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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
司法部[Sī fǎ bù, ㄙ ㄈㄚˇ ㄅㄨˋ,   ] Justice Department (of the US government) #17,731 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The Judiciary can have him when we're done.[JP] こっちが済んだら 司法部にくれてやるさ The Memory of a Killer (2003)
It's okay, Officer. It's the Judiciary.[JP] 大丈夫 司法部です The Memory of a Killer (2003)
And appearing for the state, Dr Honorious, deputy minister ofjustice.[CN] 代表国家出席的是夏博士 司法部副部长 Planet of the Apes (1968)
But we have a new Justice Minister and he is bound to be zealous.[CN] 但是我们有个新来的司法部长 他这个人很热心的 99 Women (1969)
There's our intellectual from the judiciary.[JP] 司法部のインテリさんの お出ましか The Memory of a Killer (2003)
I am not the new Justice Minister.[CN] 我又不是新来的司法部 99 Women (1969)
I've been appointed the Minister of Justice.[CN] 我已被任命为司法部 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
But if you called the ministry ‒[CN] - 是 但是如果他已經給司法部打過電話了 也許他們知道... The Executioner (1963)
Detective Chief Inspector Vincke, Judiciary.[JP] 司法部の フィンケ刑事部長です The Memory of a Killer (2003)
If the Judiciary thrills you so much, go and work for them.[JP] 司法部が気になるんなら そっちで働け The Memory of a Killer (2003)
Leave out the Justice Minister![CN] 别拿司法部长来压我! 99 Women (1969)
I've joined the Department of Justice.[CN] 我加入了司法部 'G' Men (1935)


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