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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
恩宠[ēn chǒng, ㄣ ㄔㄨㄥˇ,   /  ] special favor from a ruler; Emperor's generosity towards a favorite #55,589 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
恩寵[おんちょう, onchou] (n) grace; favour; favor [Add to Longdo]
恩寵を享ける;恩寵を受ける[おんちょうをうける, onchouwoukeru] (exp, v1) to enjoy (a person's) favor (favour) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You know, while you could never quite pull it together, Castiel, while you're sitting here with Your Grace slowly burning away and your reputation long extinguished?[JP] お前が組織を完全に まとめ切れなかった間 恩寵がゆっくり 燃え尽きる中 Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
I... I got my Grace back.[JP] 恩寵を取り戻した Holy Terror (2013)
Whatever you want to call it, this piece of the departed contains Grace.[JP] どう呼ぼうと勝手だが 退去者の一部には 恩寵が含まれる First Born (2014)
Do we have enough Grace for the summoning spell?[JP] 魔法に必要な恩寵は 取れた? First Born (2014)
He heard my full story, told me that if it happened again I would be defrocked, and I left his office committed to walking the path of grace.[JP] 私の話を聞いたあと もしまた繰り返せば 私は聖職を剥奪されると そして私は神の 恩寵に仕えると約束した Deliver Us from Evil (2014)
I'm starting to think the blade is doing something to you. ♪ There'll be peace when you are done ♪ Have you told them about your stolen Grace, Castiel?[JP] ブレードには他の作用が あるのではと 恩寵の盗難のことは 話したのか カスティエル? Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
I am Alexandrina Victoria Wettin, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, queen, defender of the faith.[JP] 私の名は アレクサンドリア・ヴィクトリア・ヴェティン グレートブリテン及びアイルランド 連合王国の神の恩寵 信仰の擁護者である女王です Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004)
Please, with the grace of God.[CN] 求您藉著聖神的恩寵 Dream Home (2010)
And Your Grace?[JP] 恩寵は? Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
Never forget, Marcel, that you live in this city by the grace of those that know your secret and tolerate you.[JP] 決して忘れるな マルセル この街にいられるのは 恩寵があるからだ 君の秘密を知る者達の Girl in New Orleans (2013)
And the Grace?[JP] 恩寵は? First Born (2014)
By the grace of God...[JP] 神の恩寵において... Big Man in Tehran (2013)
About the Grace?[JP] 恩寵の件は? Stairway to Heaven (2014)
Dean, Metatron -- he -- he took my Grace.[JP] ディーン メタトロンに 恩寵を奪われた I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (2013)
He doesn't know... about how badly your borrowed Grace is fading, does he?[JP] 知らないのね... 恩寵が消えかけてることを Soul Survivor (2014)
I got my Grace back.[JP] 恩寵を取り戻した Meta Fiction (2014)
To carry out your divine will. Grant me grace and forgiveness. I'm here now.[JP] 神の御心を伝えます 恩寵と赦しをお与えください さあ、ここにいるわ ここにいるわ Six Degrees of Separation (2004)
Do you know why I didn't kill you after I stole your Grace?[JP] 恩寵を奪った後 なぜお前を殺さなかったか 分るか? Meta Fiction (2014)
Have you told them about your stolen Grace, Castiel?[JP] 彼らに盗んだ恩寵の事は 話したのか カスティエル? Stairway to Heaven (2014)
And the state of grace that we lose when we are born.[JP] 生まれる時に失ってしまう 神の恩寵を見出すから Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
There's thousands of them out th-- you said you lost your Grace, right?[JP] 奴らは何千人も居るんだ 恩寵を失ったと言ったな? I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (2013)
We need more Grace in order to cast the spell.[JP] 魔法をかける為には もっと恩寵が要る First Born (2014)
There but for the Grace of God.[JP] 神の恩寵が無ければ 明日は我が身だわ Days of Wine and Roses (2013)
So captain sexy out there totally cuts another angel's throat, yoinks his Grace, and now?[JP] 外のセクシー隊長は 別の天使の喉を切って 恩寵を奪い取ったわけ Road Trip (2014)
Well, whatever Grace was inside you is gone now.[JP] 君の中にあった恩寵は もう無いよ First Born (2014)
According to this, we may be able to use the Grace that remains inside you to track Gadreel...[JP] そうすると 君の中に残る恩寵を使って First Born (2014)
Three graces[JP] 3人の恩寵の女神 Mother of Tears (2007)
No. Your Grace.[JP] よせ 君の恩寵が Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
"Obtain the ingredients -- heart, bow, Grace."[JP] "材料を集めよ 心臓 弓 恩寵" Heaven Can't Wait (2013)
I did what I had to. I got my Grace back.[JP] すべき事をして 恩寵を取り戻した Road Trip (2014)
Your grace -- it's...gone?[JP] あなたの恩寵・・無くしたの? I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (2013)
My Grace is gone.[JP] 恩寵が無いんだ Heaven Can't Wait (2013)
I can talk to him about restoring your grace.[JP] お前の恩寵を戻すよう 頼んでやる Holy Terror (2013)
Wait, you're saying there's angelic Grace inside of me?[JP] 僕の中に 天使の恩寵があると? First Born (2014)
I'm afraid there wasn't enough Grace.[JP] 恩寵が足りなかったのだと思う First Born (2014)
Metatron -- he took my Grace.[JP] メタトロンに恩寵を盗まれた I'm No Angel (2013)
If my Grace were the key to empowering the spell, [JP] 呪文に力を与えたのが 私の恩寵なら I'm No Angel (2013)
The Men of Letters believed that you could perform a tracking spell with extracted Grace, but they were never able to test the theory.[JP] MoLは抽出した恩寵で 追跡可能と考えていたが 理論を試す事は 出来なかった First Born (2014)
"Remember the mercy with which you graced your daughter, Nanette, in this life."[CN] 請您寬恕您的子女納奈特此生,蒙您恩寵 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)
A typical prayer would plead, "Remember me, O Lord. "[CN] 典型祈求上帝恩寵的禱文會說 "記住我吧,主啊" Wit (2001)
(... I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish.)[JP] 不死の恩寵を捨てるでしょう The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
But the Grace itself... might be helpful.[JP] でも恩寵自体は とても役に立つ First Born (2014)
He took my Grace for the spell.[JP] 彼は呪文のために 私の恩寵を奪った I'm No Angel (2013)
I'm blaming you for taking Cass' Grace.[JP] キャスの恩寵を奪った事も Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
She died outside a state of grace.[JP] 神の恩寵の外で亡くなったので Spilt Milk (2013)
He took my Grace. It's why I'm human.[JP] 恩寵を盗られた ただの人間さ Holy Terror (2013)
Metatron tricked me. He took my Grace.[JP] メタトロンに騙されて 恩寵を取られた Road Trip (2014)
My Grace.[JP] 私の恩寵だ I'm No Angel (2013)
He took my Grace for the spell.[JP] 奴に恩寵を奪われた Do You Believe in Miracles (2014)
I'm warded and my Grace is gone and I was hoping that I would seem like just another desperate human that the...the militants couldn't care less about.[JP] 遮蔽してるし 恩寵も失ったから 自暴自棄で 戦士が気に掛けないような 人間だと思われる事を 期待していた Holy Terror (2013)


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