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空运[kōng yùn, ㄎㄨㄥ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] air transport #21,684 [Add to Longdo]
国际航空运输协会[Guó jì Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huì, ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧˋ ㄏㄤˊ ㄎㄨㄥ ㄩㄣˋ ㄕㄨ ㄒㄧㄝˊ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,         /        ] International Air Transport Association [Add to Longdo]

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All your companies.[CN] 我是特斯拉和SpaceX的忠实粉丝 I'm (SpaceX是Elon Musk创立的美国太空运输公司) The Platonic Permutation (2015)
They fly the bulbs in straight from Holland, 20 dollars for a whole bunch.[CN] 他们的花苞是直接从荷兰空运来的,这一整束20块 Carnage (2011)
Some of these were flown to Berlin and paraded before Hitler.[CN] 其中一些人被空运到柏林 并在希特勒面前被检阅. Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
Why not airlift him out?[CN] 为什么不把他空运出来? Sniper: Reloaded (2011)
Do you remember taking a customer-service call about a bride whose bridesmaids' dresses showed up in gray, and we had the vendor remake them overnight and put them on a plane?[CN] 妳记得接过一通客服电话 有个新娘的伴娘礼服都送成灰色 我们要厂商连夜重做再空运? The Intern (2015)
Small matter of air priority.[CN] 你很难弄到空运优先权 Part III (1988)
We'll also take a look at the prices for air transport, which is usually determined by the victim's weight.[CN] 我们再看看航空运输的费用 费用根据死者体重而定 Futuro Beach (2014)
Would a refund still be possible?[CN] 是空运来的 Senden no rûru (2015)
In spite of heavy losses, they gained a foothold on a vital airfield, Maleme, which meant that more troops could be flown in.[CN] 尽管损失惨重, 他们在一个重要机场, 马拉马(机场), 取得了落脚点 这意味着更多的部队可以空运进来 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
He goes back to Waco in the morning, in a chartered plane.[CN] 他的遗体早晨空运回韦科市,用专机 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
I mean, even if they can't knock that wall down, they can still airlift her out of here.[CN] 就算他们不能拆除那面墙 也能把她空运出去 Pilot (2013)
Newton's Principia, Volume One:[CN] 我现在在想象 那个球是在外太空运动 而且 Einstein: Chapter One (2017)
So, this shipment was airlifted to Kandahar?[CN] 所以这些货物是空运到坎大哈的吗 River Euphrates (2013)
Keep trying.[CN] 我们需要空运 但我联系不上基地 Spectral (2016)
Versailles forbade Germany an air force, so the League for Air Sports used gliders to train men, still officially civilians, for the future Luffwaffe.[CN] 凡尔赛条约禁止德国拥有空军, 所以"航空运动联盟"用滑翔机 来训练按官方说法仍然是平民的人, 为了未来的德国空军. A New Germany: 1933-1939 (1973)
[ Newscaster ] ... we are now receiving reports from Niihau Hawaii, where a ring of volcanoes have risen from the ocean, endangering air traffic and local population...[CN] [ 新闻主播 ] ...我们现在收到的报告 从尼豪岛夏威夷, 其中火山环有 从海洋上升, 危及航空运输和 当地居民... Apocalypse Pompeii (2014)
Our beef especially flown in from Jin-Men Island.[CN] 我的牛肉是从金门空运过来 上好的黄牛肉来做牛排 Night Market Hero (2011)
Chopper 2. We are airborne.[CN] 斧头2号我们在空运 Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
After months of fighting small, frustrating skirmishes, us forces are preparing to launch their first major assault against 200 north vietnamese soldiers using an experimental new tactic, air mobility.[CN] 加入后几个月内都是一些零星的战斗 美军最终参与了那200名越共的行动计划 并将使用全新的方法来空运士兵 Vietnam in HD (2011)
My old man never had time for sports.[CN] 我老爹从来没空运动 My old man never had time for sports. Church in Ruins (2015)
My employees gave it to me... on the tenth anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.[CN] 是我的员工们在柏林空运 十周年纪念日送我的 One, Two, Three (1961)
They have to fly in everything they'll need for a month of living on the frozen ocean.[CN] 一个月在海冰上生活所需的一切 都要空运过去 Autumn (2011)
They fly it all the way in from New York.[CN] 那都是从纽约空运过来的 Save the Tiger (1973)
We were supposed to ship 200 million to Kandahar that never even made it on a plane.[CN] 我们本应空运到坎大哈两亿的货物 但那些货物根本没上飞机 River Euphrates (2013)
Göring, a few months later, claimed that his aircraft could supply the Eastern Front even when a whole army was cut oft at Stalingrad.[CN] 戈林, 几个月后, 宣称他的飞机能为东线空运补给 甚至当一整支集团军在斯大林格勒被包围 Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
Since 9/11 you can't fly anything' into America anymore.[CN] 自从911恐怖袭击事件后往美国空运什么的太难了 The Art of the Steal (2013)
In 1956, you flew a bottle of Coke... to a secret laboratory in Sverdlovsk.[CN] 1956年,你们空运了一瓶可口可乐 到斯维尔德洛夫斯克的一个秘密实验室 One, Two, Three (1961)
for redistribution.[CN] 然后被空运回美国 Before being flown back to the U. Whack-A-Mole (2014)
They flew the book from Europe to Canada.[CN] 他们把书从欧洲空运至加拿大 The Art of the Steal (2013)
Sacks is airborne![CN] 麻布袋是空运的! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
You gotta send some kind of chopper or something, airlift us the fuck out of here![CN] 你要发送某种 斩波器或东西, 我们空运 他妈的离开这里! Hatchet III (2013)
Meanwhile, the division's 3rd Brigade had begun arriving from Hawaii by airlift.[CN] 播音员: 同时, 该师第3旅 已经开始从夏威夷到达 通过空运。 Murph: The Protector (2013)
I'll need a ride to N.A.T.S. At 2130.[CN] 九点半我要开车去海军航空运输站 Part III (1988)
FLIES THE ORGAN TO SHANGHAI[CN] 把器官空运到上海 Death by China (2012)
I've had the body flown down here.[CN] 我已要求他们把尸体空运过来 Trou Normand (2013)
I have the manifest to every plane, every weapon we flew in, every asset we flew out.[CN] 我记录了每一架飞机 我们运送的所有武器 空运出的每一笔货 The Gunman (2015)
Off of two cia operatives in upstate new york. My guess is they'll try to secure air transport back to headquarters.[CN] 我猜他们会空运回总部 The Next Seduction (2011)
I'll have ice flown in, I'll get you Champagne.[CN] 我说我会让你参加社交的 还要空运一些冰块来 弄些香槟 Water (1985)
They airlifted him here because we have got the best trauma...[CN] 他被空运过来 因为我们有最好的医疗... Tragic Kingdom (2015)
With the Second Army linking up, the men of the Airborne can afford to relax a little.[CN] 与联编的第二个陆军在一起在, 上面男人 空运者能负担稍微放松。 How I Won the War (1967)
They had left of airplane and they had been supplied for by airmail.[CN] 他们空运进去 并再次从空中获取补给 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
But each textured pebble, each grain of white sand... was transported and reassembled here exactly in place... by a team of some of our more obsessive patients.[CN] 每一块纹理鹅卵石 每一粒白色的沙子 都被空运过来 并按原样组装 由我们医院的一群强迫症病患完成 Inherent Vice (2014)
and flown in from the valle del Sarno this very morning.[CN] 在最佳采摘期摘的 今天上午才由意大利产地萨尔诺 空运来的 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta! (2012)
Let's see now.[CN] 你看 得加上航空运费 Rear Window (1954)
Exactly, but you don't need a permit to drive them.[CN] 不,我想要批文 空运去伊拉克 War Dogs (2016)
We need an airlift within the hour.[CN] 我们需要在一小时内的空运。 Mandrake (2010)
Then to the shipping, not by ship but by air, of course.[CN] 然后装运 当然不是航运 是空运 The Eichmann Show (2015)
His wife was rumored to bathe in milk while the shah had his lunches flown in by Concorde from Paris.[CN] 据说他妻子用牛奶来浸浴 沙赫的午餐由协和飞机 从巴黎空运过来 Argo (2012)
Yes, yes![CN] 是从法国空运进口的 Senden no rûru (2015)


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