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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
穴が開く;穴が空く;穴があく[あながあく, anagaaku] (exp, v5k) to have a hole; to be pierced (with a hole) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Our explosion could punch right through to the stairwell or it could collapse the ceiling and bury the hall in rubble.[JP] 爆発で穴が開くか 天井が崩壊するかだ Journey to Xibalba (2013)
I know what it's like to have a hole in my life.[JP] 人生に穴が開く気持ち 分かるわ Neither Here Nor There (2011)
Hole in the roof says bomb in the car.[JP] 車のルーフに穴が開くのは 車の中に爆弾がある場合だが Black-Winged Redbird (2013)
Stefan lookayed deep into her eyes, piercing her very soul.[JP] 奥まで覗き込んでたわ 心に穴が開くほど Pilot (2009)
That crap's gonna eat through the hull.[JP] 床に穴が開くぞ Alien (1979)
Because it will be our fault if we turn this thing on and blow a hole in Central City.[JP] この装置を起動すれば セントラルシティに大穴が開く The Sound and the Fury (2015)
That's right, missy.[JP] 風穴が開く... The Last Samurai (2003)
And that, by destroying one of the towers, we'll temporarily disrupt the grid, allowing your ship a window for entry. Correct.[JP] タワーを1つ壊せば 船が通れる穴が開く The Pickett Line (2013)


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