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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
位于[wèi yú, ㄨㄟˋ ㄩˊ,   /  ] to be located at; to be situated at; to lie #1,468 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If you think I'll do all that paperwork to issue a request in Chivilcoy... to search some old lady's house... to find letters the son may or may not have sent... and yadda, yadda, yadda...[CN] 别指望我会搞定所有书面作业 请求搜查 他母亲位于奇维尔科伊的房子 找出她儿子可能寄来的信 The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
And then hit new haven on the way back.[CN] 然后在回来的路上去纽黑文 (位于康涅狄格州 耶鲁大学所在城市) You've Got Yale! (2009)
A house in a good neighborhood, private school.[CN] 一幢位于好社区的房子 私立学校 Fly by Knight (2009)
The source of the Seine is in Burgundy, [CN] 塞纳河源头位于勃根地 Little Nicholas (2009)
Sonny's sits on top of a pool of methane.[CN] 桑尼位于甲烷池上方 Knight and the City (2009)
And that day we will be eclipsati the center of the galaxy.[CN] 这个轨道被证明是椭圆形的. 而到了那天, 太阳将位于地球和银河系中心之间. 2012: Science or Superstition (2009)
And then there's this New York thing.[CN] 然后theres这家位于纽约的事情。 Taking a Chance on Love (2009)
The restaurant is on the Champs-Elysees[CN] 餐厅位于香榭大道 Vengeance (2009)
because people and dolphins feed at the same level of a food chain.[CN] 因为人和海豚 位于食物链的同一级别 The Cove (2009)
Mayan clubhouse in Heyward.[CN] 停在位于Heyward的 Mayans帮总部几英里远的路上. Albification (2009)
An Indian tribe in Arizona talk about a transition from the world of the 4 th in the world-5, according to their profetii.[CN] 位于亚利桑那的一个印第安部落提到, 现在正处于第4纪元至第5纪元的转变中, 2012: Science or Superstition (2009)
Everyone, tonight, we come to the Tokyo tower which is located in harbor area.[CN] 今晚我们来到了位于港区的东京塔 Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser (2009)


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