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申诉[shēn sù, ㄕㄣ ㄙㄨˋ,   /  ] to appeal (to sb) #11,647 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
In exchange, he sells them uniforms signifying nothing, with the profits being used to fund his appeal.[CN] 作为交换 他卖给他们没有任何意义的制服 得到的收入被用于支持他的申诉 White Horse Pike (2013)
You have to appeal. That's very complicated.[CN] 现在要申诉的话非常不容易 Paris à tout prix (2013)
Our case can be made that she feels to exhaust your state's appeal.[CN] 我们可以采用到州法院申诉的方式 Our case can be made that she feels to exhaust your state's appeal. The Trials of Cate McCall (2013)
Turn the preliminary hearing into a poor man's deposition, get the prosecution to show their hand?[CN] 把预审调查 变成无辜者的申诉 让公诉方投降? Feeding the Rat (2011)
If you spoke to the fia or the organizers and you said, "this is really very dangerous,"[CN] 如果你向国际汽联或者赛事组织者申诉 你提出"这真的非常非常危险" 1 (2013)
His argument was that the mortgage contract required both parties, being he and the bank, each put up a legitimate form of property for the exchange.[CN] 他的申诉宣称,抵押合同需要双方, 也就是他和银行, 提供财产的合法形式作为交换. Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
I want full refutation of the charges.[CN] 我要申诉所有的罪名 The Tower (2013)
When I talk, people like you hear me.[CN] 我站出来申诉的时候 像你这样的人懂得倾听 Do No Harm (2009)
You have a problem with that, you take it up with the Supreme Court.[CN] 要是你有异议 请向最高法院申诉 Hybristophilia (2010)
The man wrote 78 pages to fight a speeding ticket.[CN] 那家伙连超速罚单都要写78页的报告申诉 No Good Deed (2012)
So, Saul, is there any change that I can appeal on my termination?[CN] Saul 情况是否有变化呢 我可以对撤职提出申诉吗 Marine One (2011)
So am I supposed to worry they're still asking for $8 million?[CN] 我还得担心 他们提出800万美金的申诉吗? Cleaning House (2010)
I'm going to file a complaint. I'll be right back.[CN] 我要去申诉, 马上回来 The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
No decent lawyer would even file the pleadings.[CN] 好点的律师甚至都不会递交申诉 The Next Three Days (2010)
I was on a judicial panel studying the mainstreaming of gender in the military, and there was a speaker who had an issue our panel could not address.[CN] 我参加了一个专案审判组 主审关于军队性别主流化的案件 但有个申诉者的问题 The Art of War (2012)
And you'll read our complaint?[CN] 你会看我们的申诉吗 Boom De Yah Da (2013)
The defense is using this as a poor man's deposition, to get a preview of our case.[CN] 辩方却弄得像无辜者申诉似的 为的就是提前知道我们的部署 Feeding the Rat (2011)
No. But you just said "nolo contendere."[CN] 没有 不过你刚才说了"无罪申诉" Black Cherry (2012)
This is an automatic process intended to encourage the free exchange of grievances, and a presentation of witnesses and exhibits.[CN] 现在是旨在鼓励双方自由交换申诉意见的 自动程序 可以呈上人证物证 In Sickness (2011)
- from appealing to the vatican against any decision made here.[CN] 向梵蒂冈对此申诉裁决结果的反诉 From appealing to the Vatican against any decision made here. Checkmate (2008)
When the parents groups came after us, you're the one they pointed to.[CN] 那次亲自组织找我们申诉 就是为了反对你 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
During the death row appeal, you said you wanted to talk about something.[CN] 死刑申诉案那会 你说你有事想谈 Two Courts (2011)
he fought to get a speeding ticket off his record?[CN] 他居然为了超速指控去申诉 No Good Deed (2012)
- If you'd like to file an appeal...[CN] 如果你想申诉 可以联系... Open House (2011)
Are you saying that you will not stand beside me as I plead my case?[CN] 你是说 在我申诉的时候 你不会在我旁边? The Excelsior Acquisition (2010)
Do you wish to make a formal complaint on behalf of your son?[CN] 你要代表你儿子提出正式的申诉吗? The Tower (2013)
You withdraw your claim, or we will suspender him and force him to incriminate you and Mr. Terry.[CN] 你收回申诉 否则我们将停他的职 逼迫他控告你和特里先生 Redbelt (2008)
Hold me in contempt. And I will refer this to the judicial conduct committee for immediate action.[CN] 那你就告吧 我会立刻向法庭公正委员会提起申诉 Taking Control (2010)
They have an appointment with somebody at the Holy See to hear their complaint.[CN] 宗室的某人和他们有约 聆听他们的申诉 Deliver Us from Evil (2006)
If Patti looks at her partnership agreement, she'll see grievances must proceed through automatic arbitration.[CN] 你现在有时间吗 如果帕蒂看看她的合伙人协议 就会看到申诉首先必须经过 In Sickness (2011)
Ma'am, would you like to file a complaint?[CN] 女士 请问您要提出申诉吗 Parental Guidance (2012)
I was here going through our appeal, and I was just wondering, uh, which section you were referring to.[CN] 我正在审核我方申诉 我想问下... 您指的是哪个部分 Nine Hours (2010)
Nolo contendere, Detective.[CN] 无罪申诉 警探 Black Cherry (2012)
Perhaps you should write a letter to boxing monthly.[CN] 建议你每周写信给拳击协会申诉 Rigged (2008)
As you can see from these grievance reports, [CN] 从这些申诉报告中你可以看到 In Sickness (2011)
You filed the final habeas petition for Carter Wright last night, correct?[CN] 你昨晚提交了Carter Wright的 最终人身权申诉书 对吧 Nine Hours (2010)
-Fuck your complaint![CN] 去你的申诉! The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
Listen, we are going to start making demands, and our first demand is going to be long trousers.[CN] 听着 我们得提出申诉 头一个要求就是发长裤 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)
Which means, I take it, that the act prohibits the hearing of the king's nullity suit by the pope.[CN] 我想那意味着 Which means, I take it, 法案阻止了 That the act prohibits the hearing of 教皇对国王企图使婚姻无效申诉的裁决权 the King's nullity suit by the Pope. Checkmate (2008)
We'll appeal against it.[CN] 我们去申诉 Novemberkind (2008)
Bailor hasn't gotten back to me yet about your appeal.[CN] 委托人还没回复你的申诉 Clawback (2011)
A neighbor filed a complaint so it was either clip the cords or put Curly down.[CN] 邻居提出申诉 我们不帮它剪声带,柯利就会被扑杀 Grown Ups (2010)
You have to file a complaint with the public prosecutor, adding the victim's medical file obtained from the doctor in question, and a letter justifying the complaint, why you want the kidney back.[CN] 你们要去公检机关申诉 带上受害者的病例 责任医生写的那本 Vive la France (2013)
Only one charge on his record, and peck had that expunged.[CN] 煎绿茶 只有一个指控记录 佩克申诉撤销了 No Good Deed (2012)
I was helping someone who had dropped their ring in the pool.[CN] 我去处理戒指掉进泳池里的申诉 The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013)
I will find someone to file the pleadings.[CN] 我会找到人提交申诉的 The Next Three Days (2010)
If it were, you can appeal. So I became a guarantor of your loan.[CN] 原本可以申诉的却让我搞砸了 所以我去帮你当贷款的保证人 My Awkward Sexual Adventure (2012)
- Yes, if he wins the appeal.[CN] 是的 如果赢了申诉的话 Bad (2010)
To file a complaint![CN] 我要申诉你, 等着瞧 The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
Uh, well, I was going through our appeal...[CN] - 我看过了我们的申诉... Nine Hours (2010)


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