㄉㄠˋ,  ] opening providing access; the teaching of Confucius #60,457 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
None of them our boy. He's on the third floor. He must've opened the doors from inside the shaft.[CN] 他在三楼,他一定是走电梯孔道 Hitman (2007)
It's a vent to the city's incinerator.[CN] 城市的焚化炉孔道可进去 Judge Dredd (1995)
The steam leaking from vents in the side of the volcano is constantly sculpting this labyrinth that extends deep under the ice.[CN] - 没错 火山侧面孔道里出来的蒸汽 在不停地雕塑着这蔓延到 The Last Frontier (2011)
So the chemicals actually come in through the shafts into the queen's chamber, and then they combine and mix and hydrogen boils off.[CN] 所以,化学物质实质上 就是从孔道进入到王后室... 然后在里面发生化学反应产生氢气 The Evidence (2010)
You had a dilute hydrochloric acid solution coming down one shaft and hydrated zinc coming down the other shaft and when they combined in the queen's chamber, they created hydrogen.[CN] 把稀释的盐酸从其中一条孔道倒下去... 然后再把水合锌从另一条孔道倒下去... 它们就会在王后室发生化学反应, 产生氢气 The Evidence (2010)
In 2002, a team of engineers and Egyptologists sent a small robot into one of the airshafts connected to the queen's chamber.[CN] 在2002年,一队工程师和埃及考古学家 把一个小机器人放进连接王后室的孔道 The Evidence (2010)
But were these shafts ever open?[CN] 但这些孔道是不是曾经打开过? The Evidence (2010)
The laundry vents will take us here top of the sump.[CN] 洗衣店的通气孔道 可以使我们到达目的地 到通风口 The Escapist (2008)
Christopher Dunn is theorizing that with resonating galleries, the pyramid shot a microwave out of one of the shafts, and once you started up this power plant, it would have gone on for years, decades, even hundreds of years[CN] Christopher Dunn 已经把大长廊的共振作用说得很清楚了 金字塔通过其中一条孔道将微波发射出去 一旦你启动这个大发电机... The Evidence (2010)
The interior design of the Great Pyramid features four inclined air shafts emanating from the king's chamber and the lower queen's chamber.[CN] 大金字塔内部有四条倾斜的孔道 通向国王室和底层的王后室 The Evidence (2010)
The difficulty of building those shafts is incredible.[CN] 这些孔道的修建难度 高得让人难以置信 The Evidence (2010)
Since the discovery of the door, we've had every university, archeologist, anthropologist, every engineer you can think of-- nobody has been able to explain the purpose of the shafts.[CN] 自从发现石门之后,每所大学、 每位考古学家、人类学家、工程师... 都无法解释这些孔道的真正作用 The Evidence (2010)


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