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环岛[huán dǎo, ㄏㄨㄢˊ ㄉㄠˇ,   /  ] roundabout (traffic circle) #21,657 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There are more than 7, 000 individuals on Fernandina alone.[CN] 然而环岛的海中却孕育着丰富的生命 Islands (2016)
What do you think of your trip around the coast?[CN] 你们对这趟环岛旅程有什么感想吗 Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (2012)
They're back! They've come from the trip![CN] 回来了 回来了 环岛回来了 Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (2012)
I will take you on the ride, honey.[CN] 好 我载你去环岛 Go Grandriders (2012)
Touring the island together.[CN] 而且 还一块地环岛旅游 Go Grandriders (2012)
-Sir.[CN] 给我环岛路四面的监控录像,嘿查理,刷新一下显示屏 Criminal (2016)
I was wondering perhaps if you'd like to take a trip round the island.[CN] 我在想,如果你会 环岛之旅。 Turks & Caicos (2014)
But we have the will, and will is power.[CN] 想要环岛绝对是好的 Go Grandriders (2012)
We go everywhere on our motorbikes.[CN] 环岛就是从头到尾 Go Grandriders (2012)
I'm sorry, I was around the island, I just...[CN] 抱歉 我去环岛一游了 我... Mamma Mia! (2008)
I'm exploring.[CN] 我在环岛旅行,探险 All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001)
I always wanted to travel around the island.[CN] 骑摩托车我一定要环岛一趟 结果三十多年来 Go Grandriders (2012)
Waterloo Road, Stanford Street and Waterloo Bridge.[CN] 我们在桥上失去了他的踪迹,但他在环岛路上只有三个去向 Criminal (2016)
I'm 8O now and I'll do it for sure.[CN] 我八十岁一定再带你环岛 Go Grandriders (2012)
We're gonna ride around Taiwan's coastline[CN] 我们要去环岛 When Love Comes (2010)
I always took her on rides around Taiwan.[CN] 我都载她去环岛 Go Grandriders (2012)
It grows and flowers in vast meadows in clear water surrounding islands and along the shore of the mainland.[CN] 它生长开花 于环岛清澈的海水中 以及大陆海岸 Reef to Rainforest (2012)
The list was on it.[CN] 两个小时前 一伙不知名的人从副局长Rovick Two hours ago, unknown persons stole the hard drive 位于杜邦环岛的家中偷走了那张硬盘 from Deputy Director Rovick's home in Dupont Circle. Undercover! (2016)
I feel the trip around the coast means a lot to us.[CN] 这次环岛回来齁 我感觉很有意义 Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (2012)
Grandpa heard you ride a bicycle to travel around the island highway and fell on the car very powerful it me your grandfather Mile bold dare you really Tucao me ?[CN] 阿公 听说你骑脚踏车去环岛旅行 上省道就摔车 很厉害呢 A ma de meng zhong qing ren (2013)
I've been thinking of taking you on another trip.[CN] 有在想说再带你环岛一次 Go Grandriders (2012)
You get lost on the ring road again?[CN] 又在环岛公路上迷路了? The World's End (2013)
I want to get a boat so we can, like, go around the island and get some killer secret spots.[CN] 我想要有艘船能环岛 找到一些秘密点 Blue Crush (2002)
I actually think to take you around the island to travel to Grandma[CN] 我其实是想到要带你阿嬷去环岛旅行 A ma de meng zhong qing ren (2013)
I played Egga, the cleaning lady, in Hedda Gabler at the Roundabout.[CN] 我在环岛的"海达盖博乐"里演过清洁女工 (一部以剧中人物名命名的戏剧) Synecdoche, New York (2008)
We're gonna sail around the island. You wanna come?[CN] 我们正要环岛一游 一起来吗? Mamma Mia! (2008)
- Up to the roundabout...[CN] -走到环岛... Under the Skin (2013)
No, I saw you do Bernarda Alba last year at the Roundabout.[CN] 我看过你去年在环岛中扮演的伯纳德. 阿尔巴 Synecdoche, New York (2008)
All right, if you do have a victim, have them respond to this location... north end of Dupont Circle.[CN] 好吧 如果有受害者出现 让他们呼叫这里 这里是杜邦环岛的北端 Pilot (2013)
It would honour us greatly if you would take second exit off roundabout.[CN] 这将兑现我们大大 如果你将采取第二个出口 关环岛。 The Harry Hill Movie (2013)
How long will we keep doing this'?[CN] 我们环岛 还能给你载多久 Go Grandriders (2012)
play after fixing set you ride around the island[CN] 戏杀青之后 骑车载你环岛 A ma de meng zhong qing ren (2013)
On a tour tomorrow.[CN] 要环岛 保佑 Go Grandriders (2012)
And go straight through a roundabout.[CN] 过环岛直行 Under the Skin (2013)
There's a traffic cam near Dupont circle.[CN] 杜邦环岛附近有个交通摄像头 Wrath (2012)
Some of these could be fairies turned to stone, like the ones in the roundabout.[CN] 这些应该也是石化了的精灵, 跟之前在环岛下面看见的一样。 Song of the Sea (2014)
I've accomplished my dream of touring around the island.[CN] 梦想是环岛 完成了 Go Grandriders (2012)
- Yeah, of course... You know what, actually, we could, we could hire a sailboat and go around the boot, if you want to.[CN] 好,我们包船去环岛一周 To Rome with Love (2012)
I have already thought about taking her around the island.[CN] 这回不是因为弘道环岛 Go Grandriders (2012)


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