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长途车[cháng tú chē, ㄔㄤˊ ㄊㄨˊ ㄔㄜ,    /   ] coach (lit. long-distance bus) #47,708 [Add to Longdo]

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Driving a car on this interstate is very dangerous.[CN] 在州道上开长途车是件危险的事 Rain Man (1988)
Old hard bench coaches.[CN] 老旧的长途车 椅子硬邦邦的 On the Road (2012)
Could he have been offering to come back later and give her a lift to the coach station in Newcastle?[CN] 他有没有可能提议晚点回来 搭她去纽卡斯尔的长途车站? Gently with Class (2012)
'Cause you'll be out on the first bus to New York tomorrow.[CN] 因为你明天就给我坐长途车去纽约 Glory Road (2006)
Then a day's bus ride to Mengzi[CN] 再坐一天的长途车到蒙自 If You Are the One (2008)
We go to Jiangkou, you can transfer there[CN] 只到江口 , 到长沙, 到江口转长途车 Lost on Journey (2010)
Billy assumed that you would be giving her a lift to the coach station.[CN] 比利推测你会让她搭车 去长途车站。 Gently with Class (2012)
I'll take you to the coach station, Ellen.[CN] 我送你去长途车站,爱伦。 Gently with Class (2012)
I was coming straight from work.[CN] 我穿了件灰狗长途车司机的制服去参加的毕业舞会 I wore a Greyhound Bus driver's uniform to my prom. And the Taste Test (2015)
A1 to Newcastle and the coach station here.[CN] 去纽卡斯尔的A1公路,这是长途车站。 Gently with Class (2012)
The next bus to Mexico, whatever that is.[CN] 下一班去墨西哥的长途车 到哪儿都行 The Weekend (2011)
I hate this stupid bus.[CN] 我恨这部愚蠢的长途车 Bedtime Stories (2013)
'Well, her coach was at 3am.'[CN] 她的长途车是3点。 Gently with Class (2012)
Not long after my retirement, my C.O. went back home.[CN] 我退役后不久 在回家探亲的长途车上 Underdog Knight (2008)
So, are you going to take me to the bus?[CN] 您能带我去坐长途车嘛? Under the Same Moon (2007)
The bus trip.[CN] 长途车 Storm Warning (1951)
He was a truck driver. He had travelled around most of France.[CN] 他是长途车司机,几乎把整个法国转遍了 A Simple Story (1959)
- I have a long drive tomorrow.[CN] 长途车 Sinister 2 (2015)
A long drive to Grandpa's. Grandpa?[CN] 开长途车去看外公呢 外公? Marley & Me: The Puppy Years (2011)
I've got to piss first.[CN] 我先上上厕所,长途车 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH2F2F2F }{ \4cH000000 }No! Gau lung wong hau (2000)
Well, it is outside. It's lurking outside, like a big hairy rapist at a coach station.[CN] 现在不是了,现在传出去了 就像在长途车站的长毛魁梧的强奸犯 In the Loop (2009)
Greyhound bus smacked him broadside... and tipped him over.[CN] 被一辆灰狗长途车从侧面撞到了... 翻了车 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Ming, I spent all day on a bus I'm beat[CN] 阿明, 坐了一天的长途车 When Ruoma Was Seventeen (2002)
I just need enough for a bus fare.[CN] 我只需要挣足长途车费就够了 Under the Same Moon (2007)
No, I...[CN] 我明天一早要开长途车 Sinister 2 (2015)
We're just gonna rest for a little bit, and then one last haul to get home.[CN] 我们只能休息片刻, 然后开最后一个长途车回家 Identity Thief (2013)


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