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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
落花流水[らっかりゅうすい, rakkaryuusui] (n) mutual love; the love one shows to another person being returned [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
First year he had me on the run.[CN] 第一年你杀得我落花流水 The Bodyguard (1992)
They made mince meat out of their opponents.[CN] 他们把对手打得落花流水 Requiem for a Superhero (1993)
If you give me a chance I'm gonna clean their clocks.[CN] 你给我机会,他们会输得落花流水 If you give me a chance I'm gonna clean their clocks. My Blueberry Nights (2007)
Because I'm coming. I'm coming to get you, baby. Fun?[CN] 因为我一定会把他打得落花流水 很好玩吧? Osmosis Jones (2001)
Way to go, John. When they saw you make that attack and win, you put their hearts back into them.[CN] 约翰 干得好 你把他们打得落花流水 The Thin Red Line (1998)
She beat up Parrotfish with just one swing.[CN] 她一抬腿就把 鹦嘴鱼头他们踢得落花流水 My Wife Is a Gangster 3 (2006)
We'll run you... Kawasaki.[CN] 我们会把你打的落花流水... The Ex (2006)
Yeah, I'm gonna beat your ass out there. Right.[CN] 没错,我要在场子里 打得你落花流水 Happy Gilmore (1996)
We catch 'em in a crossfire and send 'em down to see Old Hob.[CN] 我们全力攻击,把他们打得落花流水 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Oh, don't worry, mayor, we'll cut them Indians down to our size.[CN] 哦不要担心 市长 我们会把那些印第安人打得落花流水 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
This woman has humbled, shamed, and disgraced the entire firm.[CN] 此妇人把整间律师楼 打个落花流水,颜面无存 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
- We bashed him good![CN] - 我们把他打得落花流水! Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad (2006)
Well, that about does her. Wraps her all up.[CN] 将对手打个落花流水 The Big Lebowski (1998)
A great party like ours can swallow the likes of Nottola whole.[CN] 我們偉大的政黨可以 將諾托拉一流打得落花流水 Hands Over the City (1963)
He bashed them, clobbered them.[CN] 你哥把他们打得落花流水 Rumble Fish (1983)
He beat Joe Louis' ass.[CN] 他把乔·路易斯打得落花流水! Coming to America (1988)
So, the Cubbies gave your boys a shellacking last night.[CN] 小熊隊昨晚把你們打得落花流水 Unidentified Black Males (2004)
- I really made mincemeat of them.[CN] 我控制军费的计划 me about my controlling defence expenditure 被我驳了个落花流水 I really made mincemeat of them. One of Us (1986)
You're gonna blow 'em out of the water.[CN] 你会打得他们落花流水 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
I know you're gonna kick their butts tonight?[CN] 我知道今晚你一定会把他们 打个落花流水 Mysterious Skin (2004)
F somebody dare bully Mika I would fly over and beat them up.[CN] 发现有伤害美嘉的家伙 我就能打得他们落花流水 Koizora (2007)
C'mon, now.[CN] 小心我打你個落花流水 American Gangster (2007)
Now I'm gonna smoke your ass.[CN] 跟著你的眼光不能移開 我把你打得落花流水 The Deer Hunter (1978)
You could have kicked every single one of those guys' asses.[CN] 你本来可以把他们打个落花流水 Peaceful Warrior (2006)
We've come to rescue our friend, you evil bag of bolts.[CN] 你们死定了 我们一定会把你 打成落花流水 Robots (2005)
We got them out in the open. Really got a twist on them.[CN] 我们把他们赶到了野外 把他们打个落花流水 Gettysburg (1993)
Kin, things are getting hot back here. split![CN] 中坚,后面打得落花流水,你快走 Enter the Phoenix (2004)
I knocked them off their feet[CN] 把他们打得落花流水 I knocked them off their feet My Blueberry Nights (2007)
But I'll end his life yet. He defeated the men I sent.[CN] 这次我一定要干掉他,我的人被他打得落花流水 Out Live (2000)
I started slapping and throwing them everywhere.[CN] 都被我打得落花流水 Rush Hour (1998)
Now that I'm a space samurai, watch me completely crush cowboys left and right![CN] 身为星际武士的我 会把那些牛仔打得落花流水 Cowboy Funk (1999)
- I whipped his ass.[CN] -我把他打的落花流水 Georgia (1995)
Now, I want you to go out there and wipe the ice with their filthy butts![CN] 现在,我要你们过去 把他们打个落花流水! Jack Frost (1998)
- We bashed him so good![CN] - 落花流水! Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad (2006)
- Mash them! Smash them! Kill![CN] 打得他们落花流水 杀杀杀 MASH (1970)
Arthur turned the tide of battle... ..and the Saxons were thrown back from our shores... ..for a time at least.[CN] 亚瑟一人扭转战局... ...把萨克逊人打得落花流水... ...至少短期之内不会再度来犯 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
How about we go out and kick some alien butt?[CN] 去打他们个落花流水 准备好了吗? Space Jam (1996)
Both: Like a Kawasaki.[CN] 打的落花流水 The Ex (2006)
I whipped your ass at pool.[CN] 我在台球桌上把你打了个落花流水 Georgia (1995)
I gotta kick your ass in a game of pool to get back the 2.50 I spent on the wine.[CN] 为了弄回买酒的2.5美金 我要跟你玩撞球 把你打得落花流水 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
The same one that bumped into Miles.[CN] 也是把麦尔打的落花流水的人 Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)
But everything decays, becomes corrupt.[CN] 但一切落花流水春去也 Anima persa (1977)
Han-sell-out is about to have his Han-sell-ass handed to him on a platter with French fried potatoes.[CN] 让他的屁股给打得落花流水 Zoolander (2001)
We clobbered 'em good. Right on the button![CN] 炸得他们落花流水! Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
And he always enjoys the fight, much more than we do.[CN] 打得落花流水 , 比谁都卖力 Once Upon a Time in China III (1992)
The big guy up there tore them a new one. He smited them.[CN] 是上帝把他们打得落花流水 是他让他们不再嚣脏 American Dreamz (2006)
You said we'd tear them a new one and we tore them a new one.[CN] 你说过要把他们打得落花流水 我们是的确做到了 American Dreamz (2006)
The cheese inspectors beat the crap out of us.[CN] 那帮奶酪检验员把我们打得落花流水 Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf...[CN] 怪不得我们在波湾战争 把你们打得落花流水 Confidence Man (2004)
The world is in a chaos[CN] 舊世界打得落花流水 Ordinary Heroes (1999)


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