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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
麦加[Mài jiā, ㄇㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄚ,   /  ] Mecca (the holiest city of Islam) #46,132 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Micah! Micah![CN] 麦加! Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)
Micah?[CN] 麦加? Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Yeah, well, there's an arrow on the ceiling pointing towards Mecca.[CN] 是的, 好了, 上天总是有指示让我们通往麦加的 Syriana (2005)
Micah, what am I supposed to do here?[CN] 麦加,我该怎么办? Chapter Nine 'Homecoming' (2006)
- 30. I got behind on the rent.[CN] 三万块,租金付不出来 还有麦加的学费 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
Your old Hajji buddies.[CN] 你过去在麦加的"密友"(俘虏) Harsh Times (2005)
I have complete faith in you, Dr. McGuire.[CN] 我对您有绝对的信心, 麦加里医生 Gods and Generals (2003)
Micah![CN] 麦加! Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)
But I know what's best, Micah.[CN] 麦加,但我懂什么最好 Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (2006)
Yeah. We are all on the same hajj now.[CN] 我们都在麦加朝圣 Pitch Black (2000)
Micah.[CN] 麦加 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Honey, he'd be on some tropical island someplace, sitting out his years, with Micah.[CN] 亲爱的,他带着麦加 到热带岛屿 享福后半辈子 Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (2006)
I told you to stay in New Mecca.[CN] 我叫你就呆在新麦加 The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
You're on a trip to New Mecca, right?[CN] 你正要去新麦加吧 Pitch Black (2000)
Damn it, Micah, don't do that to me.[CN] 要死了,麦加 别再这样 Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)
The Binladin Group air-conditioned Mecca.[CN] 本拉登的组织 有空调的麦加 Syriana (2005)
Dr. McGuire allowed me to keep the musket ball he took from your hand, [CN] 麦加里医生允许我保管从你手上取出的步枪子弹 Gods and Generals (2003)
Time to go, Micah.[CN] 麦加,该走了 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
And the part of me that needs Micah back wants to let her do it.[CN] 有一部份的我想要麦加回来 要让她动手 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
This is like what Mecca is to the jews.[CN] 就象麦加对犹太人一样. Ali G Indahouse (2002)
- Micah doesn't need this.[CN] -麦加不需要这样 -麦加需要他父亲 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
I'm taking Micah.[CN] 我要带走麦加 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
He'd kill you, Micah.[CN] 他还会杀你跟麦加 Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
Micah, do you know where he is?[CN] 麦加,你知道他在哪里? Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (2006)
No, Micah, it's not.[CN] 不,麦加,很难 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Does the Muslim need to bow towards Mecca?[CN] 回教徒怎会不想去麦加朝圣? The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
Larry Amin's flying back to Mecca tonight to see if he can make the numbers work.[CN] 赖瑞阿敏今晚就飞回麦加 想办法替我们筹措拍片资金 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
Micah, you're just gonna have to trust me, okay?[CN] 麦加,你要相信我 Chapter Two 'Don't Look Back' (2006)
A great pilgrimage.[CN] 麦加朝圣 Pitch Black (2000)
Probably on his way to New Mecca...[CN] 可能是去新麦加朝圣 Pitch Black (2000)
I'm taking Micah, and I'm taking the money.[CN] 我要带走麦加 还要拿走钱 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Micah![CN] 麦加? Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Micah...[CN] -麦加 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Bonita Mercado.[CN] 博妮塔. 麦加道 Drumline (2002)
I think it's best if Micah waited outside.[CN] 麦加最好在外面等 Chapter Four 'Collision' (2006)
You looked a little hungry. I thought you could use this. Turkey on rye, extra mustard.[CN] 你看起来有些饿 我想你也许想吃个这个 黑麦加火鸡 还有特多的芥末 Just My Luck (2006)
Micah![CN] 麦加! Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Micah![CN] 麦加! Chapter Three 'One Giant Leap' (2006)
Hello, Mecca.[CN] 你好,麦加 Pitch Black (2000)
Micah?[CN] 麦加? Chapter Nine 'Homecoming' (2006)
My physician, Doctor McGuire, will attend to her.[CN] 我的医生, 麦加里, 等会儿会来看她 Gods and Generals (2003)
And I used the rest to get Micah into private school.[CN] 剩下的让麦加读私立小学 Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)
He's trying to protect you because he still loves you and Micah...[CN] 他想保护你 因为他还爱你和麦加 Chapter Two 'Don't Look Back' (2006)
A kid, Jack, who everyone else thought was a boy, and a holy man ... searching for New Mecca.[CN] 一个孩子, 杰克, 大家都认为是个男孩; 和一个寻找新麦加的... 圣人 The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
Dr. McGuire.[CN] 麦加里医生 Gods and Generals (2003)
Time to get up, Micah![CN] 起床了,麦加 Chapter One 'Genesis' (2006)


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