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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
propensity(n) ความโน้มเอียง

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
propense(โพรเพนซฺ') adj. โน้มเอียง, โน้มน้าว
propensity(พระเพน'ซิที) n. ความโน้มเอียง, ความโน้มน้าว, ความชอบ, Syn. bent, leaning

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
propensity(n) ความโน้มเอียง, ความมีใจชอบ, ความโน้มน้าว

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
vicious propensityนิสัยดุร้าย (สัตว์) [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I would never camp in this spot, Not after the research I did on "tropical storm."Ich würde nie an diesem Platz campen, nicht nach den Recherchen, die ich für "Tropenstürme" gemacht habe. Driven (2014)
Listen. You never wrote a book called "tropical storm," castle.Du hast nie ein Buch namens "Tropenstürme" geschrieben, Castle. Driven (2014)
- There's nothing like skiing in the tropical sun.Nichts geht über eine Skitour unter der Tropensonne. Nicht wahr? Foreign Affairs (2014)
Elias Openshaw.Elias Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Mr. Openshaw ran the company which manufactured them.Mr. Openshaw gehörte das Unternehmen, das sie produzierte. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Until his past caught up with him last night, Elias Openshaw had been living as a fugitive.Bis ihn letzte Nacht seine Vergangenheit eingeholt hat, lebte Elias Openshaw als Flüchtling. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
The FBI charged Openshaw with murder.Das FBI hat Openshaw wegen Mordes angeklagt. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
I assume you know the name Elias Openshaw.Ich nehme an, Sie kennen den Namen Elias Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Elias Openshaw took more than your son from you, did he not?Elias Openshaw nahm mehr als Ihren Sohn von Ihnen, oder? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You can appreciate why we would want to speak with you in the light of Mr. Openshaw's murder.Sie können verstehen, warum wir mit Ihnen sprechen möchten, im Zusammenhang mit Mr. Openshaws Mord. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
For starters, he seemed genuinely surprised at the news of Openshaw's death.Er wirkte ehrlich überrascht auf die Nachricht von Openshaws Tod. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
I killed Openshaw and his lawyer.Ich tötete Openshaw und seinen Anwalt. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
They confirmed it was the weapon used to murder Openshaw and Fordham.Sie bestätigten, es ist die Tatwaffe, die verwendet wurde, um Openshaw und Fordham zu töten. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
I did it. I killed Openshaw and his lawyer.Ich tötete Openshaw und seinen Anwalt. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
I killed Openshaw.Ich tötete Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
So, Hawes finished examining the bruises on Openshaw's body.Hawes hat die Prellungen auf Openshaws Körper überprüft. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Some journalist wrote that Openshaw was this office's bin Laden.Ein Journalist schrieb, dass Openshaw der Bin Laden dieses Büros war. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You know, if Mr. Coleman had just come to us, if he told us that he'd located Mr. Openshaw, Wenn Mr. Coleman direkt zu uns gekommen wäre, wenn er uns gesagt hätte, dass er weiß wo Mr. Openshaw ist, The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You were surveilling the other victim, Openshaw's lawyer?Sie haben das andere Opfer überwacht, Openshaws Anwalt? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
We were hoping he'd lead us to Openshaw.Wir hatten gehofft, er führt uns zu Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You've dashed any chance we might have had of reviewing their surveillance of Openshaw's lawyer.Du hast jede Chance zerstört, die wir gehabt hätten, das Überwachungsmaterial von Openshaws Anwalt zu überprüfen. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
That's when Openshaw was on the lam.Das ist, als Openshaw auf der Flucht war. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
And your opinion of Messrs. Openshaw and Fordham aside, we know very little about the actual motives of an actual killer who is still at large.Und Ihre Meinung meine Herren, Openshaw und Fordham mal beiseite, wir wissen sehr wenig über die tatsächlichen Motive eines tatsächlichen Mörders, der noch auf freiem Fuß ist. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
They both? So, Openshaw was staring at someone?Openshaw hat jemanden angestarrt? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You did not cross paths with Mr. Openshaw three weeks ago?Ihre Wege kreuzten sich nicht mit Mr. Openshaw vor drei Wochen? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Must have been a boon to your political aspirations to no longer have Openshaw's disappearance hanging over your head.Muss ein Segen für Ihre politischen Bestrebungen gewesen sein, nicht mehr Openshaws Verschwinden über dem Kopf hängen zu haben. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
We know that Openshaw was in contact with his lawyer, Mr. Fordham.Das ist absurd. Wir wissen, dass Openshaw in Kontakt mit seinem Anwalt, Mr. Fordham stand. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
I was champing at the bit to take on Openshaw in court.Ich habe daran gekaut, Openshaw vor Gericht zu bringen. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
This chance encounter between Miss White and Openshaw.Diese zufällige Begegnung zwischen Miss White und Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
If you knew he was in contact with Openshaw, if you knew Openshaw had crossed paths with Ms. White...Wenn Sie wussten, dass er in Kontakt mit Openshaw war, wenn Sie wussten, dass Openshaw auf Miss White getroffen war... The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Angela's case was falling apart even before Openshaw skipped bail.Angelas Fall fiel auseinander, noch bevor Openshaw die Kaution platzen ließ. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
We lost shipping orders, the memos that showed Openshaw knew the beads were poison.Wir verloren Versandaufträge, die Memos, die zeigten, dass Openshaw wusste, dass die Perlen Gift waren. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
So, you're saying the government just didn't have any evidence to convict Openshaw.Sie sagen, die Regierung hatte keine Beweise, um Openshaw zu verurteilen. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
If it had come out that Openshaw walked because she lost evidence, the press would've eaten her alive.Wenn es heraus gekommen wäre, dass Openshaw frei war, weil sie Beweise verloren hat, die Presse hätte sie lebendig verspeist. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Next thing I know, Openshaw's in the wind.Das nächste, was ich weiß, Openshaw war weg. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
She said she and Fordham were talking off the books, trying to get Openshaw to come in, so I let it go.Sie sagte, sie und Fordham würden inoffiziell sprechen, versuchten, dass Openshaw sich stellt, also ließ ich es. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
But if you're telling me she literally ran into Openshaw...Aber wenn Sie mir erzählen, sie lief buchstäblich in Openshaw... The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Bank transfers between you and Openshaw's lawyer, Fordham.Überweisungen, zwischen Ihnen und Openshaws Rechtsanwalt, Fordham. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Openshaw's disappearance, arguably the least embarrassing outcome for you at this point, became mutually beneficial.Openshaws Verschwinden war das am wenigsten peinliche Ergebnis für Sie, brachte beiden Seiten Vorteile. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
But remember, we have the driver in the van who saw you with Openshaw in the street.Aber denken Sie daran, wir haben den Fahrer des Autos, der Sie auf der Straße sah, mit Openshaw. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
We did agree to have Openshaw skip bail.Wir stimmten überein, dass Openshaw die Kaution platzen lässt The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
After he and Openshaw were dead.Nachdem er und Openshaw tot waren. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
But when you find him, you might want to ask him if he had a reason for killing Openshaw and Fordham.Aber wenn Sie ihn finden, möchten Sie ihn vielleicht fragen, ob er einen Grund hatte, Openshaw und Fordham zu töten. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Says he asked to be assigned to the Pipz case after Openshaw had been arrested.Dort steht, er hat gebeten, dem Pipz Fall zugeordnet zu werden, nachdem Openshaw verhaftet worden war. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
So by getting himself assigned, he put himself in the perfect position to steal the files from Ms. White and later find and murder Openshaw.Indem er sich selbst dem Fall zuordnet, ist er in der perfekten Position, um die Akten von Miss White zu stehlen, und später Openshaw zu finden und zu ermorden. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Well, maybe he tangled with Openshaw and Fordham in the past.Vielleicht ist er mit Openshaw und Fordham in der Vergangenheit verbunden. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
You're saying this man, Boden, stole the only evidence against Openshaw, helping him, only to then track him down and kill him months later?Ihr sagt dieser Mann, Boden, stahl den einzigen Beweis gegen Openshaw, half ihm, um ihn aufzuspüren und Monate später zu töten? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Why would Boden help Openshaw get away with murder and then kill him a few months later?Warum sollte Boden Openshaw helfen mit Mord davon zu kommen und ihn ein paar Monate später töten? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
What if the two events you were describing, helping Openshaw and killing him, were not part of the same plan but rather two independent attempts to achieve the same effect?Was, wenn die beiden Ereignisse, die du beschrieben hast, Openshaw zu helfen und ihn zu töten, nicht Teil des gleichen Plans waren, sondern zwei unabhängige Versuche den gleichen Effekt zu erzielen? The Five Orange Pipz (2014)
Fordham blackmailed her, Openshaw fled and the case was left in permanent legal limbo.Fordham erpresst sie, Openshaw floh und der Fall war dauerhaft in einer Rechtsschwebe. The Five Orange Pipz (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
opensShe opens the window.
opensSchool reopens in September.
opensAn eyelid opens wide.
opensThe door opens from within.
opensThe baseball season opens before long.
opensThe door opens into the bedroom.
opensThe door opens to the road.
opensThe store opens at 9 a.m.
opensWhen he opens a magazine, he will usually read his horoscope first.
opensMy grandfather is so fond of reading that not a day passes but he opens a book.
opensThe supermarket opens at ten o'clock.
opensHe never opens his mouth without complaining about something.
opensThen the guest of honor opens them and expresses his or her appreciation.
opensThe store opens for business tomorrow.
opensThe bank opens at 9 a.m. and close at 3 p.m.
opensHe opens his eyes so widely they tear at the corners.
opensJim opens the door.
opensHe hardly ever opens a book.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ความโน้มเอียง(n) propensity, See also: inclination, Syn. ความเอนเอียง, ความโอนเอียง, แนวโน้ม, Example: เด็กที่อยู่ในฐานะบุตรคนสุดท้องมีความโน้มเอียงที่จะมีปัญหาการปรับตัวทางบุคลิกภาพได้

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ขี้-[khī-] (pref, (adj,, v)) EN: - (apt to, inclined to, prone to, addicted to, having a propensity for, leaning towards)  FR: - (enclin à, sujet à ; qui a un penchant/une inclination pour, prompt à)
น้ำใจ[nāmjai] (x) EN: flowing heart ; good feelings ; generosity ; kindness ; spirit ; heart ; thoughtfulness ; disposition ; sympathy ; clemency  FR: obligeance [ f ] (litt.) ; générosité [ f ] ; propension [ f ] ; bienveillance [ f ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
aptness(n) a disposition to behave in a certain way, Syn. propensity
leaning(n) an inclination to do something, Syn. propensity, tendency
proclivity(n) a natural inclination, Syn. leaning, propensity

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ L. propensus, p. p. See Propend. ] Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone; as, women propense to holiness. Hooker. -- Pro*pense"ly, adv. -- Pro*pense"ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. propensio: cf. F. propension. See Propend, Propense. ] The quality or state of being propense; propensity. M. Arnold. [ 1913 Webster ]

Your full consent
Gave wings to my propension. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Propensities The quality or state of being propense; natural inclination; disposition to do good or evil; bias; bent; tendency. “A propensity to utter blasphemy.” Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Disposition; bias; inclination; proclivity; proneness; bent; tendency. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Neigung { f } | Neigungen { pl }propensity | propensities [Add to Longdo]
eröffnen | eröffnend | eröffnet | eröffnet | eröffneteto open | opening | opened | opens | opened [Add to Longdo]
eröffnet wiederreopens [Add to Longdo]
öffnen | öffnend | geöffnet | er/sie öffnet | ich/er/sie öffnete | er/sie hat/hatte geöffnetto open | opening | opened | he/she opens | I/he/she opened | he/she has/had opened [Add to Longdo]
Das öffnet den Forderungen aller anderen Tür und Tor.That opens the flood gates to the demands of all the others. [Add to Longdo]
Tropenspottdrossel { f } [ ornith. ]Tropical Mockingbird [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
気味[ぎみ, gimi] (n) (1) (See いい気味・いいきみ) sensation; feeling; (2) (きみ only) (See 気味・ぎみ) tendency; propensity; (P) #12,639 [Add to Longdo]
偏向[へんこう, henkou] (n, vs) propensity; tendency; inclination; deflection; (P) #18,541 [Add to Longdo]
開巻第一[かいかんだいいち, kaikandaiichi] (n) at the very beginning of a book; The book opens with ... [Add to Longdo]
開巻劈頭[かいかんへきとう, kaikanhekitou] (n-adv) at the very beginning of a book; The book opens with ... [Add to Longdo]
偽悪趣味[ぎあくしゅみ, giakushumi] (n) propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible; being prone to act bad [Add to Longdo]
限界消費性向[げんかいしょうひせいこう, genkaishouhiseikou] (n) marginal propensity to consume [Add to Longdo]
限界貯蓄性向[げんかいちょちくせいこう, genkaichochikuseikou] (n) marginal propensity to save [Add to Longdo]
消費性向[しょうひせいこう, shouhiseikou] (n) consumption propensity [Add to Longdo]
盗心[とうしん, toushin] (n) propensity to steal [Add to Longdo]
犯罪性[はんざいせい, hanzaisei] (n) criminality; criminal propensity [Add to Longdo]
平均消費性向[へいきんしょうひせいこう, heikinshouhiseikou] (n) average propensity to consume [Add to Longdo]
平均貯蓄性向[へいきんちょちくせいこう, heikinchochikuseikou] (n) average propensity to save [Add to Longdo]
矢叫び[やさけび;やたけび, yasakebi ; yatakebi] (n) yell made by archers when firing a volley of arrows; yell which opens a battle [Add to Longdo]
裂果[れっか, rekka] (n) dehiscent fruit (fruit that opens when ripe, i.e. peas) [Add to Longdo]
裂開果[れっかいか, rekkaika] (n) dehiscent fruit (fruit that opens when ripe, i.e. pea pod) [Add to Longdo]
韜晦趣味[とうかいしゅみ, toukaishumi] (n) propensity to efface oneself; being prone to conceal one's talent [Add to Longdo]


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