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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
称心[chèn xīn, ㄔㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄣ,   /  ] satisfactory; agreeable #36,446 [Add to Longdo]
称心如意[chèn xīn rú yì, ㄔㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄖㄨˊ ㄧˋ,     /    ] very gratifying and satisfactory; in accord with one's wishes #44,933 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's still decent, Mom.[CN] 现在也是称心的啊,妈妈 The Christmas Picture (1999)
Be satisfied?[CN] # # 称心如意? Hardbodies (1984)
My man is satisfied. He's got no cause for complaints.[CN] 我的男人称心如意 他无可指摘 Clueless (1995)
Maybe that's the happiest now[CN] 可能现在是我们最称心的时候 Early Summer (1951)
-l won't give you the satisfaction.[CN] -我不会让你称心如意的 Dragon Wars: D-War (2007)
And I'm not about to let her get it.[CN] 我可不想让她称心如意 London Calling (2011)
Thank you thank you for making my life just perfect[CN] 谢了 谢谢你让我称心如意! The Beach (2000)
(Monty) She's gonna set this place on firel[CN] (蒙特) 她想把这屋子弄着火了才称心 A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
Things just worked out exactly how they're supposed to, didn't they?[CN] 一切称心如意,对吧? This Means War (2012)
It's not gonna just happen to make things nice for us.[CN] 事情不会那样 让我们称心如意的 Body Heat (1981)
Your ideas?[CN] 你以为这场战争会让你称心如意 Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Never. I wouldn't give her that pleasure.[CN] 不行,我不会让她称心如意 Death Mask (2007)
God be my witness, he got another thing coming.[CN] 我发誓,我不会让他称心如意 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
She said they had prepared very carefully for this party.[CN] 说是为了今天这个场合称心诚意准备的 Empire of Lust (2015)
You got a nice job.[CN] 你工作称心 Deliverance (1972)
Don't give them the satisfaction.[CN] 别让他们称心 Sleepers (1996)
No, no! You'll never get away with this, Kitty![CN] 不不 我不会让你称心如意的 珍珠猫 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
- Enjoy your stay, sir.[CN] - 祝您住得称心 先生 The Tourist (2010)
Most unfortunate for him, but most fortunate for you... because this desirable residence is now empty.[CN] 是他的大不幸 但是你们的大幸... ...因为这称心豪宅现在空出来了 Deadlier Than the Male (1967)
I take some amusement in denying you and your donuts that pleasure.[CN] 我爽,偏不让你称心如意 Lonely Hearts (2006)
we'd imagine that we'd be living in a state of extraordinary social harmony and everything would be rosy.[CN] 我们一定会以为自己生活在 社会无比和谐的国度 一切都会称心如意 Four Horsemen (2012)
To think that you can control yourself and others.[CN] 你以为自己和别人都会称心如愿 Paprika (2006)
Why do you give them the satisfaction?[CN] 你干嘛让他们称心如意? Raging Bull (1980)
Let me get Franco. I'll get out of your hair.[CN] 让我见弗朗克 我会让你称心如意的. Gracie's Choice (2004)
I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of seeing how much it hurts."[CN] 我不要让他称心如意 Truth (2015)
The previous occupants have always found it most agreeable.[CN] 前房客总是觉得这房间最称心如意 The previous occupants have always found it most agreeable. The City of the Dead (1960)
I couldn't give her the satisfaction.[CN] 我不能让她称心如意 All the Little Animals (1998)
Attends the needs of all mankind Of such a world, I dream[CN] 全世界的人类都能称心如意 这就是我梦想的世界 That's What I Am (2011)
Fuck if I'm gonna help you do that.[CN] 我才不会让你称心如意呢 Erin Brockovich (2000)
You finally got me a decent present--[CN] 你好不容易送我一份称心的礼物... The Christmas Picture (1999)
Be satisfied?[CN] 称心如意? # Hardbodies (1984)
Be satisfied?[CN] # 称心如意? Hardbodies (1984)
Smith, the universe is finally smiling on you And everything is going your way[CN] 史密斯 大学终于微笑地接纳你 一切都称心如意 Kaboom (2010)
That I couldn't hope to please you as I am now.[CN] 我如今这样已经不能让你称心了 That I couldn't hope to please you as I am now. Episode #6.1 (2015)
She's gonna love this.[CN] 等他告诉卡洛琳, 她会大发雷霆 but l'm expecting a hysterical phone call from Carolyn as soon as he tells her. 艾蜜莉亚又搞砸了, 她称心如意了 She's gonna love this. The Other Woman (2009)
So, now that you have what you want, let's talk about how I get what I want.[CN] 你们称心如意了... 来谈谈我的条件 Traffic (2000)
Of course, mine never worked a day in her life.[CN] 当然,我一天都没有 让她称心过 Par Avion (2007)
Evelyn and I would like to wish the two ofyou all the love and luck in the world.[CN] 我和伊芙琳祝愿你们... Evelyn and I would like to wish the two of you... 幸福美满 称心如意 all the love and luck in the world. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
I can see it in his eyes.[CN] 我才不会让他称心如意呢 Ladyhawke (1985)
Not till Monday, my dear son, which is hence a just seven-night... and a time too brief, too, to have all things answer my mind.[CN] 还是等到星期一吧,贤婿前后也不过7天... ... 要把一切事情办得都称心,这几天日子还嫌太局促了些 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
When will you be satisfied?[CN] # 何时你会称心如意? Hardbodies (1984)
And give the bastards the satisfaction?[CN] 让那些混蛋称心满意? The Eichmann Show (2015)
I was hoping someone would say I'll never get away with this.[CN] 噢 我总是期待有个人能对我说 "我不会让你称心如意的" Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
Nobody cares, and I'm racking my brains about a present to Borovskikh.[CN] 送礼的事谁都不关系, 就我一个人冥思苦想 给保罗格夫斯基送点 什么才能让他称心如意呢? 我倒看中一匹铜马 Office Romance (1977)
So you got everything you wanted.[CN] 你称心如意了吧 开心了吧 So you got everything you wanted. Hearts in Atlantis (2001)
What's wrong with our party?[CN] 我们的聚会哪里不称心? What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969)
And my Jane, marrying so grand, must throw her sisters in the way.[CN] 再其次,我的吉英能攀得这么称心如意的姻缘 那么,她的妹妹们也就有希望碰上别的阔少 Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Well, you have a nice trip, wicked Uncle Andrew.[CN] 这一趟你会称心如意的 狡猾的安德鲁大叔 Death on the Nile (1978)
What about THAT desirable residence?[CN] 那称心豪宅如何? Deadlier Than the Male (1967)


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