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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
一类[yī lèi, ㄧ ㄌㄟˋ,   /  ] same type; category 1 (i.e. class A) [Add to Longdo]
一类保护动物[yī lèi bǎo hù dòng wù, ㄧ ㄌㄟˋ ㄅㄠˇ ㄏㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄨˋ,       /      ] class A protected animal [Add to Longdo]

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We're talking about a class of drugs...[CN] 我们正在谈论一类的药品 The East (2013)
Pick axe handles being used to attack suspects.[CN] 斧头,长柄棒球棍一类的工具都被用来攻击嫌疑犯 The Sweeney (2012)
Attempted burglary, or something of that ilk.[CN] 比如偷窃一类的事情。 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
It's not a two-of-a-kind night, kid.[CN] 这不是一个 两个一类晚上,孩子。 Gangster Squad (2013)
♪ We were always the restless kind ♪[CN] (总是属于那一类人) Devil's Pass (2013)
That sort of represented who I was.[CN] 一类的代表 我是谁。 Dear Mr. Watterson (2013)
What kind of name is that?[CN] 那是哪一类的名字 Jake Squared (2013)
-I actually have a comic that I had to do for a class in college[CN] - 其实我有一个漫画,我 不得不在大学做一类 Dear Mr. Watterson (2013)
We're very much alike, Isabel.[CN] 伊莎贝尔 我们是一类 Boda real (2012)
What's the real reason you didn't give me up to Percy?[CN] 你没有把我跟珀西归为一类人的真正原因是什么 Sideswipe (2012)
Because you're good.[CN] 因为你很聪明 这个国家最顶尖的一类人 Because you're good. American Hustle (2013)
Then there's the kind who want a legal means of killing other people.[CN] 最后一类是想要一种合法的杀人方式 Jack Reacher (2012)


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