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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
清道[qīng dào, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄉㄠˋ,  ] to clean the street; to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for passage of royalty or VIP) #48,120 [Add to Longdo]
清道夫[qīng dào fū, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄉㄠˋ ㄈㄨ,   ] street cleaner; garbage collector #50,625 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Now we're talking. The street sweeper. Just like Fallujah.[CN] 我们在谈论清道夫,就像费卢杰 Ride Along (2014)
Collects stuff. Thinks it makes him look cool.[CN] 他就是个海底清道夫 Moana (2016)
Tonight there will be a guest of the Director Seo Chungcheong but being busy.[CN] 今晚有忠清道客人来 可徐室长盲肠爆了 Tazza: The Hidden Card (2014)
You brought in a cleaner.[CN] 你带了个清道夫来 Power (2012)
Sonny, get the nanites.[CN] 桑尼 去拿奈米清道夫 I, Robot (2004)
Ashman, come on, what kind of attitude is that?[CN] 清道夫 得了 这是什么态度? Hardbodies (1984)
I wanna be a cleaner.[CN] 我要做个清道夫 Léon: The Professional (1994)
Business is like this, something that can't be told clearly and can't be explain with details.[CN] 做生意本來就是 說不清道不明的事 Episode #1.10 (2010)
You are the one of the most impatient Chungcheong, huh?[CN] 您是忠清道里性子最急的吧 Tazza: The Hidden Card (2014)
So this is one of those scavenger hunts or something.[CN] 因此,这是其中的一个 清道夫打猎什么的。 The Coalition (2012)
All I wanted was for you two to clear a path for me.[CN] 是不是 John? 我所要的不过是 让你们两个为我扫清道路 Dead Reckoning (2013)
He told Barir to call the enforcer and whatever you do, [CN] 他让Barir找了清道夫 无论你做了什么 The Con Is Off (2012)
- our enforcer was trapped.[CN] 警察封锁了街区 我们的清道夫被困住了 The Con Is Off (2012)
A cleaner?[CN] 派个"清道夫"[ 即杀手 ] 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (2014)
Let us through, please, keep clear.[CN] 让我们过 清道 The 10th Victim (1965)
He is a good quarterback.[CN] -大点儿声 他是个优秀的自由人 也称"拖后中后卫"和"进攻型清道夫" Underdogs (2013)
Lee said you're the best in town.[CN] 李说你是这里最棒的清道夫 The Bag or the Bat (2013)
My administration has organized a new initiative, which we are calling "Operation Street Cleaning. "[CN] 市政府已经组织了一次新行动 名叫"清道行动" Bad Ass (2012)
- Where's my enforcer?[CN] - 我的清道夫呢 The Con Is Off (2012)
From the south?[CN] 忠清道来的 My Dictator (2014)
Including an enforcer, someone who will kill or torture on demand.[CN] 包括一个清道夫 奉命杀戮与折磨 The Con Is Off (2012)
A Communist street cleaner, Piet Nak, following his party's instructions, stood up in the street and urged Amsterdammers to protest.[CN] 一个共产党员清道夫, 皮埃特·纳克, 遵照他的党的指示, 站在大街上 敦促阿姆斯特丹人进行抗议 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
We scavenge. We don't sip and go.[CN] 我们是清道夫 而不是喝了血就走 Hibbing 911 (2014)
one of our scavengers. No.[CN] 我们的一个清道夫 Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
Keep clear![CN] 清道! The 10th Victim (1965)
Get the fuck off me motherfucker you are not my friend; you are just lowlife fucking scavenger.[CN] 得到了他妈的放开我娘 你不是我的朋友; 你是 只是下层的人他妈的 清道夫。 Eenie Meenie Miney Moe (2013)
Have you ever felt your brain catch fire... and a curious, dreadful thing go right through your body... down, down to your very toes... and leave you with your ears ringing?[CN] 有没有曾经头脑发昏 一种说不清道不明的感觉 穿过全身 一直传到脚趾 Design for Living (1933)
♪ Ray Donovan 1x12 ♪ Same Exactly Original Air Date on September 22, 2013[CN] 清道夫 第一季第十二集[ 本季终 ] Same Exactly (2013)
Taking me as a street sweeper.[CN] 你可以把我当做清道夫 Righteous Kill (2008)
I'm gonna clear a path through Zeke![CN] 我要扫清道路通过泽科! World War Z (2013)
I was born in Kyung-buk.[CN] 故乡是庆北清道 Moss (2010)
I came to say that for some inexplicable reason that defies common sense and human understanding, [CN] 我来告诉你 因为一些说不清道不明的原因 Magic in the Moonlight (2014)
I'm building a legacy. For my son.[CN] 我在为儿子的未来扫清道路 Looking Glass (2011)
Sort of an odd thing to say.[CN] 有些事情就是说不清道不明的 He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
The helicopter has been cleared to fly over the city...[CN] 已经为直升机清道 可以在城市上空飞行... Flying High (2012)
She moved 3 years ago.[CN] 是 搬到忠清道老家差不多有三年了 Helpless (2012)
Some cubs do survive especially if the mother is a clever scavenger.[CN] 一些幼崽活了下来 这得益于熊妈妈如果是一个聪明的清道夫 To the Arctic 3D (2012)
Call my enforcer, get him on a plane.[CN] 打给清道夫 让他上飞机 The Con Is Off (2012)
I'm still leaving out a few, but... maybe hitting them all was too lofty a goal.[CN] 我还是省略了很多没有说 但是 也许要把他们都说清道尽 这个目标太高了 House Rules (2014)
We will clear a path![CN] 我们会清道 Ender's Game (2013)
Attempted murder in 1911 of the Governor-General![CN] 1911年忠清道的暗杀案 Assassination (2015)
I don't understand.[CN] 不如把清道的工作交给我 Q & A (2015)
Yeah, there's a...[CN] 在国家中央情报局,对他们来说,有不同的名字 但我们称之为清道夫。 I.T. (2016)
Have you any idea what you're saying?[CN] 整个德国军队中 所有捡铁十字勋章的清道夫 Cross of Iron (1977)
Sent the liver to one district, the eyes to another...[CN] 肝脏卖到忠清道 眼睛卖到庆尚道 The Man from Nowhere (2010)
Please, keep clear![CN] 清道! The 10th Victim (1965)
But these offerings are not for lowly pigeons, they are for another scavenger.[CN] 但这些祭品不是针对普通的鸽子 他们针对的是另一种清道夫 Asia and Australia (2012)
Welcome, Marshal Heo.[CN] 有什么事,许清道? Out Live (2000)
See that, Ash?[CN] 瞧 清道夫? Hardbodies (1984)


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