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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: abut, -abut-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
abut(vt) ชิด, See also: ติดกันกับ, จด
abut(vi) ชิด, See also: ติดกัน, จด, Syn. adjoin, border on
abut on(phrv) ติดกับ, See also: ชิดกับ, ชิด, จรด, จด, Syn. border on, verge on
abutment(n) การติดกัน
abutment(n) เครื่องรับน้ำหนัก, See also: เครื่องค้ำ, เครื่องยัน
abut against(phrv) ติดกับ, See also: ชิดกับ, ชิด, จรด, จด

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
abut(อะบัท') vt., vi. จด, ชิด, ติดกัน, ยัน, ค้ำ, Syn. border, join
abutment(อะบัท' เมินทฺ) n. ที่ค้ำ, แรงค้ำ, ส่วนที่จดกัน, Syn. an abutting
abuttal(อะบัท' ทัล) เขตแดน., Syn. abuttals
abutter(อะบัท' เทอะ) n. ผู้ที่มีที่ดินติดกัน (who owns adjacent land)

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
abut(vi) ติดต่อกับ, จด, ประชิด, ติดกัน
abutment(n) ตัวค้ำ, สิ่งรองรับ, สิ่งที่จดกัน

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
secondary tooth abutmentฟันหลักยึดรอง [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
abutmentหลักยึด [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
abuttalsแนวเขตที่ดินที่ติดต่อกับที่ดินอื่น [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
multiple tooth abutmentฟันหลักยึดควบ [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
intermediate tooth abutment; intermediate abutmentฟันหลักยึดกลาง [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
intermediate abutment; intermediate tooth abutmentฟันหลักยึดกลาง [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
tooth abutmentฟันหลักยึด [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Dental abutmentsหลักยึดฟัน [TU Subject Heading]
Abutilon Indicum Sweetฟันสี(พืช) [การแพทย์]
Abutment, Secondaryฟันหลักรอง [การแพทย์]
Abutments, Primaryฟันหลักสำคัญ [การแพทย์]
abutmentabutment, ตอม่อริม (สะพาน), ฐานยัน (เขื่อน) [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Shea butter.- Sheabutter. Wedge (2014)
- Shea butter.- Sheabutter. Wedge (2014)
And then the Shea butter on his tush before his PJs and then 20 minutes with the nebulizer while I read his Learning Factory Phonics book to him.Und dann die Sheabutter auf seinen Po, bevor er in den Schlafanzug kommt, und dann 20 Minuten mit dem Zerstäuber, während ich ihm aus "Buchstaben und Laute lernen" vorlese. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Supergirl is off the table.Supergirl ist Tabuthema. How Does She Do It? (2015)
It reminds me of Marcel Tabuteau.Es erinnert mich an Marcel Tabuteau. It All Depends on You (2015)
Mrs. Labutte, we're out of it.Madame Labutte, wir schwänzen. Divines (2016)
The marabouts have this object magic like nothing we have here.Die Marabuts haben diese Objektmagie, die mit nichts von uns zu vergleichen ist. Mendings, Major and Minor (2016)
[ panting ] Mr. Peabut Nutter.Mr. Peabutnutter! Love And/Or Marriage (2016)
With extra butter, and there's also soda and every type of candy known to womankind.Mit Extrabutter, und es gibt Getränke und alle Süßigkeiten, die Frauen bekannt sind. #Woke (2017)
And I, Jean-Baptiste Frémond, will get Abd el-Kader!Und ich, Jean-Baptiste Fremond, werde ihm eins überziehen, Abd el-Kader, ihrem großen Marabut. Le médecin de l'Émir (2001)
That's what the marabout said.So sagt es der Marabut.
The marabout said, "The time has come.Odouar, der Marabut, hat uns ermahnt: "Die Stunde ist gekommen.
Mr. Saïd listened and cheered on the marabout.Der Marabut hat sie angestachelt: "Bravo, bravo!"
Marabout Sidi Yacoub travels the area and gets them all worked up.Ein Marabut namens Sidi Yacoub stachelt die Leute auf.
Reports of so-called marabouts all over the country, calling for "jihad."Überall predigen diese Marabuts nun den Dschihad.
Your marabouts couldn't hold a candle to him.An ihm gemessen sind eure Marabuts Amateure.
I'll show them a better magician than all their marabouts.Ich führe ihnen einen Zauberer vor, der alle Marabuts übertrifft:
Touring Robert Houdin disguised as a marabout?Du führst deinen Robert-Houdin herum, verkleidet als Marabut!
Kabuto.... Kabuto Kamen Rider Decade the Movie: All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker (2009)
My small rectory abuts her estate, บ้านผมอยู่ติดกับที่ดินของท่าน Pride & Prejudice (2005)
- So, we offered her the use of our slave, Samuel, and the loan of $100 in exchange for our use of that small piece of her land that abuts our own.-เราให้เธอใช้ทาส แซมมิล ของเรา และให้ยืมเงินอีก 100 เหรียญ แลกกับการให้เราใช้ ที่ดินผืนเล็กๆ ของเธอ An American Haunting (2005)
Why ask abut Jae-kyung?นี่ ถามถึงเจเคียงทำไม? A Millionaire's First Love (2006)
Ms. Walker, your break is abutting the 25-minute mark.คุณวอล์คเกอร์ คุณพักมาเกือบ 25 นาทีแล้วนะ Chuck Versus the Wookiee (2007)
Most shield erosion occurs on the posterior side abutting the retro-boosters.ส่วนใหญ่พังทลายโล่เกิดขึ้น ที่ด้านหลังจรดย้อนยุคดีเด่น Hidden Figures (2016)
What you're saying amounts to denouncing the military.Sie kritisieren die Armee. Das ist ein Tabuthema! The Human Condition I: No Greater Love (1959)
So Broderick could hit Lalatea, Muk or Gavabutu.Broderick könnte bei Lalatea, Muk oder Gavabutu zuschlagen. In Harm's Way (1965)
- No. This convoy sails again tonight, 300 miles to an island named Gavabutu.Der Konvoi fährt heute Nacht weiter, 500 Kilometer nach Gavabutu. In Harm's Way (1965)
- Are you also going to Gavabutu?- Fahren Sie auch nach Gavabutu? - Nein! In Harm's Way (1965)
His destroyer was working alone in the Gavabutu area.Sein Zerstörer operierte allein in der Gegend um Gavabutu. In Harm's Way (1965)
"We are getting hell from Jap planes that are based right on Gavabutu."Die Japsen-Flugzeuge auf Gavabutu heizen uns so richtig ein." In Harm's Way (1965)
This is Gavabutu, Levu-Vana, Toko-Rota and Pala Passage.Das sind Gavabutu, Levu-Vana, Toko-Rota und Pala Passage. In Harm's Way (1965)
How far has Broderick advanced on Gavabutu?Welchen Fortschritt macht Broderick auf Gavabutu? In Harm's Way (1965)
You're going to mop up Gavabutu and mount the invasion of Levu-Vana.Sie erledigen Gavabutu und leiten die Invasion von Levu-Vana. In Harm's Way (1965)
- Hasty? Torrey'll be on Gavabutu in three days.Torrey ist in drei Tagen auf Gavabutu. In Harm's Way (1965)
And if we get some action out of the Gavabutu personnel that they haven't produced for you, you're still the area commander.Und wenn wir aus dem Personal auf Gavabutu mehr herausholen als zuvor, sind Sie immer noch der Kommandant. In Harm's Way (1965)
Eddington, you're being transferred to Gavabutu, with the rank of captain.Eddington, Sie werden nach Gavabutu im Range eines Captains versetzt. In Harm's Way (1965)
You suggested I needed a representative on Gavabutu.Sie schlugen vor, ich solle einen Repräsentanten auf Gavabutu haben. In Harm's Way (1965)
After that, we mop up Jap positions and Gavabutu is secured. - Mr. Gottlieb?Danach erledigen wir ihre Stellungen, und Gavabutu ist gesichert. In Harm's Way (1965)
Fact is, it's going to be a long, hard job kicking the enemy off Gavabutu.Es wird ein hartes Stück Arbeit, den Feind von Gavabutu zu vertreiben. In Harm's Way (1965)
You'd better be on that plane unless you want to die on Gavabutu.Steigen Sie ins Flugzeug, wenn Sie nicht auf Gavabutu sterben wollen. In Harm's Way (1965)
- Back in that Gavabutu hellhole.- Zurück in die Hölle von Gavabutu. In Harm's Way (1965)
We dedicate the next record to all those poor marines on Gavabutu.Wir widmen die nächste Platte den armen Marines auf Gavabutu. In Harm's Way (1965)
Something's going to happen on Gavabutu soon.Etwas wird bald auf Gavabutu passieren. In Harm's Way (1965)
Gavabutu will become untenable, eventually we'll have to move out of Toulebonne.Gavabutu wird nicht mehr zu halten sein, und über kurz oder lang müssen wir aus Toulebonne abziehen. In Harm's Way (1965)
Well, you can't mention illness or insanity or anything to do with children.Krankheit, Geisteskrankheit, alles, was Kinder betrifft, sind Tabuthemen. The Mirror Crack'd (1980)
On Tuesday, President Nabuti of the East African Republic of Ubondwa will arrive for the emergency summit meeting.Am Dienstag wird Präsident Nabuti der Ostafrikanischen Republik Ubondwa für die Krisensitzung eintreffen. Murder Between Friends (1985)
-President Nabuti refuses to cancel or postpone the summit meeting in the face of these threats.- Präsident Nabuti weigert sich, die Sitzung angesichts dieser Bedrohung abzusagen oder zu verschieben. Murder Between Friends (1985)
The communist rebels are paying us a lot of money to hold President Nabuti hostage until their terms are met.Die kommunistischen Rebellen bezahlen uns eine Menge Geld, um Präsident Nabuti als Geisel festzu- halten, bis ihre Bedingungen erfüllt sind. Murder Between Friends (1985)
Nabuti's motorcade will come down Constitution Avenue and turn right here.Nabutis Autokorso fährt die Constitution Avenue hinunter und biegt rechts ab. Murder Between Friends (1985)
I think President Nabuti is gonna appreciate it.Ich denke, Präsident Nabuti wird sie gefallen. Murder Between Friends (1985)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
abutHis land abuts on the road.
abutThe farm abuts on the road.
abutPlease air the zabuton.
abutShe felt insecure abut her children's future.
abutShe knows Kabuto mountain.
abutMy land abuts on the river.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
จรด(v) reach, See also: stretch to, touch, abut, Syn. จด, ถึง, Example: เรานั่งเรือจากฝั่งสงขลาไปสู่เกาะยอแล้วข้ามท้องทะเลไปจรดฝั่งหัวเขาแดง, Thai Definition: จ่อให้ถึง, Notes: (โบราณ)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
จรด[jarot] (v) EN: reach ; stretch to ; touch ; abut  FR: diriger vers ; porter à
จด[jot] (v) EN: be contiguous ; adjoin ; border ; touch ; abut ; reach out to ; be in contact with  FR: être limitrophe ; border ; se toucher

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Abutilon(n) herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow, Syn. genus Abutilon
abutment(n) point of contact between two objects or parts
abutment(n) a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge
abutter(n) the owner of contiguous property
border(v) lie adjacent to another or share a boundary, Syn. abut, butt, edge, march, butt against, butt on, adjoin
velvetleaf(n) tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States, Syn. velvet-leaf, velvetweed, butter-print, China jute, Indian mallow, Abutilon theophrasti

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. i. [ imp. & p. p. Abutted; p. pr. & vb. n. Abutting. ] [ OF. abouter, aboter; cf. F. aboutir, and also abuter; a (L. ad) + OF. boter, buter, to push: cf. F. bout end, and but end, purpose. ] To project; to terminate or border; to be contiguous; to meet; -- with on, upon, or against; as, his land abuts on the road. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Ar. aubūtīlūn. ] (Bot.) A genus of malvaceous plants of many species, found in the torrid and temperate zones of both continents; -- called also Indian mallow. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. State of abutting. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. That on or against which a body abuts or presses; as (a) (Arch.) The solid part of a pier or wall, etc., which receives the thrust or lateral pressure of an arch, vault, or strut. Gwilt. (b) (Mech.) A fixed point or surface from which resistance or reaction is obtained, as the cylinder head of a steam engine, the fulcrum of a lever, etc. (c) In breech-loading firearms, the block behind the barrel which receives the pressure due to recoil. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The butting or boundary of land, particularly at the end; a headland. Spelman. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who, or that which, abuts. Specifically, the owner of a contiguous estate; as, the abutters on a street or a river. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[jiǒng, ㄐㄩㄥˇ, ] variant of 冏, velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family; bright; used as emoticon ("smiley") meaning sad :-(, depressed or frustrated #6,488 [Add to Longdo]
[jiǒng, ㄐㄩㄥˇ, ] velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family; bright #85,793 [Add to Longdo]
[qǐng, ㄑㄧㄥˇ, ] Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti); Indian hemp (cannabis) #193,370 [Add to Longdo]
苘麻[qǐng má, ㄑㄧㄥˇ ㄇㄚˊ,  ] Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti); Indian hemp (cannabis) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Anlieger { m }abutter [Add to Longdo]
Anrainer { m }abutting owner [Add to Longdo]
Stirnfläche { f }abutting face [Add to Longdo]
Strebepfeiler { m }buttress; abutment [Add to Longdo]
Stützpfeiler { m }; Widerlager { n }; Balkenkopf { m }abutment [Add to Longdo]
anlehnento abut [Add to Longdo]
grenzen; angrenzen; anstoßen | grenzend; angrenzend; anstoßend | gegrenzt; angegrenzt; angestoßen | grenztto abut | abutting | abutted | abuts [Add to Longdo]
lehnt anabuts [Add to Longdo]
lehnteabutted [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
貨物[かもつ(P);かぶつ, kamotsu (P); kabutsu] (n) (1) cargo; freight; (2) money or assets; (P) #1,950 [Add to Longdo]
サブタイトル[sabutaitoru] (n) subtitle; (P) #5,622 [Add to Longdo]
兜(P);冑;甲;胄(iK)[かぶと, kabuto] (n) helmet (of armor, armour); headpiece; (P) #14,147 [Add to Longdo]
果物(P);菓物[くだもの(P);かぶつ(果物), kudamono (P); kabutsu ( kudamono )] (n) fruit; (P) #14,602 [Add to Longdo]
たぶたぶ[tabutabu] (adv-to) (1) (on-mim) brimming; full to the point of overflowing; (2) (See ゆったり・2, ぶかぶか, だぶだぶ・1) loose; baggy [Add to Longdo]
だぶつく[dabutsuku] (v5k, vi) (1) (See たぶたぶ・2, ぶかぶか, たぷたぷ, ぶよぶよ) to be too large; to be baggy; to be flabby; (2) (See たぶたぶ・1) to have a glut [Add to Longdo]
イカの甲;烏賊の甲[イカのこう(イカの甲);いかのこう(烏賊の甲), ika nokou ( ika no kabuto ); ikanokou ( ika no kabuto )] (n) cuttlebone [Add to Longdo]
エラブトキシン[erabutokishin] (n) erabutoxin [Add to Longdo]
キャブタイヤケーブル[kyabutaiyake-buru] (n) cab-tyre cable [Add to Longdo]
サブタイプ[sabutaipu] (n) { comp } subtype [Add to Longdo]
サブテーマ[sabute-ma] (n) subtopic (wasei [Add to Longdo]
サブティーン[sabutei-n] (n) subteen [Add to Longdo]
サブトラック[sabutorakku] (n) subtrack [Add to Longdo]
シアン化物[シアンかぶつ, shian kabutsu] (n) cyanide [Add to Longdo]
テルル化物[テルルかぶつ, teruru kabutsu] (n, adj-f) telluride [Add to Longdo]
フッ化物;弗化物[フッかぶつ(フッ化物);ふっかぶつ(弗化物), futsu kabutsu ( futsu bakemono ); fukkabutsu ( futsu bakemono )] (n) fluoride [Add to Longdo]
ヨウ化物;沃化物[ヨウかぶつ(ヨウ化物);ようかぶつ(沃化物), you kabutsu ( you bakemono ); youkabutsu ( yoku bakemono )] (n) iodide [Add to Longdo]
亜炭化物[あたんかぶつ, atankabutsu] (n) subcarbide [Add to Longdo]
阿弥陀仏[あみだぶつ, amidabutsu] (n) Amitabha [Add to Longdo]
偉物;豪物;えら物[えらぶつ;えらもの, erabutsu ; eramono] (n) talented person; great man; great woman [Add to Longdo]
一重瞼;一重まぶた[ひとえまぶた, hitoemabuta] (n) single-edged eyelid [Add to Longdo]
一水和物[いっすいわぶつ, issuiwabutsu] (n) mono-hydrate [Add to Longdo]
羽二重[はぶたえ, habutae] (n) habutai; habutae; fine Japanese silk [Add to Longdo]
羽二重餅[はぶたえもち, habutaemochi] (n) Habutae mochi; mochi smooth and white like habutae silk [Add to Longdo]
塩化物[えんかぶつ, enkabutsu] (n) chloride [Add to Longdo]
塩化物イオン[えんかぶつイオン, enkabutsu ion] (n) chloride ion [Add to Longdo]
塩基性酸化物[えんきせいさんかぶつ, enkiseisankabutsu] (n) basic oxide [Add to Longdo]
下物[かぶつ, kabutsu] (n) drinking feast [Add to Longdo]
下瞼[したまぶた, shitamabuta] (n) lower eyelid [Add to Longdo]
化学添加物[かがくてんかぶつ, kagakutenkabutsu] (n) (See 食品添加物) chemical additives [Add to Longdo]
架台[かだい, kadai] (n) stand; frame; abutment [Add to Longdo]
火山昇華物[かざんしょうかぶつ, kazanshoukabutsu] (n) volcanic sublimate [Add to Longdo]
過塩化物[かえんかぶつ, kaenkabutsu] (n) perchloride [Add to Longdo]
過酸化物[かさんかぶつ, kasankabutsu] (n, adj-no) peroxide [Add to Longdo]
角兜[つのかぶと, tsunokabuto] (n) spiked helmet [Add to Longdo]
株取引[かぶとりひき, kabutorihiki] (n) (abbr) (See 株式取引・かぶしきとりひき) stock trading; stock transactions; share trading [Add to Longdo]
兜蟹;甲蟹;鱟魚;鱟[かぶとがに;カブトガニ, kabutogani ; kabutogani] (n) (uk) horseshoe crab [Add to Longdo]
兜魚;冑魚[かぶとうお;カブトウオ, kabutouo ; kabutouo] (n) (1) (uk) large-headed midnight fish (Poromitra crassiceps); (2) (See 甲冑魚) armored fish; armoured fish [Add to Longdo]
兜頭巾[かぶとずきん, kabutozukin] (n) helmet-shaped hood [Add to Longdo]
亀綾[かめあや, kameaya] (n) (1) (See 羽二重) high-quality glossy white habutai silk; (2) raw silk twill fabric with fine diamond pattern [Add to Longdo]
亀屋縞[かめやじま, kameyajima] (n) (1) (See 亀綾・1) high-quality glossy white habutai silk; (2) (See 亀綾・2) raw silk twill fabric with fine diamond pattern [Add to Longdo]
橋台[きょうだい, kyoudai] (n) bridge abutment [Add to Longdo]
金属酸化物半導体[きんぞくさんかぶつはんどうたい, kinzokusankabutsuhandoutai] (n) { comp } metal oxide semiconductor; MOS [Add to Longdo]
金仏[かなぶつ;かなぼとけ, kanabutsu ; kanabotoke] (n) (1) metal statue of Buddha (usu. bronze); (2) cold-hearted person; cold-blooded person [Add to Longdo]
珪化物;ケイ化物[けいかぶつ(珪化物);ケイかぶつ(ケイ化物), keikabutsu ( kei bakemono ); kei kabutsu ( kei bakemono )] (n) silicide [Add to Longdo]
堅太り;固太り[かたぶとり, katabutori] (adj-na, n) solidly built person [Add to Longdo]
堅物[かたぶつ, katabutsu] (n, adj-no) straight-laced or stubborn person [Add to Longdo]
御陀仏;お陀仏[おだぶつ, odabutsu] (n) dying; ruining oneself [Add to Longdo]
好下物[こうかぶつ, koukabutsu] (n) favorite snack to have with drinks; favourite snack to have with drinks [Add to Longdo]
甲烏賊;甲イカ[こういか(甲烏賊);こうイカ(甲イカ);コウイカ, kouika ( kabuto ika ); kou ika ( kabuto ika ); kouika] (n) golden cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta); cuttlefish (any species in the family Sepiidae) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
サブタイプ[さぶたいぷ, sabutaipu] subtype [Add to Longdo]
タブ停止位置[たぶていしいち, tabuteishiichi] tabulation stop [Add to Longdo]
付加物理表現[ふかぶつりひょうげん, fukabutsurihyougen] additional physical rendition, PD PR [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
鉄かぶと[てつかぶと, tetsukabuto] Stahlhelm [Add to Longdo]


ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด [เพิ่มคำศัพท์] เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ

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เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
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