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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
阿兰[Ā lán, ㄚ ㄌㄢˊ,   /  ] Alan, Allen, Allan, Alain etc (name); A-lan (Chinese female name); Ram, begotten of Hezron 赫茲龍|赫兹龙 and begetter of Amminadab 阿米納達布|阿米纳达布 in biblical Book of Ruth 路得記|路得记, 4:19 and Matthew 1:4 #38,563 [Add to Longdo]
阿兰文[Ā lán wén, ㄚ ㄌㄢˊ ㄨㄣˊ,    /   ] Aramaic [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Good to see you too, Alan.[CN] 我也很高兴见到你,阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)
But anyway, as AIain said, it's 40 years of brothership between me and AIain, [CN] 不过总之 就像阿兰说的 我和阿兰40年的兄弟之情 Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010)
Is that Alan McGee?[CN] 那是阿兰麦吉? Svengali (2013)
"No Need" by Alain Bosquet.[CN] 阿兰•博斯凯 "没必要" Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)
- Cheers, Alan.[CN] - 干杯,阿兰。 Svengali (2013)
- If one day we must win the daughter of Alain Prost I will consider this option.[CN] 有机会去对付阿兰·普罗斯特女儿的话 -我会考虑这个提议 -很好 Heartbreaker (2010)
Did they hurt Danny, Alan?[CN] 他们伤害丹尼了吗,阿兰? Goodbye China (2011)
The script by Ted Allan was nominated for an Oscar.[CN] 泰德・阿兰的剧本提名了奥斯卡奖 The script by Ted Allan was nominated for an Oscar. Stories We Tell (2012)
Spider, check where he is.[CN] 阿兰哈 看看他在哪里 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
You said Alana Roach was with him, right?[CN] 你说阿兰娜·罗奇与他同在 对不对? 我需要去寻找房子。 You said Alana Roach was with him, right? Silent Night (2012)
By morning they'll come here looking for the real Alan Fahey.[CN] 明早他们会赶来寻找真正的阿兰·费伊 Proteus (2013)
Cheers, Alan.[CN] 欢呼声,阿兰。 TA Svengali (2013)
It's all right, Alan.[CN] 好,阿兰。 The Employer (2013)
Just think of the opportunity we wasted years ago with that errand boy, Powell, Alan Powell?[CN] 想想多年前那个跟班小弟阿兰·鲍威尔的事迹吧 - 科林. 鲍威尔 Iron Sky (2012)
Cheers, Alan.[CN] 欢呼声,阿兰。 Svengali (2013)
So for Alan Shepherd to be sitting there blowing smoke in my face, there's got to be a good reason.[CN] 所以如果阿兰·谢泼德坐在那里对我鬼扯, 一定是有原因的。 Goodbye China (2011)
♪ When he awoke Lord Arlen was standing at his feet[CN] # 醒来时阿兰老爷正站在他的脚边 Gently with Class (2012)
Alan.[CN] 阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)
No, I'm Alan. Come through.[CN] -不,我是阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)
If the machine had been working properly, we might have gotten a number for the real Alan Fahey and saved him.[CN] 如果机器正常运行 我们也许就能拿到阿兰·费伊的号码 然后救下他 Proteus (2013)
I'm investigating the disappearance of Dr. Alan Grant.[CN] 我正在调查阿兰·格兰特医生的失踪案 American Mary (2012)
Just a few words on such an emotional evening, in front of such a huge and warm crowd.[CN] 阿兰·鲍伯利 编剧/法语作词 我只说几句 在这感人的夜晚 在这么庞大 这么热情的观众群面前 Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010)
Did you authorise the beatings, Alan?[CN] 是你命令打他们的吗,阿兰? Goodbye China (2011)
That's the landlord, Alan Holt.[CN] 那是房东 阿兰・霍特 Super (2012)
So what happened to Alanna?[CN] 阿兰纳后来怎样了? And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
It's not up to me or you or Alan Shepherd to decide who is under the law and who's above it.[CN] 我和你或阿兰·谢泼德都不能 觉得谁该被置于法律之下,谁又能凌驾之上。 Goodbye China (2011)
I'll go over Alan Shepherd's head, get formal permission to question Molloy.[CN] 我要去说服阿兰·谢泼德,得到盘问莫罗伊的许可。 Goodbye China (2011)
And then Lord Arlen He took his wife[CN] ... 阿兰老爷于是让他妻子 Gently with Class (2012)
20. Spider, sing.[CN] 二十 阿兰哈 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
I had no idea, Alan.[CN] 我不知道,阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)
- Alain?[CN] -阿兰 -不是 What's in a Name? (2012)
alain Boublil and CIaude-Michel Schonberg, to write the show, with the wonderful, uplifting words of Herbert Kretzmer.[CN] 阿兰·鲍伯利和克劳德 -米歇尔·勋伯格 创作了这出剧 Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010)
Paul, my name's Alan Davenport.[CN] 保罗 我是阿兰 达文普 Buried (2010)
- Alan Springer, returning.[CN] -阿兰·斯普林格的回电 The Company You Keep (2012)
Allan Brady, paid in full.[CN] 阿兰, 全额付款 The Package (2013)
You are Lord Arlen's wife... ♪[CN] 你是阿兰老爷的老婆... ...# Gently with Class (2012)
I wish to present the marvelous Mrs. Florence Aadland and her exquisite daughter, Beverly.[CN] 我想介绍一下 奇妙的弗洛伦斯・阿兰德兰夫人 和她精致的女儿,贝弗利小姐 The Last of Robin Hood (2013)
"... Alain Prost is a monster in the straightaway..."[CN] 阿兰 普罗斯特*的直线行驶无敌了 (*上世纪50年代F1车手) Heartache (2012)
This is Alan Davenport, [CN] 我是阿兰 达文普 Buried (2010)
I want the world to take note that Miss Beverly Aadland, a lovely girl, somewhere between the ages of five and 50 will soon become the fourth and final Mrs. Flynn.[CN] 我想让全地界注意 贝弗利・阿兰德兰小姐,这个可爱的女孩 年龄在5到50岁之间的她 The Last of Robin Hood (2013)
Kiss her, Alan.[CN] 吻她,阿兰。 Children of Sorrow (2012)
When I was 12, I was all elbows and knees and Alanna looked like a goddess sent to torture me.[CN] 我十二岁的时候简直就是个假小子 阿兰纳就像个上天派来折磨我的女神 And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
I'm going to put you through to Alan Davenport.[CN] 我将把你的电话转给阿兰 达文普 Buried (2010)
"No Need" by Alain Bosquet.[CN] 阿兰•博斯凯 "没必要" (法国现代诗人) Blue Is the Warmest Color (2013)
Alan Shepherd.[CN] 阿兰·谢泼德, Goodbye China (2011)
Oh, you broke them all right, Alan.[CN] 你真正摧毁了他们,阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)
My cousin Alanna was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.[CN] 我表姐阿兰纳 是我见过最美的女孩 And Now His Watch Is Ended (2013)
Hey, Alan, what...[CN] 嘿,阿兰,怎么... Children of Sorrow (2012)
Personnel Director at Crestin, Roland and Thomas.[CN] 人事部主管 阿兰 达文普 Buried (2010)
Course, Alan.[CN] 当然,阿兰。 Goodbye China (2011)


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