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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
犹他[Yóu tā, ㄧㄡˊ ㄊㄚ,  ] Utah #56,130 [Add to Longdo]
犹他[Yóu tā, ㄧㄡˊ ㄊㄚ,   /  ] Utah #56,130 [Add to Longdo]
犹他州[Yóu tā zhōu, ㄧㄡˊ ㄊㄚ ㄓㄡ,    /   ] Utah #58,257 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Special Agent Utah. I knew I could count on you.[CN] 特勤员犹他 我就知道我能信任你的 Point Break (1991)
God, Utah![CN] 5英尺6英寸,119磅 老天,犹他 Point Break (1991)
The engineer and fireman of the train, injured during the raid and the guards who were rendered unconscious by the gas fumes have all been released from the hospital at Vandervere, Utah.[CN] 在抢劫期间,受伤的火车司机和消防员.. ...及因瓦斯中毒而昏迷的守卫人员... ...都已经从犹他州的 Vandervere, 医院出院 Plunder Road (1957)
What the fuck, Utah?[CN] 搞什么,犹他? Point Break (1991)
Right here.[CN] 再说一次 的确如此 但犹他州有更高的贷存比 Expenses (2017)
Let's go, Utah.[CN] 我们走,犹他 Point Break (1991)
No, not that.[CN] 不 不是那个 那是犹他的说法 摩门教的说法 我不喜欢 乔 No, not that. Millennium Approaches: Bad News (2003)
I want to go to college really.[CN] 名字是凶残领土 地点在犹他州的绿河 After Porn Ends 2 (2017)
Special Agent Utah, are you receiving my signal?[CN] 犹他特勤员 听懂我说的没? Point Break (1991)
No - they're made by contractors, Morton Thiokol in Utah.[CN] 是由在犹他州的承包商莫顿. 赛沃科公司承制 The Challenger Disaster (2013)
And on Utah, by the end of the day, the Americans were doing well.[CN] 而在"犹他"滩头, 到D日结束的时候, 美国人进展顺利 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
From west to east, Utah and Omaha waited for the Americans.[CN] 由西向东, "犹他"和"奥马哈" (滩头)等待着美国人(的进攻) Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
I was in Utah but now I'm here and I'll be right back![CN] 我去了犹他州了, 现在回到这里了. 我马上回来. Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Hey, Utah![CN] 犹他 Point Break (2015)
Hey, we got to find more stuff to bring back.[CN] (1912年,犹他州) 我们得找到其他的东西 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
All food groups, avoiding caffeine, sugar?[CN] 犹他长官? 各种食物 避免咖啡因,糖 Point Break (1991)
He grew up in the heaven's mission cult compound In southern utah.[CN] 在犹他南部一个邪教组织里长大 The Witness (2015)
Not a problem. We're behind schedule.[CN] 我在犹他州脱不开身,一点个人事务 Morgan (2016)
I'm gonna go to jail and I'll pay, and Johnny Utah gets his guy.[CN] 我将坐牢,我将付出代价 而强尼犹他 逮到了他的犯人 Point Break (1991)
Utah.[CN] 犹他州 Otis (2006)
Johnny Utah.[CN] 强尼犹他 Point Break (1991)
D'you understand! Understand the rights I've just read you, Utah? ![CN] 你明白你的权利吗,犹他 Point Break (1991)
Mr. President. Mr. President.[CN] 我们在佐治亚州完成了我们要做的事 我们今天要去亚利桑那州 然后去犹他州 Chapter 49 (2016)
We've had our eye on you, Mr. Wallace.[CN] 由于一场保护隐私的示威升级成了 Expelled at 17 after a privacy protest 入侵国安局"犹他数据中心" escalated into illegally 你被麻省理工开除 accessing NSA's Utah Data Center. Everybody Runs (2015)
Utah.[CN] 犹他州 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
Hey! My name's Johnny Utah![CN] 我叫强尼犹他 Point Break (1991)
This is Johnny Utah, Ohio State Buckeyes, all conference.[CN] 他是强尼犹他 俄亥俄州的联盟大将 记得吗? Point Break (1991)
I think we're gonna need to check that.[CN] 但联邦存款保险公司在犹他州的要求不同 Expenses (2017)
I imagine your victims grew tired of your abuse back in Utah.[CN] 我想你在犹他州侵犯的受害者 也一定厌倦了你的虐待 Natural Born Storyteller (2015)
I just wanna go to Utah with Dad.[CN] 我只想去犹他和爸爸。 Slaughter of the Innocents (1993)
Utah, repeat, say again.[CN] 犹他,再说一遍 Point Break (1991)
Here's what I'm actually gonna do:[CN] 因为你看起来就像弗莱迪在和犹他州地图颜交过的样子 'Cause you look like Freddy Krueger face 弗莱迪是能在人们睡梦中杀人的恶魔 是美国恐怖电影《猛鬼街》的大反派 Deadpool (2016)
Cullen, this is Utah.[CN] 卡伦,我是犹他 Point Break (1991)
Special Agent Utah, I'd like you to meet Agent Dietz.[CN] 妈的犹他探员 我为你介绍迪兹探员 Point Break (1991)
- You gonna be in Telluride this year? - Probably in Park City.[CN] 特柳赖德在科罗拉多州 帕克城在犹他州 The Player (1992)
Jesus Christ! Johnny fuckin' Utah! Sorry, man.[CN] 幸会 老天,强尼犹他,对不起 Point Break (1991)
Special Agent John Utah, day number one in LA.[CN] 凯萨琳贝基洛 强尼犹他特勤员 Point Break (1991)
Do you understand these rights I've just given you, Utah?[CN] 你知道这些权利吗 犹他? Point Break (1991)
There's an occluded front stalled over the Dakotas, backed up all the way to Utah.[CN] 有一道冷锋在达科他上 一直伸展至犹他 Airplane! (1980)
100%, Utah![CN] 完全命中,犹他 Point Break (1991)
D'you know how we nail the bad guys, Utah?[CN] 你知道我们抓到 多少坏人? 犹他 知道我们如何逮他们? Point Break (1991)
- Piedmont, Utah. It's an old mining town.[CN] 犹他州皮埃蒙特, 一个采矿的老镇 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
She is a wild one, isn't she, Special Agent Utah?[CN] 她很野,对不对? 犹他特勤员? Point Break (1991)
Special Agent Utah, this is not some job flipping burgers at the local drive-in![CN] 犹他特勤员 这不是在本地 快得利煎汉堡 Point Break (1991)
Maybe it was Utah.[CN] 也许是犹他州 Raising Arizona (1987)
No, no. State of Utah.[CN] 不,不是的,是犹他州 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Not bad, Utah![CN] 不赖,犹他 Point Break (1991)
Utah? Get me two.[CN] 犹他,帮我买两份 Point Break (1991)
- Cracking skulls?[CN] 犹他的郊区 Ghost Rider: Lockup (2016)
Pork Bend, Utah. Wampum, Pennsylvania.[CN] 犹他州波切本 宾夕凡尼亚的旺普 Platoon (1986)


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