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搭载[dā zài, ㄉㄚ ㄗㄞˋ,   /  ] carry (people) #11,670 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
搭载[ とうさい, tousai] (n) การขนส่ง, การบรรทุก, การติดตั้ง

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Well, isn't this satellite the one that our A. I. is kept on?[CN] 这个说不定是搭载我们AI的卫星喔 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)
The vehicle will comfortably carry two pilots and four passengers into space.[CN] 太空舱可舒适搭载两位机师 和四位乘客上宇宙 Space Buddies (2009)
Those energy panels were erected to fuel the city and sustain life by gathering machines powered by nuclear energy or fossil fuels.[CN] 这些能源板被架设到燃料 市,通过收集维持生命 机器搭载的核 能源和化石燃料。 Bermuda Tentacles (2014)
Thus, we can travel anywhere in the world.[CN] 另外在船首还搭载了巨型乌龟 One Piece Film: Gold (2016)
You are ordered out of Colombian airspace immediately without pick-up.[CN] 你们被命令立刻离开哥伦比亚领空,不许搭载。 Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia (2009)
Father, I want to tell you that I'm deeply honored to have a bishop in my taxi.[CN] 神父,我得告诉你,能搭载一位主教 我感到十分荣幸 Night on Earth (1991)
Fighter groups equipped with AWACS support are already in the air, [CN] 搭载预警设备的战斗机群已经升空 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2014)
Please use another.[CN] 请您搭载别的电梯 Spirited Away (2001)
The new drones carry six hellfire missiles.[CN] 这些新型无人机,搭载六枚地狱火导弹 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. (2014)
A grand armada steams from the United States and the British isles- 300 warships, 370 transports and support vessels, and over 100, 000 troops.[CN] 一只庞大的舰队从美国和英国隆隆开出 这只拥有三百艘战舰、 三百七十艘运输及辅助舰只的舰队 搭载着超过十万名士兵 Part V (1988)
And even if I picked you up again in 10 years[CN] 哪怕十年后,我再次搭载你 Night on Earth (1991)
It works![CN] 动了... 搭载人数呢 Detective Conan: Countdown to Heaven (2001)
What for?[CN] 搭载你一程吧 你这样子可不能开车 Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
It's an Indian Air Force drone.[CN] 那是架印度空军的无人机 搭载的太阳能电池能给整个农场供电 It's an Indian Air Force drone. Interstellar (2014)
The KC-7678 can carry up to 190 troops.[CN] "KC -767A可以搭载190名士兵" Why We Fight (2005)
Yesterday, the 20th, at 11:4 7 p.m. Japan time seven American astronauts were launched into space from Cape Canaveral.[CN] 20日 日本事件同日午后11点47分 搭载美国Glenn中校的"友谊7号 在Cape Canaveral成功发射 Millennium Actress (2001)
It's powered by an underground stream.[CN] "它搭载的地下河流。" The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power (2015)
What were you going to do, rescue us by piggyback?[CN] 什么是你要做的事情, 通过搭载来救我们? Muck (2015)
We can retrieve the electrical impulses from his most recent memories and convert them to images.[CN] 我们可以提取他最近的记忆搭载的电脉冲 - 然后把它们转化成图像 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
It's a drop. It's a drop. Come on![CN] 它们搭载补给 这是空投 Bastogne (2001)
Including bullets, knives, and arrows anesthetic, See Spinal this area, [CN] 它搭载全自动锁定系统 Guardians (2017)
I'll put my mainframe among the reactor on the HLV[CN] 构成我的主要框架也和反应炉一起搭载在HLV上 Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014)
M.S. One has been a very successful experiment with the first 500 test cases serving time without incident.[CN] 首批搭载500名测试对象且无事故运行 一旦我们投入商用 Lockout (2012)
Using an unmanned Predator plane flying at low altitude we will infiltrate Ezo and use a PL outer-shell bomb equipped with a seeker missile to take out the tower.[CN] 利用无人飞机隐秘侵入 攻击将使用搭载pl外壳弹的跟踪导弹 The Place Promised in Our Early Days (2004)
Arrivein5minutes targetshave83mmcannons, confirmedthatsmoke?[CN] 预计5分钟后抵达,两架机上均搭载成对 有M83炸弹,机枪,烟幕弹,请确认? SEAL Team VI (2008)
We just received word that a military helicopter... with Guile on board is nearing the Laotian border.[CN] 我们刚刚得知 一辆搭载着凯尔少校的军用直升机... 正在朝向靠近老挝的山区移动 Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (1994)
Minimal customs issues compared to big cruise liners...[CN] 大型邮轮上只搭载了少数乘客 minimal customs issues compared to big cruise liners... Love Boat (2015)
-I'll take him up, I'll take him up.[CN] -我将搭载他,我将搭载他。 Kelly + Victor (2012)
-Ready for extraction, Over, [CN] -准备搭载人犯 Black Hawk Down (2001)
Solar system integrated satellite weapon unit...[CN] 搭载太阳光能系统的卫星武器 Redline (2009)
This is it newest model of Arhan[CN] 就是这个 最新型阿罗汉全装备搭载 665) } Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014)
The aircraft involved was a 737... which normally is configured for seats from 96 to 138--[CN] 失事的班机是737 这种机型一般可搭载 96到138名乘客 Random Hearts (1999)
He and others revealed how information dominance promotes strategic influence, how it drove the Bush Administration's preemptive war using deceptive information as an integral component of military and political combat.[CN] 他和其他人透露如何 信息优势... 促进战略的影响,如何 它搭载了布什政府的... 使用欺骗性的... WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004)
That kit computer on the cover of that magazine had an 8080 processor in it.[CN] 那台杂志封面上的组装机上 搭载的是8080处理器 The Social Network (2010)
It weighs 13.5 tonnes, but it's got a 6.7 litre straight-six turbo-diesel and it can do 63mph.[CN] 车重13.5吨,不过搭载升直列六缸涡轮柴油引擎 It weighs 13.5 tonnes, but it's got a 6.7 litre straight -six turbo -diesel Episode #21.1 (2014)
Earth?[CN] 我是搭载在 D Jamming with Edward (1998)
It has an ultravibration gravity system installed.[CN] 这辆车搭载了还在开发中的超震动重力系统 Appleseed (2004)
Carry upwards of five pounds of explosives.[CN] 最多能搭载五磅炸药 Leipei (2014)
Does your transportation services accommodate the handicapped?[CN] 你们搭载残障人士吗 The Magic of Belle Isle (2012)
I drove through here and picked up a hitchhiker.[CN] 当我开车经过这,搭载了个路边的搭车人 结果他原来是个变态狂。 The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting (2003)
The mainframe of the rouge AI is on there[CN] 那里搭载着野生化的主系统 Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014)
I leave town, you start picking up strange girls on the road.[CN] 我离开城才没多久, 你就开始在路上随便搭载陌生的姑娘了 The Fog (2005)
- Can we give him one?[CN] -我们可以搭载其中一个嘛? War of the Worlds (2005)
. . for a girl to take hitchhikers.[CN] . . 搭载陌生人可是不明智的 The Pack (2010)
16 army B-25 bombers lashed to her flight deck lie deep within Japanese waters, 624 miles east of Tokyo.[CN] 该舰搭载着十六架陆军B -二五型轰炸机 此刻,特混舰队已经深入到 日军控制的水域,距东京尚有六百二十四哩 Part II (1988)
The new drones carry six Hellfire missiles.[CN] 新型无人机搭载了六枚地狱火导弹 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. (2014)
That drone has four Hellfire missiles on it.[CN] - 说吧 那艘无人机搭载了四枚地狱火导弹 Good Night (2013)
that there's a plane which carries clandestine passengers.[CN] 有一架搭载秘密乘客的飞机 I vinti (1953)
They're forcing us into the clouds so they can board us![CN] 是云 想把我们押到云上搭载到我们飞船上 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
As part of a thriving illicit network.[CN] 因为该船于7月5号搭载了一批奴隶 Episode #1.6 (2017)


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