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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: acrida chinensis
On-yomi: ケイ, キ, kei, ki

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[qì, ㄑㄧˋ, ] (insect); Tryxalis masuta #608,207 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear.[CN] 螣喂 谓蟿蠈蟺喂慰喂 蔚委谓伪喂 伪蟽蠁伪位蔚委蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Repeat.[CN] 螌位伪 蔚谓蟿维尉蔚喂. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I can think of numerous possibilities.[CN] 违蟺维蟻蠂慰蠀谓 蟺慰位位苇蟼 蟺喂胃伪谓蠈蟿畏蟿蔚蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
This ash is killing our coils.[CN] 螚 蟽蟿维蠂蟿畏 蠂伪位维蔚喂 蟿慰蠀蟼 苇位喂魏蔚蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert![CN] 螝伪喂 胃伪 伪未蟻伪谓慰蟺慰喂畏胃蔚委 魏喂 伪蠀蟿蠈蟼 渭伪味委! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I need to beam Spock back to the ship. Give me one way to do it.[CN] 螔蟻蔚委蟿蔚 蟿蟻蠈蟺慰 谓伪 未喂伪魏蟿喂谓委蟽慰蠀渭蔚 蟿慰谓 危蟺慰魏 蟽蟿慰 蟽魏维蠁慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- "Uneventful."[CN] -"螒未喂伪蟿维蟻伪魏蟿畏". Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Do we have use of the transporters?[CN] 螆蠂慰蠀渭蔚 渭蔚蟿伪蠁慰蟻喂魏蠈 渭苇蟽慰; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You ready to swim?[CN] 螆蟿慰喂渭畏 纬喂伪 魏慰位蠉渭蟺喂; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I'll suit up. I'm gonna go down.[CN] 螡蟿蠉谓慰渭伪喂 魏伪喂 魏伪蟿蔚尾伪委谓蠅. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
That's deep space! That's uncharted territory![CN] 危蟿慰 尾伪胃蠉, 伪谓蔚尉蔚蟻蔚蠉谓畏蟿慰 未喂维蟽蟿畏渭伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Think how incredible that's gonna be.[CN] 危魏苇蠄慰蠀 蟿喂 蠀蟺苇蟻慰蠂慰 胃伪 蔚委谓伪喂. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
They're trying to kill us, Jim![CN] 螤维谓蔚 谓伪 渭伪蟼 蟽魏慰蟿蠋蟽慰蠀谓, 韦味喂渭! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Spock, I was kidding.[CN] 危蟺慰魏, 伪蟽蟿蔚喂蔚蠀蠈渭慰蠀谓. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Yes, Lieutenant.[CN] -螠维位喂蟽蟿伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
That would be highly illogical as I am already outfitted...[CN] 螒蠀蟿蠈 胃伪 萎蟿伪谓 蟺伪蟻维位慰纬慰. 螘纬蠋 萎未畏... Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
We have to get him back.[CN] 螤蟻苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蟿慰谓 蟺维蟻慰蠀渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I have no idea, but they were bowing to it.[CN] 螖蔚谓 苇蠂蠅 喂未苇伪, 伪位位维 蟿伪 苇魏伪谓蔚 谓伪 蠀蟺伪魏慰蠉谓蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Is Commander Spock on board, sir?[CN] -螘委谓伪喂 蔚未蠋 慰 螒谓蟿喂蟺位慰委伪蟻蠂慰蟼 危蟺慰魏; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You're talking about an active volcano![CN] 危蔚 蔚谓蔚蟻纬蠈 畏蠁伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Oh, Jim. Come on, let it go.[CN] 螆位伪 蟿蠋蟻伪, 韦味喂渭. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here.[CN] 危蟺慰魏, 渭蟺蔚蟼 渭苇蟽伪, 蔚尉慰蠀未蔚蟿苇蟻蠅蟽蔚 蟿慰 畏蠁伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 魏伪喂 蟺维渭蔚 谓伪 蠁蠉纬慰蠀渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Maybe if we had a direct line of sight. - If we got closer...[CN] 螒谓 蔚委蠂伪渭蔚 慰蟺蟿喂魏萎 蔚蟺伪蠁萎, 伪谓 蟺位畏蟽喂维味伪渭蔚... Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Hey, ladies. Jim Kirk.[CN] 螝慰蟻委蟿蟽喂伪, 蔚委渭伪喂 慰 韦味喂渭 螝蔚蟻魏. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I know what it says! Which is why I'm running through the jungle wearing a disguise![CN] 螕喂' 伪蠀蟿蠈 蔚委渭伪喂 渭蔚蟿伪渭蠁喂蔚蟽渭苇谓慰蟼 蟽蟿畏 味慰蠉纬魏位伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
That was our ride! You just stunned our ride![CN] 螠' 伪蠀蟿蠈 胃伪 未喂伪蠁蔚蠉纬伪渭蔚! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain, I'm ditching the shuttle.[CN] 螘纬魏伪蟿伪位蔚委蟺蠅 蟿慰 蟽魏维蠁慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do?[CN] 螒谓 慰 危蟺慰魏 萎蟿伪谓 蟽蟿畏 胃苇蟽畏 渭慰蠀 魏喂 蔚纬蠋 蟽蟿畏 未喂魏萎 蟿慰蠀, 蟿喂 胃伪 苇魏伪谓蔚; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go![CN] 巍委尉蔚 蟿慰 蟽慰蠉蟺蔚蟻 蟺伪纬维魏喂 魏伪喂 蠁蠉纬伪渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Scotty![CN] 危魏蠈蟿喂! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- We can't just leave him, Sulu![CN] -螖蔚谓 渭蟺慰蟻慰蠉渭蔚 谓伪 蟿慰谓 伪蠁萎蟽慰蠀渭蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
A five-year mission, Spock![CN] 螤蔚谓蟿伪蔚蟿萎蟼 伪蟺慰蟽蟿慰位萎, 危蟺慰魏! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Guys! We have to go! Now![CN] -螤蟻苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蠁蠉纬慰蠀渭蔚, 蟿蠋蟻伪! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
If we're gonna do this, we've got to do it now![CN] 螒谓 蟿慰 魏维谓慰蠀渭蔚, 谓伪 蟿慰 魏维谓慰蠀渭蔚 蟿蠋蟻伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Please notify him that his device has successfully detonated.[CN] 螘谓畏渭蔚蟻蠋蟽蟿蔚 蟿慰谓 蟺蠅蟼 畏 蟽蠀蟽魏蔚蠀萎 蟿慰蠀 蔚魏蟺蠀蟻蟽慰魏蟻蠈蟿畏蟽蔚. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You hear that?[CN] 韦慰 维魏慰蠀蟽蔚蟼 伪蠀蟿蠈; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I told the Captain the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat.[CN] 韦慰 蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 未蔚谓 伪谓蟿苇蠂蔚喂. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
They're trying to kill us![CN] 螤蟻慰蟽蟺伪胃慰蠉谓 谓伪 渭伪蟼 蟽魏慰蟿蠋蟽慰蠀谓! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Ninety seconds to detonations.[CN] 螘谓蔚谓萎谓蟿伪 未蔚蠀蟿蔚蟻蠈位蔚蟺蟿伪 纬喂伪 蟿畏谓 蔚魏蟺蠀蟻蟽慰魏蟻蠈蟿畏蟽畏. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Negative, sir. - Not with these magnetic fields.[CN] 螌蠂喂 渭' 伪蠀蟿维 蟿伪 渭伪纬谓畏蟿喂魏维 蟺蔚未委伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I'll see you in 90 seconds.[CN] 韦伪 位苇渭蔚 蟽蔚 90 未蔚蠀蟿蔚蟻蠈位蔚蟺蟿伪. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I have activated the device, Captain. When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert.[CN] 螠蔚蟿维 蟿畏谓 伪谓蟿委蟽蟿蟻慰蠁畏 渭苇蟿蟻畏蟽畏 蟿慰 畏蠁伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 胃伪 伪未蟻伪谓慰蟺慰喂畏胃蔚委. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain, you let them see our ship.[CN] 螔位苇蟺慰蠀谓 蟿慰 蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 渭伪蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Congratulations, Spock.[CN] 危蠀纬蠂伪蟻畏蟿萎蟻喂伪, 危蟺慰魏. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Spock, we're going back to the Enterprise.[CN] 螘蟺喂蟽蟿蟻苇蠁慰蠀渭蔚 蟽蟿慰 螘谓蟿蔚蟻蟺蟻维喂味. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Captain, did the indigenous life forms see you?[CN] 螤位慰委伪蟻蠂蔚, 蟽伪蟼 蔚委未伪谓 慰喂 伪蠀蟿蠈蠂胃慰谓蔚蟼; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You sure you don't want me to go instead?[CN] 螛苇位蔚蟿蔚 谓伪 蟺维蠅 蔚纬蠋; Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
You've got to make it to the Enterprise on your own.[CN] 螤蟻苇蟺蔚喂 谓伪 蔚蟺喂蟽蟿蟻苇蠄蔚喂蟼 渭蠈谓慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
We have to abandon the shuttle.[CN] 螘纬魏伪蟿伪位蔚委蟺慰蠀渭蔚 蟿慰 蟽魏维蠁慰蟼. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations.[CN] 螚 螏蠄喂蟽蟿畏 螣未畏纬委伪 位苇蔚喂 蠈蟿喂 未蔚谓 渭蟺慰蟻蔚委 谓伪 蠀蟺维蟻尉蔚喂 蟺伪蟻苇渭尾伪蟽畏. 螢苇蟻蠅 蟿喂 位苇蔚喂! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)


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