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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -轢-
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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, lì, ㄌㄧˋ] to run over something in a vehicle
Radical: , Decomposition:   车 [chē, ㄔㄜ]  乐 [, ㄌㄜˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] cart
Variants: , Rank: 6816

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: run over
On-yomi: レキ, reki
Kun-yomi: ひ.く, きし.る, hi.ku, kishi.ru

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[lì, ㄌㄧˋ, / ] to bully; wheel-rut #174,003 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
軋轢[あつれき, atsureki] (n, vs) friction; discord; strife [Add to Longdo]
轢き殺す;ひき殺す;轢殺す[ひきころす, hikikorosu] (v5s, vt) to kill by running over [Add to Longdo]
轢き逃げ;ひき逃げ;轢逃げ[ひきにげ, hikinige] (n, vs) (uk) hit-and-run accident causing personal injury [Add to Longdo]
轢く[ひく, hiku] (v5k, vt) to run somebody over (with vehicle); to knock someone down; (P) [Add to Longdo]
轢殺[れきさつ, rekisatsu] (n, vs) killing by running over with a car or train [Add to Longdo]
轢死[れきし, rekishi] (n, vs) death by being run over [Add to Longdo]
轢断[れきだん, rekidan] (n, vs) cutting in two under train wheels [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
That kid was almost run over when the truck backed up.その子はトラックがバックしてきた時轢かれそうになった。
Our dog was run over by a truck.私たちの飼っている犬はトラックに轢かれた。
The cat ran right in front of the bus and was run over.猫がバスの前に走ってきて轢かれた。
He narrowly escaped being run over.彼はかろうじて轢かれるのをまぬがれた。
He came near being run over by a car.彼は危うく車に轢かれそうになった。
He was run over by a car.彼は車に轢かれた。
He was run over and killed.彼は車に轢かれて死んだ。
Her doll was run over by a car.彼女の人形が車に轢かれた。
That there are various conflicts, frictions, within the races of man is a point made clear within this book as well.人種間には様々な葛藤、軋轢があることは、本書においても明らかにされているところである。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That guy's not getting up, is he?[JP] 轢いちまったか The Dark Knight (2008)
A 15-year-old unsolved hit-and-run case.[JP] 15年前の轢き逃げ事件よ Dark Cousin (2012)
We hit someone. We just... we have hit someone.[JP] 誰か轢いたぞ The Watch (2012)
Mustard's dead. Mustard got hit by a dump truck.[JP] マスタードは ダンプに轢かれて死んだ Battleship (2012)
Come on, Cookie, get out of the way. You wanna get run over?[JP] さあ、クッキー 近づくんじゃない 轢かれたいのか? Forbidden Planet (1956)
You reversed into him.[JP] お前が轢いたんだ Pilot (2010)
I came this close to getting hit by a train.[JP] 列車に轢かれかけて Hancock (2008)
Evan, did you hit a kid?[JP] 轢いた? The Watch (2012)
I hit him.[JP] 轢いちまった The Motel Life (2012)
I'm sorry we almost killed everyone with the boat.[JP] すまなかった ボートで轢き殺すところだった The Hangover Part II (2011)
You were the one who hit him.[JP] お前が 轢いちゃったンだからさぁ Hold Up Down (2005)
And if by chance I should run over a cad[JP] "そして 人を轢く機会があった" The Quiet American (2002)
Or this hairy-eared son of a bitch with a chicken gizzard neck and a face like Death Valley fire trails?[JP] こいつなんか耳に毛が生えてるし 首はシワシワだし 顔なんて まるで車で 轢かれたみたいな顔だ Space Cowboys (2000)
I got hit by a car.[JP] 俺は 車に轢かれたって Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien? (2011)
I will back a car over your head 75 times.[JP] ...半径25マイル以内に入ったら 車でお前の頭を75回轢き潰す The Whole Ten Yards (2004)
Three days later she got hit by a car.[JP] 3日後 車に轢かれたわ Forced Perspective (2012)
It's just a fucking dent, Joel.[JP] 誰も轢いてないわ ひどすぎる Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
A little girl got run down, and cops want to know if anybody saw anything.[JP] 女の子が轢かれて 警察が目撃者を捜している Dark Cousin (2012)
I mean, once, I hit a pigeon.[JP] 鳩は 轢いた事あるけど... The Plateau (2010)
She saw me get hit by the express train.[JP] 彼女は急行列車に 轢かれる私を見ていたんです. Source Code (2011)
Should I check the grill to see if there's any children or small animals? I didn't kill anybody![JP] 誰も轢いてないか 車を確かめないと Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
I think we hit something.[JP] 何か轢いた? Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Some would probably drive over it and crush it.[JP] 車で轢きつぶしてしまう人も いるでしょうね Complications (2008)
It could run over you a tram.[JP] 電車に 轢かれるかもしれんし Scarlet Street (1945)
Roll on out style, drive right over 'em.[JP] 奴らを轢き潰し 進むんだ Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
Sorry. Clutch stuck.[JP] ゴメン 轢かれんかった? Jumper (2008)
She got hit by a car.[JP] 轢かれちまったがな Taxi Driver (1976)
Run over the guy around.[JP] 轢き殺せ! Battle Los Angeles (2011)
And the night I killed a child, the night I ran over that little girl in blue, why not that night?[JP] 私が子供を殺した夜 青い服の子を轢いた夜 なぜあの夜じゃなかったの? Dark Cousin (2012)
Then I remembered you had me replace that front fender a few months back when you ran over that deer.[JP] その後、数ヶ月前にフロントフェンダーを 交換してたのを思い出しました。 鹿を轢いたんでしたっけ? Fifty-One (2012)
The guy was pancaked by a bus.[JP] 轢かれたのさ Back to Where You've Never Been (2012)
Because Dirk reversed his car into him![JP] ダークが車で 轢いたからな Pilot (2010)
He backs up... and drives over the child again.[JP] 車に戻って... もう一度 子供を轢くんだ The Memory of a Killer (2003)
Yeah, well, it's Philip's, okay? And he won't let anybody near it. Honestly, I put half a Mars Bar in the glove box once, and he chased me round the garden with a bit of wood.[JP] フィリップのだ 指一本触れるな 俺は轢かれそうになったことがある Shaun of the Dead (2004)
She almost got hit by a car.[JP] 車に轢かれそうに The Vest (2011)
Ok, I got it. Teddy was hit by a truck.[JP] トラックに轢かれたってのは? The Hangover Part II (2011)
It's fucking irresponsible. Could've killed somebody. [ Sighs ] Oh, God.[JP] それに無責任すぎる 誰かを轢いたかもしれない Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
I thought someone ran over you.[JP] 誰かに轢かれたと思いますが Dark Cousin (2012)
A woman and a child... get run over in the street.[JP] 子供連れの女性が... 車に轢かれたとする The Memory of a Killer (2003)
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... while crossing the street.[JP] 轢いた -オイオイ The Watch (2012)
Yeah, I went off the road there when I missed the raccoon.[JP] あらいぐまを轢きそうになったとき 道を間違えたんだな Vacancy (2007)
Crush him.[JP] 轢いちゃえよ The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy, but just the friction between their souls and the outside world.[JP] "彼らの いわゆる情熱は 心の活力でない" "魂と外界との 軋轢なのだ" Stalker (1979)
I saw the best mind of my generation get run down by the drunken taxicab of absolute reality.[JP] 私は 自分の世代の最善の心が 酔っ払いの タクシー運転手という絶対的な現実によって 轢き殺されるのを見た Pilot (2009)
I'm gonna run you over when I come back down.[JP] 車で轢き殺すぞ Jurassic Park (1993)
He made up some ridiculous story about how he was on his way to see me when he was hit by a car.[JP] 作り話をされたわ 来る途中に 車に轢かれたって Pilot (2010)
You reversed into him![JP] お前がバックで轢いた Pilot (2010)
Well, better to kill us than get a little road kill on the car, huh?[JP] そんなの轢いちゃうより 私たちが死ぬほうがよかったの? Vacancy (2007)
- I ran over them.[JP] - 僕が轢いた And Then There Were None (1945)
He should've been hit by a truck.[JP] そんな野郎はね 遅かれ早かれトラックに轢かれて死ぬんだ The Gentle Twelve (1991)


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