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斜坡[xié pō, ㄒㄧㄝˊ ㄆㄛ,  ] slope; incline #24,698 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We had to get up and, uh, move to the ramp.[CN] 然后走到斜坡那儿 Shoah (1985)
So Stephen was quite a bit ahead of me and then he was turning the corner to go on to... around to his house, but that was on a slope and...[CN] 史蒂芬走到我前头一点 然后准备转弯 走向他的屋子 但那是在一个斜坡上 A Brief History of Time (1991)
What I need from you, sir, is an artillery barrage, all you've got on the forward slopes.[CN] 我需要您,是砲擊,長官 您所有的火砲 在前進斜坡的時候 The Devil's Brigade (1968)
Jumped up on those bloody skids and I'd have ploughed him in-[CN] 在斜坡上把他肚子犁开 - 我可能会绊倒 Figures in a Landscape (1970)
We're going up a steep, steep slope, John. I'll tell you.[CN] 我告诉你,约翰 我们正在爬一个很陡的斜坡 For All Mankind (1989)
about the ramp over there?[CN] 那邊的斜坡 Gigantic (1999)
Who are they?[CN] 把斜坡放下来,傻瓜 The Secret Life of Pets (2016)
Actually, there was a little incline and everybody clung to the incline because the fire was that heavy.[CN] 事实上, (海滩上)有一个小斜坡 每个人 都靠住这斜坡 因为炮火是那么密集 Pacific: February 1942-July 1945 (1974)
I want you to know, Triebig, that I have had your statement checked.[CN] 是在炮火下的斜坡和水坑旁,长官 我想要你知道,特里比 Cross of Iron (1977)
BIRKENAUI THE RAMP[CN] 比克瑙集中营: 斜坡 Shoah (1985)
Don't park on a slope. You got no hand brake.[CN] 没有手刹车,别停在斜坡 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
Great distances had been covered in a dense and caused an accident forest e always had plus one river to cross.[CN] 在茂密, 多斜坡的丛林里长距离行走, 总有更多的一条河要渡过 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
The ramp began there.[CN] 斜坡就在哪里 Shoah (1985)
Let's make for that draw![CN] 小心斜坡 3 Godfathers (1948)
Now, the ramp.[CN] 快点做一个斜坡 The Lego Movie (2014)
Where we are now is what was called the ramp, right?[CN] 我们现在所处的位置是斜坡? Shoah (1985)
Endora's where we are.[CN] 安多拉是我们住的地方 { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }斜坡咖啡馆 What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
The locomotive, which was always at the front, was coming to the ramp, and that was the end of the railway line.[CN] 总是在前头的机车 驶近了这个斜坡 到达铁轨的尽头 Shoah (1985)
There was a ramp.[CN] 围着斜坡的灯都被打开了 Shoah (1985)
- You mean our comrades on the slope?[CN] - 你是说我们的同伴,在斜坡上? For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
‹ }’â?[CN] 推测歹徒是从紧急逃生口经由斜坡 Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence (2011)
Can we get that ramp in? What about the prompter's box?[CN] 我们要把那个斜坡弄进来吗 提示席怎么办 The Making of Fanny and Alexander (1984)
We called the other boy sitting on the slope.[CN] 我们又叫了那个还在斜坡上的男孩 Persona (1966)
to an underground corridor that led back up to the ramp, where the gas van awaited them.[CN] 来到一条地下走廊 然后又被带回斜坡上 Shoah (1985)
Then it's down that ramp, into that first big loop, up this ramp, zoom over the truck, down this ramp, into that big figure eight.[CN] 从斜坡下来,进到第一个大环里, 然后上坡,飞过这辆卡车, 然后下坡, 进入那个8形道. Earthquake (1974)
"Be careful, the road is slanting"[CN] 小心,斜坡 Fei xia xiao bai long (1968)
[ Lanzmann ] From the station to the unloading ramp in the camp, how many miles?[CN] 从火车站到集中营里把 人卸下的斜坡 有多长的距离? Shoah (1985)
The walls are 25 feet by 35 feet and are a light cream color.[CN] 房子四周的地是斜坡 这是行刑室,看起来像谁的家 Death by Hanging (1968)
Inspector Wong, out back is a steep slope. He escaped.[CN] 黄长官,后山是个斜坡,让他跑掉了 Heart of a Dragon (1985)
[ Vrba ] Whenever a new transport came, the ramp was cleaned absolutely to zero point.[CN] 不管下一趟列车何时到来 斜坡总是被清理得干干净净 Shoah (1985)
They're coming in - coming in from both sides of that slope.[CN] 他们会从斜坡两边来 Red River (1948)
He's on the north ramp.[CN] 他在北面的斜坡, 快追! Marathon Man (1976)
Ja.[CN] 在斜坡那里? Shoah (1985)
Carry the water up the slope[CN] 你一定要提着水上斜坡 The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
The perky way it sits there on its little slope?[CN] 栖息在斜坡上 岂不逍遥自在? Revolutionary Road (2008)
I've got it! We can roll it down a steep hill![CN] 想到了 可以把时光机从斜坡推下去 Back to the Future Part III (1990)
With the on-ramps, it all totals two and a half miles.[CN] 包括上面的斜坡 总长共有2英里半. Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Look at that pitch meter. It's pegged out high.[CN] 看那个斜坡的角度,很高 For All Mankind (1989)
We'll never find a smooth enough surface.[CN] 无可能找到平坦的斜坡 Back to the Future Part III (1990)
[ Vrba, In English ] There was a place called the ramp, where the trains with the Jews were coming in, in Auschwitz.[CN] 那有一个地方叫做斜坡 当满载犹太人的火车 驶进奥斯威辛的集中营 Shoah (1985)
You must realize that here the ground was flat, and here it began to rise.[CN] 在斜坡的顶部是毒气室 Shoah (1985)
And, now, the train stopped, and the gangster elite marched on the ramp.[CN] 火车停了下来 那些道貌岸然的强盗 在斜坡上列好队 Shoah (1985)
Scrap the plans for the new exhibition centre with the artificial ski slope and jacuzzi pool.[CN] 你们可以取消计划中的新展馆 Scrap the plans for the new exhibition centre 以及人工冲浪斜坡 涡流泳池 with the artificial ski slope and jacuzzi pool. The Challenge (1982)
The murderer came by car and walked down the slope to the house.[CN] 走下斜坡到房子 Blood and Black Lace (1964)
From the water's edge to a sort of a rise, there was a tremendous amount of bodies just lying there.[CN] 从水边到一个斜坡上面, 有数量极多的尸体躺在那里 Pacific: February 1942-July 1945 (1974)
You mean as we come down the slope, yeah, at 12.:00.[CN] 你的意思是我们走下斜坡 是的,在12点 Blue Planet (1990)
A sloping road in a small town... lined on both sides by houses... with a church in the background.[CN] 一个小镇上的一条斜坡的路 两侧都是房子... ... The Double Life of Véronique (1991)
Now, you're gonna go down a very gentle slope.[CN] 现在你要过个小斜坡 Sneakers (1992)
Build Beansie the ramp.[CN] 理奇,盖个斜坡给宝西 Full Leather Jacket (2000)
He's out there about a mile or so.[CN] 但是在那个长长的斜坡那 你能看到那边吗? Gettysburg (1993)


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