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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
透镜[tòu jìng, ㄊㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] lens (optics) #37,021 [Add to Longdo]
凸透镜[tū tòu jìng, ㄊㄨ ㄊㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] convex lens #77,213 [Add to Longdo]
凹透镜[āo tòu jìng, ㄠ ㄊㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] concave lens #150,996 [Add to Longdo]
薄透镜[báo tòu jìng, ㄅㄠˊ ㄊㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] thin lens (i.e. of negligible thickness in optics) #447,704 [Add to Longdo]
矫正透镜[jiǎo zhèng tòu jìng, ㄐㄧㄠˇ ㄓㄥˋ ㄊㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ,     /    ] correcting lens [Add to Longdo]

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Report. They are on time and on target.[CN] 报告 我对时间 和透镜 Battle Planet (2008)
This newly renovated planetarium will serve as a lens...[CN] 这是修葺一新的天文博物馆为一枚透镜... Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)
I've never even studied gravitational lensing or zero-point energy fields or quantum-harmonic oscillation theory.[CN] 我都没研究过引力透镜 I've never even studied gravitational lensing 零点能量场 or zero -point energy fields Purpose in the Machine (2015)
I didn't know lens, the number. I didn't know.[CN] 我根本不懂,什么透镜, 号码,吾母鸡啊。 Jodorowsky's Dune (2013)
This is a two-way mirror.[CN] 这是个单透镜 See No Evil (2006)
It bends it in a process called gravitational lensing.[CN] 它令光弯曲, 这过程叫引力透镜 Galaxies (2010)
Gravitational lensing really allows us to test the presence of dark matter.[CN] 引力透镜让我们探测暗物质的存在 Galaxies (2010)
There's no way I can let him get between me and the company and that elephant grass 'cause we're gonna have a mess.[CN] 比如人脸 皮肤或者手 通过这个透镜会明亮很多 需要外部的光源使能够使用 完全漆黑一片的话你就什么都看不见 Sniper: Inside the Crosshairs (2009)
- Yeah, I can.[CN] - 我有X光透镜,可惜没用 Code 46 (2003)
She comes into our LensCrafters on a date?[CN] 她得到我们的透镜工艺师 在日期吗? What Love Is (2007)
As you can see, the lens concentrates the energy of the sun, thus creating fire![CN] 正如你看到的 凸透镜能将阳光的能量汇聚起来 通过这个就能 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)
There's one other, but the seagulls keep shitting on the lens... so it probably won't help.[CN] 那里是一其他的, 但是海鸥 继续在透镜上拉屎。 。 。 Street Kings 2: Motor City (2011)
This is my calibrated laser refractor.[CN] 这是我的"激光校准折射透镜" Episode #3.8 (2009)
Rumor has it that there are hidden passageways and two-way mirrors all over, although I've never found them.[CN] 谣传说,这里有很多暗道 到处都是单透镜 但是我从来没找到过 See No Evil (2006)
I'm just gonna try different combinations of lenses and film... until I find something that works in this dust![CN] 我要试着用不同的透镜和胶卷... 以便在这种尘条件下摄影! Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
And the gravitational lens radioactive background.[CN] { \1cH00FF00 }和引力透镜 辐射。 Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
The corrector lens was ground during the days of hurricane Gloria in 1985.[CN] 这个透镜校正器是在 1985年凯莱飓风来袭那阵拾到的 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
Reflector lens.[CN] 反射透镜 Reflector lens. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
Observing the world from behind the lens.[CN] 观察世界 从透镜的后面。 Molly Maxwell (2013)
- An optic?[CN] - 镜片吗? - 是的 先生 一块玻璃透镜 Mr. Turner (2014)
The telescope is a commercial off-the-shelf instrument that combines a lens and a mirror to produce a flat image suitable for astrophotography.[CN] 望远镜业已成为了商业化的仪器 通过透镜和反射镜 生成符合天文摄影的平面图像 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
- It is an achromatic lens.[CN] - 这是无色透镜 - 无色透镜啊 - It is an achromatic lens. Mr. Turner (2014)
You take it into your hands and you mold it into a lens which will concentrate sunlight into fire.[CN] 磨成透镜 将太阳聚焦升火 The Edge (1997)
Lenticular cloud to the southeast. Winds at 80 knots, rising.[CN] 透镜状云在东南方,风速80节 上升中 Vertical Limit (2000)
"Natura Naturans?" Please.[CN] 他不过是个只会磨光学透镜的人 Einstein: Chapter One (2017)
Lens effect.[CN] 透镜效果 Lens effect. A Cyclone (2014)
- Can you repeat that? - Sure. I can say it again.[CN] 这是一面透镜 你要是往正前方看 Czech Dream (2004)
And if she can't see that, then she needs to go to LensCrafters.[CN] 并且如果她不能看见那, 然后她需要去找透镜工艺师。 为什么疼如此严重,huh? What Love Is (2007)
You can start by putting back the correct lens, Professor.[CN] 你可以从装上合适的透镜开始 教授 You can start by putting back the correct lens, professor. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
We once tried, without success, to see a gravitational lens, the slivered images of distant galaxies, magnified by the warped space surrounding galaxies closer to home.[CN] 我们曾尝试过 但没有成功 透过引力透镜 我们看到了遥远星系的切片图像 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
You don't see us hanging out at LensCrafters, do you?[CN] 你没看见我们常去 在透镜工艺师,是吗? What Love Is (2007)
Now, I've added this adjustable lens to your design along with a few other things.[CN] 好了 我在你的设计上加入了可调节的透镜 还有些别的小玩意 Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
a middle range digital camera with a fixed lens focused on infinity, a conventional analogical camera with a 50 mm lens focused on infinity and an instant Polaroid camera, also focused on infinity.[CN] 一个将固定透镜聚焦于无限远的 中程数码相机 一个50毫米透镜聚焦于无限远的 Red Lights (2012)
That's like you could pick up... - all sorts of stuff about me.[CN] 那就像X光透镜去看女生的内衣 Code 46 (2003)
And I need a Mercury lens 'cause I'm gonna reverse out all the glass.[CN] 我还要个水银镜片 因为我要将所有的透镜都反过来 明白了吗? Strange Wilderness (2008)
So you're always comfortable putting a lens between you and life?[CN] 因此你总是很舒服 放一个透镜 在你和生活之间? The Memory Book (2014)


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