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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
走开[zǒu kāi, ㄗㄡˇ ㄎㄞ,   /  ] to go somewhere else; Get out of the way! #13,679 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Get lost![CN] 走开啦! A Christmas Tale (2008)
Enough![CN] 来啊,走开 Clubbed (2008)
Just, you know, just... go.[CN] 只是,你知道的... 走开. The Proposal (2009)
- Go away.[CN] - 走开 Cracks (2009)
Go away![CN] 走开 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
Out of the way![CN] 走开 Yatterman (2009)
Beat it![CN] 走开! Hero Wanted (2008)
- Oh, no.[CN] - l think it's diarrhea. 走开, 我不要你, 爸爸在吗? The Other Woman (2009)
- Stay there![CN] -走开! Goemon (2009)
Tyyne, for the last time, go away.[CN] Tyyne ,最后一次,走开. The Home of Dark Butterflies (2008)
Because if they wanna fight, they best come see me because I'm Black Dynamite.[CN] 他们想来闹事,尽管来找我... ...因为我是黑火药 (别走开,后面还有精彩NG镜头) Black Dynamite (2009)
Leave me alone, please. Just go watch TV or something.[CN] 别烦我, 请你去看电视, 走开 Leave me alone, please. The Other Woman (2009)
Stay there.[CN] 别走开 Clubbed (2008)
- Go...[CN] - 走开... The Proposal (2009)
So why don't you go over there and leave us alone?[CN] 你走开别烦我们吧 500 Days of Summer (2009)
DAway![CN] 走开! Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight (2008)
Go away.[CN] 走开啦 2012 (2009)
Come on, move![CN] 走开呀! Micmacs (2009)
Go away:[CN] 走开 The House Bunny (2008)
Walk away from there![CN] 从那走开 Enter the Void (2009)
Whoever doesn't wanna fight... simply slip away right now, and no one will know you were here?[CN] 就悄悄走开 没人知道你来过 怎么样? Blindness (2008)
- and I walked away.[CN] -然后走开 Definitely, Maybe (2008)
If you don't leave, I shoot![CN] 如果你们不走开我就开枪! Enter the Void (2009)
Go away. Go away.[CN] 走开,走开 The Proposal (2009)
Get out of here![CN] 走开! The Beginning of the End (2008)
Move.[CN] 走开 Vampire Killers (2009)
Go away.[CN] 给我走开 Hancock (2008)
Here's the deal. Turn around and go away.[CN] 我们打个商量,转过头,你走开 The Cell 2 (2009)
What happened to you?[CN] 你怎么了? 多管闲事,走开! Incredible Love (2009)
I will have to run away.[CN] 所以我必须走开 A Christmas Tale (2008)
Down, boy![CN] 走开,小子! 12 Rounds (2009)
Go, go, go...[CN] 走开,走开... The Proposal (2009)
- Go away![CN] - 走开! Meet Kevin Johnson (2008)
Out of the way![CN] 走开 走开 Goemon (2009)
-she's gone, Mack.[CN] - 她走开了,麦克 The Devil's Tomb (2009)
Move, bitch![CN] 走开,混蛋 Funny People (2009)
Now turn around and go. So turn around.[CN] 转身过去,走开 快 The Cell 2 (2009)
Get out of here![CN] 滚出去! 走开! The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
All clear?[CN] 走开? The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
No, get off me![CN] -不,从我走开! Blackout (2008)
But I too , walked away for whit.[CN] 但我也是 , 为一点点事而走开. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
- Nope, thanks for playing, move along.[CN] - 不行,谢谢参与,然后各自走开 He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
Go away! Don't interfere![CN] 走开, 不要碍事 The Chasing World (2008)
- Go away. Go away. - Phillip, stop it![CN] 菲利普 别这样 走开 走开 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
Get away![CN] 走开! Hero Wanted (2008)
I never wanna see you again. - Phillip, stop it.[CN] 走开 我再也不想见到你了 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
Go! For Giuseppe![CN] 走开 这是朱赛佩的 The Maiden and the Wolves (2008)
Go, go. Just let me get a towel.[CN] 走开,让我拿条毛巾. The Proposal (2009)
I said split.[CN] 我让你们走开 Black Dynamite (2009)
Please, I don't want you.[CN] -- 我不要你, 请你走开 - Please, l don't want you. The Other Woman (2009)


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