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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
楽園[らくえん, rakuen] (n) pleasure garden; paradise; (P) #8,165 [Add to Longdo]
失楽園[しつらくえん, shitsurakuen] (n) Paradise Lost (poem by Milton) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
This park is a paradise for children.この公園は子供の楽園だ。
The island is a paradise for children.その島は子供にとっては楽園です。
Hawaii is called an earthly paradise.ハワイは地上の楽園とよばれている。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Gentlemen... welcome to paradise.[JP] さあ 皆... 楽園にようこそ The Watch (2012)
After what happened at Heaven on Earth?[JP] "地上の楽園" の一件があるから Understudy (2012)
Welcome to paradise, Frank![JP] ようこそ 楽園へ After the Sunset (2004)
Okay, so she screwed up royally at heaven on earth.[JP] 頼むよ "地上の楽園" をぶち壊した The Movie Star (2012)
This is supposed to be your sanctuary... a place to get away... from status reports.[JP] あなたの楽園みたいね 現状から 逃げる場所だわ In a Mirror, Darkly (2005)
. ..and right from here, the view looks just like heaven.[JP] まさしく此所は楽園のように見えます Forbidden Planet (1956)
Another day in paradise.[JP] 楽園で別の日。 The Island (2005)
It's... a voyeur's paradise.[JP] 旅人の楽園です The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
Promise me paradise.[JP] 楽園だと約束して After the Sunset (2004)
Heaven on Earth.[JP] 地上の 楽園だ。 The Secret of Kells (2009)
Percy's going to turkey paradise![JP] パーシーが七面鳥の楽園に行くぞ! Free Birds (2013)
Contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise.[JP] 神話と違って 楽園で始まらなかった。 The Harvest (1997)
Bye-bye, paradise.[JP] さらば 楽園! After the Sunset (2004)
We didn't know We were right next to paradise[JP] ♪楽園の 隣の この世界で Fantastipo (2005)
She was really drunk last night, and she has no room to make any mistakes at all after what happened at heaven on earth.[JP] 昨日は凄く酔ってた "地上の楽園" 事件以降は何も Previews (2012)
A little trouble in paradise there, Colonel?[JP] 楽園に問題が? The Pickett Line (2013)
Pray that some redhead English virgins await in paradise.[JP] 赤毛の英国処女が 楽園で待つように祈れ The Physician (2013)
So, is this turkey paradise?[JP] で... 、ここは七面鳥の楽園? Free Birds (2013)
Perhaps casting us out of Paradise was not enough.[JP] 楽園から我々を追放しても 不十分だった Noah (2014)
One thing I can assure you, it would be hell, this endless paradise of immortality.[JP] 一つだけわかることは 不死の楽園とは 地獄にほかならないこと Night Train to Lisbon (2013)
I'LL SEE YOU UP THERE.[JP] 楽園で会おう Escape Plan (2013)
- I hear you. It's a lovers' paradise here.[JP] ああ ここは恋人達には 楽園だからね Heartbreaker (2010)
Pay-per-view and room service. He's in heaven.[JP] ペイパービューとルームサービスで 彼は楽園気分さ Rabid Dog (2013)
Welcome to paradise.[JP] 楽園に ようこそ After the Sunset (2004)
Might as well be a map to Shangri La.[JP] 楽園への地図かも知れんが Battle of the Damned (2013)
I'm going to paradise. - Where are you going?[JP] 楽園さ お前は? Tribes (2008)
Where the gods and man lived in paradise.[JP] 神と人が住んでいた楽園 Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1 (2005)
Ivy, after what happened at Heaven on Earth, [JP] アイビー "地上の楽園" の件で Understudy (2012)
I'm thinking based on your recent activities that, uh... maybe there's a little trouble in paradise?[JP] 最近のお前の様子からすると その・・ 楽園に些細なトラブルが 起きてそうだ Confessions (2013)
You tell them that the person that died has gone to a better place.[JP] 安らかに楽園へ旅立ちました とでも説明するのさ Skin (2013)
She's be very happy in 15 minutes.[JP] 15分で楽園さ I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)
California soul ooh-ooh-ooh california soul... man, out of all of the places for a thief to hide, this joker picked hollywood.[JP] ここは逃亡者の楽園 ―― 欲しいものは何でも手に入るハリウッド The Italian Job (2003)
Excuse me if I'm wrong but, paradise?[JP] - 今 楽園って言いました? V/H/S/2 (2013)
- Is this Turkey Paradise?[JP] - ここ、七面鳥の楽園? - シーッ! Free Birds (2013)
It's from Milton. "Paradise Lost."[JP] ミルトンの"失楽園"だ Se7en (1995)
Gives a whole new meaning to doing hard time.[JP] 苦境の中での楽園か Get the Gringo (2012)
Tonight's winner will be selected at random for relocation to The Island transported to the world's last paradise.[JP] 今夜の勝者は、島への移転のためにランダムに_選択されます... ...世界_最後の楽園に輸送。 The Island (2005)
But still, it was, it was a paradise for us.[JP] それでも 私たちには楽園だった Skyfall (2012)
Turkey paradise...[JP] 七面鳥の楽園... Free Birds (2013)
This really is heaven on earth![JP] これは本当に楽園です! Red Cliff (2008)
Yes, that's correct, our paradise.[JP] - そう 我々の楽園だよ V/H/S/2 (2013)
To turn the whole world into to socialist utopia, right?[JP] 世界を社会主義者の 楽園にする Frankenstein's Army (2013)
Well, it's only paradise for criminals, like Max Burdett.[JP] マックスみたいな 犯罪者の為の楽園 After the Sunset (2004)
Little sleepy boy here has been sleeping the days away and missing this Mediterranean paradise.[JP] 寝ぼけて 気付かないようだ この地中海の楽園に Afflicted (2013)
And you got your slice of paradise, hmm?[JP] そして 楽園を手に入れた After the Sunset (2004)
Burt Hartman, proud mayor of this little slice of paradise.[JP] バート・ハートマンだ この楽園の市長だ よろしく Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)
"Purgatory", "Paradise Lost" and "Helter Skelter"... the fbi's computers will tell us.[JP] 誰かが熱心に 読んでいるかもしれない "浄罪篇"や"失楽園" Se7en (1995)
The day He made the heavens.[JP] 楽園の創造の日 Noah (2014)
Because at BNL, space is the final fun-tier![JP] BNLは 最終の楽園である宇宙へご案内! WALL·E (2008)
Another day in paradise.[JP] 楽園のようですね Good Night (2013)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
楽園[らくえん, rakuen] Paradies [Add to Longdo]


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