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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: hales, -hales-
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
Singhalese(adj) เกี่ยวกับประเทศศรีลังกา

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
singhalese(ซิงกะลีซ) adj., n. (เกี่ยวกับ) ศรีลังกา , ประเทศ, ประชาชน, วัฒนธรรม, ภาษา, Syn. Sinhalese

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Art, Sinhaleseศิลปะสิงหล [TU Subject Heading]
Arts, Sinhaleseศิลปกรรมสิงหล [TU Subject Heading]
Oil-shalesหินน้ำมัน [TU Subject Heading]
Whalesปลาวาฬ [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No. Bo... that's Hale's chicken scratch on the back, I know it.Nein, Bo... das ist Hales Gekritzel auf der Rückseite, ich kenne es. Like Hell: Part 1 (2014)
Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders.Gestohlen aus dem Tresor der Hales und von jemandem dazu benutzt, um all diese Morde zu finanzieren. I.E.D. (2014)
The Hales always have an escape route.- Die Hales haben immer einen Fluchtweg. Weaponized (2014)
Newhouse got the permits cleared, and all we have to do is sell chief Hale's energy water out of the van.Newhouse hat die Bewilligungen geklärt. Alles, was wir tun müssen, ist Chief Hales Energy-Water vom Van aus zu verkaufen. Ihr wollt mich doch verarschen. Santa Bites (2014)
That's your plan? Ok.Katastrophales Versagen? Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1 (2015)
I'm far more concerned with a catastrophic security breach in my organization, Mr. Diggle.Ein katastrophales Sicherheitsleck in meiner Organisation gibt mir mehr zu denken, Mr. Diggle. A.W.O.L. (2016)
Some catastrophic event in 1944 disrupted the fabric of space-time, causing temporal anomalies in the here and now.Irgendein katastrophales Ereignis im Jahr 1944 hat das Raum-Zeit-Gefüge zerstört, welches die Zeitanomalien im Hier und Jetzt verursacht. Emergence (2016)
We've had a triumphant return.Vielen Dank! Wir feiern ein triumphales Comeback! Circles Within Circles (2016)
I mean, if what you're saying is true, Russell Cole has done something catastrophic.Wenn das, was Sie sagen, wahr ist, hat Russell Cole etwas Katastrophales getan. Henny Penny the Sky Is Falling (2016)
[ henchperson ] I just think, even in changing context, that marriage is an inherently patriarchal construction that is likely to further the hegemonic juggernaut that's problematizing, uh...Selbst wenn wir den Kontext ändern... NUPTIAL-RECHT ...ist die Ehe ein patriarchales Konstrukt, das die hegemonische Kraft fördert, die das Problem... The Bad Beginning: Part Two (2017)
- Enjoy your flat beer. - Yeah.Genießen Sie Ihr schales Bier. Cat in the Box (2017)
It was the filing of the signal shots in the mess hall that saved us from a disaster of cataclysmic dimensions.Durch das Abfeuern der Signal-Schüsse im Speisesaal... wurde uns ein katastrophales Unglück erspart. Pardon Us (1931)
Many other performers and technicians have noted Whale's meticulous approach.Auch andere Darsteller und Techniker bezeugten Whales Perfektionismus. The Invisible Man (1933)
For many years, she appeared in many memorable Hollywood films, including James Whale's sequel to Frankenstein, the 1935 Bride of Frankenstein.Danach wirkte Una viele Jahre in unvergesslichen Hollywood-Filmen mit, unter anderem in James Whales Frankensteins Braut von 1935. The Invisible Man (1933)
Returning to London, he accepted the role of Lieutenant Trotter in the Whale-directed hit play Journey's End, and then again came to America, this time to stay.Später nahm er-wieder in London - die Rolle des Lieutenant Trotter in Whales Erfolgsstück Journey's End an, um dann endgültig nach Amerika zurückzukehren. The Invisible Man (1933)
Whale's biographer, James Curtis, many years ago interviewed Ted Kent, the film editor on nine of the director's films, including The Invisible Man.Whales Biograph James Curtis interviewte vor vielen Jahren Ted Kent, der Cutter bei neun von Whales Filmen war, unter anderem bei Der Unsichtbare. The Invisible Man (1933)
Recalling Whale's working methods, Kent talked about Whale wanting to maintain control over all aspects of the productions.Kent sagte über Whales Arbeitsweise, dass er gern die Kontrolle über alle Aspekte der Produktion besaß. The Invisible Man (1933)
Gouverneur Morris wrote a screenplay based on Whale's six-page treatment.Gouverneur Morris schrieb ein Drehbuch auf der Basis von Whales Treatment. The Invisible Man (1933)
Listen, you can take my job, the Rangoon Airways, the Burmese... and the rest of this country and give it back to Marco Polo!Nehmen Sie meinen Job, Rangoon Airways, Burmese, Sinhalese und den Rest des Landes und geben Sie es Marco Polo zurück. Flying Tigers (1942)
Oh the monkeys have no tails They were bitten off by whalesOh, the monkeys have no tails, they were bitten off by whales, They Were Expendable (1945)
[ Exhales ] Well, they should be, Itzhak Stern.ต้องมี... อิตซัค สเติร์น Schindler's List (1993)
[ Inhales ] Just over three years.[ สูด ] เพียงกว่าสามปี Pulp Fiction (1994)
- [ Inhales ] But you have to promise not to be offended.- [ สูด ] แต่คุณต้องสัญญาว่าจะไม่โกรธเคือง Pulp Fiction (1994)
[ Exhales ][ exhales ] Pulp Fiction (1994)
(Inhales)(สูด) The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
(Inhales)(สูด) The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Then he dreamed of the whales that passed along this coast in the fall.จากนั้นเขาก็ฝันของปลาวาฬ ที่ผ่านตามแนวชายฝั่งนี้ในฤดู ใบไม้ร่วง The Old Man and the Sea (1958)
There's a school of whales.มีโรงเรียนของปลาวาฬคือ Yellow Submarine (1968)
- University of Whales.มหาวิทยาลัยปลาวาฬ Yellow Submarine (1968)
[ FRANK GRUNTS ] [ inhales DEEPLY ][ FRANK คำราม ] [ lNHALES ลึก ] Bloodsport (1988)
[ EXHALES ][ exhales ] Bloodsport (1988)
[ EXHALES ][ exhales ] Bloodsport (1988)
They're saving the whales, they're saving the seals but nobody gives a shit when they kill a baby polyester just to make a......แต่ไม่มีใครสนใจ เมื่อพวกเขาฆ่าตุ๊กตาเด็ก... . Punchline (1988)
So he stops writing books, he starts writing poetry about whales, and then he starts fooling around with a computer.เขาเลยเลิกเขียนหนังสือ เขาเริ่มเขียนบทกวีเกี่ยวกับ ปลาวาฬอะไรพวกนั้น จากนั้นเขาเริ่มเล่นพวกคอมพิวเตอร์ และเขาก็เริ่มติดมัน Field of Dreams (1989)
With the aquablast, little zippers, whales and speedboats we ask the display be at eye level.สำหรับอคว่าบลาส, ลิตเติลซิปเปอร์ ปลาวาฬ และสปี๊ดโบตส์... ขอให้จัดแสดงในระดับสายตา Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Helps them keep their distance. [ Exhales ]พวกเขาจะได้ไม่เข้าใกล้ Schindler's List (1993)
[ Inhales ] Herr Direktor, don't let things fall apart. I've worked too hard.อย่าปล่อยให้งานของผมสูญเปล่าล่ะ Schindler's List (1993)
Khalesa, Belgium.เบลเยี่ยม Hotel Rwanda (2004)
You don't ask me about Shales no more.ห้ามถามเรื่องแชลส์กับผมอีก Map 1213 (2006)
Shales?ชาร์ลสเหรอ? Scan (2006)
Oscar shales is this guy mahone tracked for a while.ออสการ์ ชาร์ลสเป็นคนที่มาโฮนเคยตามมาซักพัก Scan (2006)
[ Exhales ] Anyway, we'd better go. Should we take one car or two?ยังไงก็ช่าง เราไปกันจะดีกว่า เราน่าจะใช้รถ 1 หรือ 2 คันกันดีนะ Mr. Monk and the Other Detective (2005)
Dr.Karev, this is dr.Normal shales.ดร.คาเรฟ นี่คือ ดร.นอร์แมน เชลส์ Let the Truth Sting (2007)
This is dr. Shales.นี่ก็ดร.เชลส์ Let the Truth Sting (2007)
Um, I think we should run some tests, see if there's any... but first a drug test, dr.Shales.ผมว่าเราน่าจะทดสอบกันหน่อย ทดสอบยาเสพติดก่อนเลยนะคะ ดร.เชลส์ Let the Truth Sting (2007)
This is not my son, dr.Shales.นั่นไม่ใช่ลูกชายฉันค่ะ คุณหมอชารล์ Let the Truth Sting (2007)
Uh, norman shales, up from U.C.L.A.เออ นอร์แมน ชาร์ล จากยูซีแอลเอครับ Let the Truth Sting (2007)
Oh, dr.Shales, call me mark.โอ้ ดร.ชารล์ เรียกผมว่ามาร์ค The Heart of the Matter (2007)
Dr.Sloan, dr.Norman shales.ดร.สโลน นี่ดร.นอร์แมน ชารล์ The Heart of the Matter (2007)
And, you, too, dr.Shales.Bless you.และคุณด้วย ดร.ชาร์ล โชคดี The Heart of the Matter (2007)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
halesWhales feed on plankton and small fish.
halesIt was believed that whales were fish.
halesWhales feed on small fish.
halesWhales come under mammals.
halesWhales are said to have lived on land long ago.
halesWhales are classified as mammals.
halesMost whales feel on plankton.
halesUnless whales are protected, they will become extinct.
halesWhales are similar to fishes in shape.
halesAs likely as not, whales will be extinct by the end of this century.
halesWhales can remain submerged for a long time.
halesIt is believed that whales have their own language.

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Erysiphales(n) saprophytic and parasitic fungi that live on plants, Syn. order Erysiphales
Halesia(n) deciduous small trees or shrubs of China and eastern North America, Syn. genus Halesia
Heterotrichales(n) yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments; comprising the single family Tribonemaceae, Syn. order Heterotrichales
Singhalese(adj) of or relating to the Sinhalese people, Syn. Sinhalese
Sinhalese(n) a native or inhabitant of Sri Lanka, Syn. Singhalese
Sinhalese(n) the Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka, Syn. Singhalese, Sinhala
Thales(n) a presocratic Greek philosopher and astronomer (who predicted an eclipse in 585 BC) who was said by Aristotle to be the founder of physical science; he held that all things originated in water (624-546 BC), Syn. Thales of Miletus
Sinhala(adj) of or relating to the Sinhalese languages, Syn. Singhalese, Sinhalese

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ NL. ] (Bot.) A genus of American shrubs containing several species, called snowdrop trees, or silver-bell trees. They have showy, white flowers, drooping on slender pedicels. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. pl. [ NL. ] (Zool.) Same as Nymphalidae, an extensive family of butterflies including the nymphs, the satyrs, the monarchs, the heliconias, and others; -- called also brush-footed butterflies. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. & a. [ Skr. Si&mtilde_;hala Ceylon. ] (Ethnol.) Same as Cingalese. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Stellnetzjagd { f }; Blasennetzjagd { f } (von Buckelwalen)bubblenet feeding (of humpback whales) [Add to Longdo]
atmet eininhales [Add to Longdo]
einatmen; inhalieren | einatmend; inhalierend | eingeatmet; inhaliert | atmet ein; inhaliertto inhale | inhaling | inhaled | inhales [Add to Longdo]
Grindwale { pl } [ zool. ]pilot whales [Add to Longdo]
Gruppe; Herde (Wale) [ zool. ]herd; group (whales) [Add to Longdo]
Wal { m } [ zool. ] | Wale { pl } | gestrandeter Wal | Beobachten { n } von Walenwhale | whales | beached whale | whale watching [Add to Longdo]
Nahrungsaufnahme { f } durch Herausfiltern (bei Bartenwalen) [ zool. ]filter feeding (of baleen whales) [Add to Longdo]
Bartenwale { pl } [ zool. ]baleen whales; mysticetes [Add to Longdo]
Cetaceen { pl } (Wale, Delfine und Schweinswale) [ zool. ]cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) [Add to Longdo]
Furchenwale { pl } [ zool. ]rorquals; rorqual whales [Add to Longdo]
Pottwale { pl } [ zool. ]sperm whales [Add to Longdo]
Schnabelwale { pl } [ zool. ]beaked whales [Add to Longdo]
Zahnwale { pl } [ zool. ]toothed whales; odontocetes [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
シンハラ語[シンハラご, shinhara go] (n) Sinhalese language; Sinhala [Add to Longdo]
シンハラ人[シンハラじん, shinhara jin] (n) Sinhalese people; Sinhalese person [Add to Longdo]
海豚[いるか(gikun);イルカ, iruka (gikun); iruka] (n) (uk) dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
巨頭鯨[ごんどうくじら;ゴンドウクジラ, gondoukujira ; gondoukujira] (n) (uk) larger whales of family Delphinidae (esp. the pilot whales or blackfish) [Add to Longdo]
鯨類[げいるい, geirui] (n, adj-no) order Cetacea of toothed marine mammals, including whales and dolphins; Cetaceans [Add to Longdo]
鯨蝋;鯨ろう[げいろう;くじらろう, geirou ; kujirarou] (n) spermaceti (waxy substance found in the head cavities of sperm whales) [Add to Longdo]
五島鯨[ごとうくじら;ゴトウクジラ, gotoukujira ; gotoukujira] (n) (obsc) (sometimes read ごんどうくじら) (See 巨頭鯨) larger whales of family Delphinidae (esp. the pilot whale or blackfish) [Add to Longdo]


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