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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
攻陷[gōng xiàn, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,  ] to defeat; to fall (to an attack); to surrender #33,513 [Add to Longdo]

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I clocked one point of entry. He's in there, but it's not gonna be an easy breach.[CN] 我只看到一个出入口 他在里面,可是很难攻陷 American Sniper (2014)
We took out towed 88s here, here and here.[CN] 我们攻陷了88毫米口径的重机枪阵,这儿,这儿和这儿 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
The tsar's enemies stormed the palace.[CN] 沙俄的敌人攻陷了王宫 Alexandra (2011)
If the Greeks get inside the walls, it's over.[CN] 如果城墙北攻陷就完了 Troy (2004)
Commandos promptly destroyed enemy planes and facilities sending the Americans into chaotic confusion.[CN] 攻陷机场的敌机及机场设备 成功打乱敌军阵脚 Caterpillar (2010)
Let's capture America Xiao Jun[CN] 咱们去攻陷美国 波诺先生 送你的礼物 American Dreams in China (2013)
Woe to you, sacred city of Priam.[CN] 哀哭吧, 普里阿摩斯(特洛伊被攻陷时的国王)的神圣之城 Quo Vadis (2001)
The Saxons overran Britain and made it their own... ..and the Goddess was forgotten.[CN] 英国终于被萨克逊人攻陷了... ...世人也渐渐遗忘神母 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
Japan attack Nanjing[CN] 日军攻陷南京 East Wind Rain (2010)
I remember that village in Tainan that we cut down.[CN] 我记得我们在泰里攻陷的村庄 Black Dynamite (2009)
Are you confident you can win her over?[CN] 你有信心攻陷她吗 没有 Kiyoku yawaku (2013)
Milan has fallen... and Milan is the gateway to Sicily.[CN] 米兰已经攻陷 通往西西里的道路打通了 Sword of War (2009)
It could have been easier to pass over the walls if he wasn't here.[CN] 要不是他在那里 攻陷那段城墙会容易的多 Conquest 1453 (2012)
And The Germans Entered Paris.[CN] 德军攻陷巴黎 Head in the Clouds (2004)
The enemy prince... after overrunning the castle... finds the princess and forces himself upon her.[CN] 敌军的王子... 攻陷了城堡 虏获公主,强行占有她 The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
Based on a tip-off, we broke into the criminal's base and retrieved the Pharaoh's Stars.[CN] 也根据了线报,攻陷贼巢 成功找回两颗法老王之星 Heroic Duo (2003)
Dejima will fall almost as soon as the fighting begins...[CN] 一开战,出岛大概会立刻被攻陷 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)
Berlin is taken. People say that Hitler has capitulated.[CN] 柏林被攻陷了,他们说希特勒投降了 A Coffee in Berlin (2012)
We'll invade Alubarna![CN] 攻陷阿鲁巴纳 One Piece: Episode of Alabaster - Sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi (2007)
Our embassy has been seized and more than 60 American citizens continue to be held as hostages.[CN] 我们的大使馆被攻陷 (纪念那些为国捐躯的人) 60多个美国公民仍在被劫持 Argo (2012)
Victory is ours, Nanking is ours![CN] 礼花满天 南京攻陷 The Warlords (2007)
Based on a tip-off, we broke into the criminal's base, and retrieved the Pharaoh's Stars.[CN] 也根据了线报,攻陷贼巢 成功找回两颗法老王之星 Heroic Duo (2003)
Did they take Alcázar?[CN] 城堡也被攻陷了吗 La negociación (2012)
You had strong arms... to conquer the cities and bring the armies to heel.[CN] 你有坚强的臂膀... 可以攻陷城池 收服敌军 Conquest 1453 (2012)
We must consider them lost. But our plans remain unchanged.[CN] 我们必须认为他们已被攻陷 但我们的原计划不变 Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
- Breacher up.[CN] -准备攻陷 American Sniper (2014)
The fortress is taken.[CN] 城堡被攻陷了 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
- That had been breached.[CN] - 被攻陷的堡垒 The Hanged Man (2013)
No matter how many times we have this conversation... you refuse to accept that the enemy breaks through to London tomorrow... and we lose.[CN] 無論我們談多少次 你都拒絕相信明天敵軍就會攻陷倫敦 Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Like the one he gave to take this machine gun. That was a real doozy.[CN] 就像他下令攻陷这机枪阵真是无与伦比 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Breacher up![CN] 准备攻陷 American Sniper (2014)
Do not stop the attack until the city is taken.[CN] 全力进攻直到把城市攻陷 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
They entered no-man's-land.[CN] 他们攻陷了三不管地带 A Very Long Engagement (2004)
Kiev is ours![CN] 基辅已经攻陷了! Battle of Warsaw 1920 (2011)
No plan and Stannis Baratheon sacks this city, takes the Iron Throne, puts your pinched little head atop a gate somewhere.[CN] 沒有部署,史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩就會攻陷都城 奪回鐵王座,把你的小腦袋懸掛於城門 Blackwater (2012)
Each region's soldiers and policemen have installed barricades, but each one has fallen.[CN] 各区的军警... 都架起路障,但逐一被攻陷 Silmido (2003)
The prime minister won't let the embassy be taken over.[CN] 总理不会让他们攻陷大使馆的 Argo (2012)
Take Joseph to bed. Don't let Sam down[CN] 总之,一秒钟攻陷约瑟,别辜负老板啊 Look for a Star (2009)
The French army seized Rome and imprisoned the Pope, Pius VI.[CN] 法国军队攻陷了罗马 并且拘禁了教宗庇护六世。 God in the Dock (2009)
She can dump tea in my harbor anytime.[CN] 她随时都可以攻陷我 What a Girl Wants (2003)
Airstrip taken out, send in SAR team.[CN] 跑道攻陷了,派遣救援部队 Soar Into the Sun (2012)
Captured over 5000 of our troops when he took Charles Town.[CN] 他攻陷查理士城时,俘掳了我们五千弟兄 The Patriot (2000)
If the river is taken, if the garrison at Osgiliath falls the last defense of this city will be gone.[CN] 如果安都因河被占领奥斯吉力亚斯碉堡被攻陷... 这座城市的最后防线就会瓦解 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Namwon fort and Jeon Joo fort have fallen arleady.[CN] 南园城和全州城都已经被攻陷了. The Admiral (2014)
The Japanese Imperial troops conquered the city of Nanking on December12, 1937.[CN] 日本皇军队在1937年12月12日 攻陷南京城后 John Rabe (2009)
Yeah. The target has always been Cherbourg.[CN] 瑟堡一直是攻陷目标 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
They're not in the embassy. During the takeover, six people escaped.[CN] 他们不在大使馆里 那里被攻陷时,六个人逃了出来 Argo (2012)
My lord, Osgiliath is overrun.[CN] 奥斯吉力亚斯已经被攻陷 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)


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