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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
满月[mǎn yuè, ㄇㄢˇ ㄩㄝˋ,   / 滿 ] full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday #22,119 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well your father is expecting you at the village by the next full moon[CN] 你父亲希望你再下个满月之时回到村子里去
I shall go to the land of the Vikings, and bring back Justforkix, before the next full moon.[CN] 我将去维京海盗的地盘... 在下个满月之前把佳佛力带回来 Asterix and the Vikings (2006)
And what happens on the tenth moon?[CN] - 第十个满月又能怎样? Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard (2009)
It's for zee gala dinner! Da Royal Full Moon Dinner![CN] 这可是为皇家的满月节晚宴准备的 Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard (2009)
Since the full moon is in two days, you can arrive at the Pool of Reflection by tomorrow afternoon.[CN] 因为两天后就会是满月之时, 明天下午你就能够 赶到倒影之池了. The Restless (2006)
I'll use the Pool of Reflection to advance the full moon.[CN] 我会利用倒影之池来提前制造满月. The Restless (2006)
It has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the 13th.[CN] 必须在13日周五 满月之时的墓地 Bad Day at Black Rock (2007)
By the next full moon, we'll be in sight of Britannia.[CN] 下一个满月时 我们就能看见大不列颠了 The Last Legion (2007)
And also on that day, there is a full moon which governs the fortune of all princes of the female gender.[CN] 那一天同时是满月 火星掌控着所有女性皇族的命运 Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
When it disappears. If the moon vanished At full moon or at new moon, [CN] 如果月球消失在满月即新月时 The Day the Moon Was Gone (2009)
To complete my power, I must change the full moon's energy.[CN] 为了完成我的力量, 我必须改变满月之力. The Restless (2006)
A full moon, tropics, yeah, there was definite consummation activity.[CN] 满月 热带森林 是的 的确进行了房市活动 The Widow's Son in the Windshield (2007)
Full moon?[CN] 满月 Kimi ni shika kikoenai (2007)
It does, on the next full moon. All will attend.[CN] 是的 下个满月的时候 所有人都会来的 Tristan + Isolde (2006)
Mary Todd Lincoln, tyrant's wife, fall into hysterics when the moon was full.[CN] (密苏里州蓝切地 1881年9月7日) 暴君林肯的老婆玛丽 满月时会歇斯底里 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
It's a full moon.[CN] 今夜是满月 American Crude (2008)
What a beautiful full moon.[CN] 啊 美丽的满月 Kimi ni shika kikoenai (2007)
It is August, Leonidas. The full moon approaches.[CN] 已经八月了,列奥尼达 满月将至 300 (2006)
Sir.. sir... I met you in Navalgarh on the fourteenth day of the lunar month... at your mansion ![CN] 先生... 先生... 我在满月后的第14天还在Navalgarh碰到您来着 Paheli (2005)
Nothing, a reception formy son's 1st month birthday.[CN] 没搞什么,给我儿子摆满月酒罢了 Triad Wars (2008)
I'll return at the next full moon.[CN] 我下个满月的时候再来 Asterix and the Vikings (2006)
Anybody notice if there's a full moon?[CN] 谁看到满月了吗? DNR (2005)
Carry out the penalty.[CN] 满月了 Kitaro (2007)
It's the evening of the full moon, the tides are just right.[CN] 满月之夜 潮水正好 Fish (2009)
We've forgotten the full moon.[CN] 我们忘记了满月了 难道不骑马出行了吗 Tristan + Isolde (2006)
Then we'll have our baby welcoming party right after the wedding banquet[CN] 那不是摆完了喜酒再摆满月酒 Divergence (2005)
And there's a super-duper low tide. Full moon tonight, and action.[CN] 今晚超级低潮 满月 最适合行动 Grizzly Man (2005)
Because it's the tenth moon![CN] - 因为今晚是第十个满月. Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard (2009)
What do you say I pay you double next full moon?[CN] 下次满月给你双倍如何? Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild (2005)
So-hwa, the full moon.[CN] 小花, 满月到了. The Restless (2006)
- Your dad expects you back by the full moon.[CN] 你父亲希望你再下个满月之时回到村子里去 Asterix and the Vikings (2006)
Today is my son's one month's birthday. Don't make any trouble.[CN] 今天我儿子满月,别闹事 SPL: Kill Zone (2005)
If he advances the full moon's arrival, then he has to have it by then.[CN] 如果他提前制造了满月的到来, 那么那个时候他就必须拿到圣石. The Restless (2006)
I shall go to the land of the Vikings and bring back Justforkix before the next full moon[CN] 我将去维京海盗的地盘... 在下个满月之前把佳佛力带回来
Oh, no. Full moon.[CN] 噢,不,满月 Open Season 2 (2008)
And the full moon brings out the lunatics.[CN] 满月总会带出一堆疯子 American Crude (2008)
The warriors ride out on the full moon.[CN] 勇士们要在满月之夜骑马出行 Tristan + Isolde (2006)
And on this spot, now marked by the great stupa, he gives what becomes known as the First Sermon.[CN] 这位钱德拉应该是旃陀罗笈多・维克拉姆二世 「钱德拉」柱子上写道, 「他英俊的面容如同满月 Ages of Gold (2007)
On the nights of the full moon, you can hear them howling.[CN] 只有在满月的夜里, 你才能听到他们的嚎叫. Die drei Räuber (2007)
Alright, Lin Ho Lung, since you're hosting a party foryour baby son...[CN] 好,既然今天你连浩龙摆满月酒 Triad Wars (2008)
- adrift, north-by-northwest swells past the break, otherwise, you've got fair winds and flat waters, oh, and me, your lighthouse keeper, stevie wayne, voice that launched a thousand ships.[CN] ...随风飘流... 北偏西北方向的强气流将驱散云层 今夜在风平浪静中,我们可以好好欣赏 这万里无云的空中着悬挂的满月 ... The Fog (2005)
The third lunar day of these monsoons would be the first after my wedding.[CN] 结婚后季风期的第三个阴历满月 Paheli (2005)
I'll return at the next full moon[CN] 我下个满月的时候再来
Baby is one month old today, and it's your first father's day[CN] 宝宝今天满月 也是你第一个父亲节 SPL: Kill Zone (2005)
If you are going until the end on a night of full moon and touch the ground you will notice that the ground is wet.[CN] 如果你在满月的午夜走进这里,到黑暗的深处 你? 发现土地变得潮湿,粘稠 泥浆里混杂著血液 Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)
The only way to get rid of his power is to put my spirit[CN] 去除他力量唯一的办法 就是把我的灵魂在满月之时 The Restless (2006)
The harvest moon is the ripening of the harvest.[CN] 中秋的满月 是收获的成熟。 Like Minds (2006)
He said he'd come back and play catch with me.[CN] 大天狗大人说 要是在满月之前你不拿回妖怪石的话 Kitaro (2007)
Just a baby's 1st month birthday reception.[CN] 孩子满月,大伙高兴高兴 Triad Wars (2008)
On the third day of the lunar month.[CN] 在满月后的第三天 Paheli (2005)


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