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弥撒[mí sa, ㄇㄧˊ ㄙㄚ˙,   /  ] (Catholic) Mass #60,287 [Add to Longdo]
安魂弥撒[ān hún mí sa, ㄢ ㄏㄨㄣˊ ㄇㄧˊ ㄙㄚ˙,     /    ] Requiem Mass (Catholic) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Besides, I've got a mass now.[CN] 另外,我现在还有弥撒要做. Red Eagle (2011)
Then I'd be more in the church.[CN] 这可不是弥撒用酒 C'est pas du vin de messe. 不然我会去得更勤的 Sinon j'irais plus souvent. What's in a Name? (2012)
Failure to accept that the Mass was a miracle could land you into trouble.[CN] 不肯接受弥撒是一个神迹, 会给你惹来麻烦。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
If, by chance, I die in my sleep, I want you to make sure that the funeral mass is in Latin.[CN] 如果,真的发生意外,我一睡不起了 我想确定一点 我的安所弥撒是用拉丁写的 The Extra Man (2010)
The Council also told people what to believe about the Mass.[CN] 宗教会议还告诉人们在 举行弥撒时要相信什么。 (弥撒即天主教的圣餐礼) Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
No exaggeration, with your husband and these two I could easily steal the chair from under the pope's ass while he says Mass at St. Peter's.[CN] 不是吹牛, 有你老公和这俩人... ...我都能轻轻松松偷走... ...老兵在圣彼得广场做弥撒时屁股下面坐的椅子 Angel of Evil (2010)
So now I do go to Mass, and my prayers are deeper than before.[CN] 所以现在我做弥撒... 我的祷告比以往更深沉了。 There Be Dragons (2011)
- Hey, buddy. - That was a beautiful service.[CN] 刚才的弥撒很成功啊 Semper I (2011)
You're gonna be late for Easter Mass.[CN] 我们复活节弥撒要迟到了 The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass.[CN] 我每天都看你给这玩意上发条 就跟山村牧师作弥撒一样坚持不懈 Vatos (2010)
Padre... when is the next mass?[CN] 神父,下次望弥撒是几时? Without Men (2011)
This is always a special Mass for me as I look upon our new deacons as they prepare to go into the world with Christ's message.[CN] 这对我来说一直是一次特别的弥撒... 当看着我们的新执事们... 当他们准备成为上帝的信使 The Rite (2011)
I said my first Mass for him.[CN] 我的第一次弥撒就是为他做的 There Be Dragons (2011)
Zwingli argued that the bread and wine are NOT miraculously transformed in the Mass.[CN] 茨温利争辩道,面包和酒在 弥撒中并没有发生神奇的变化。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
We'll celebrate Mass at 1:00, and I'll hear confessions at 3:00.[CN] 我们要在1: 00点做弥撒,在3: 00点听告解。 There Be Dragons (2011)
The Mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Amen.[CN] 弥撒结束 回去平静爱着并祀奉上帝 阿门 Grabbers (2012)
♪ Home by midnight 'cause Santa is due. ♪[CN] 弥撒炖肉我最爱 Donkey's Christmas Shrektacular (2010)
Before 1789, there were no fewer than 40, 000 French parishes celebrating the Mass.[CN] 1789年前,能举行弥撒 的法国教区不下4万个, God in the Dock (2009)
Zwingli's view on the Mass, or Eucharist, transformed the heart of Christian worship.[CN] 茨温利关于弥撒(即圣餐礼)的 观点改变了基督教敬拜的本质。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
He will officiate mass and I will assist him and you will be there.[CN] 他将在我的私人教堂里主持弥撒 我会参加 您最好也到场 Elecciones (2012)
And there were plenty of other forms of religious energy which unnerved the Pope, like the Cathars, who rejected the Mass altogether.[CN] 但这世上依然存在着许多 许多令教宗头痛的宗教势力。 比如清洁派,他们完全拒绝弥撒。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
Excuse me, I have a Mass to say.[CN] 抱歉 我要去做弥撒了 The Rite (2011)
Thank you, gentlemen. See you at Mass.[CN] 谢谢你 先生 弥撒见 The Rite (2011)
I want to say a mass for him . Can you play the fiddle?[CN] 我想给他做个弥撒 让你拉阵弦子 Back to 1942 (2012)
You go to mass.[CN] 但你去参加弥撒 Vamp U (2011)
If I'm late for mass the altar boys guzzle the wine and it's a God-awful mass.[CN] 我要是去晚了, 祭童就会把弥撒用酒都喝掉 就没法做弥撒了. Red Eagle (2011)
One Sunday, after Mass we stopped by her mother's bakery and got a house special... a Bombe Glacée.[CN] 我还记得周末做完弥撒, 在她家店门口停留 我们一起吃冰蛋 Potiche (2010)
What do you say we don't go to midnight Mass somewhere, give old baby Jesus a holler?[CN] 那你说我们都不去 午夜弥撒的地方, 给婴儿耶稣大声叫喊? Blue Like Jazz (2012)
Oh, so the girls can feel like they are doing something shameful when they go to Mass?[CN] 哦, 那么女孩会感觉她们是在做一些可耻的事情 当她们做弥撒的时候 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
The old Church taught that, in the Mass, [CN] 旧教会教导说,在弥撒上, Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
- I have to go to Mass.[CN] - 我得去做弥撒 In Darkness (2011)
And then we can truly celebrate this mass.[CN] 然后我们就能真正庆祝弥撒了 The Lovers (2013)
They are celebrating Mass.[CN] 他们正在做弥撒。 There Be Dragons (2011)
That's not a sacramental wine![CN] 做弥撒时用酒当做基督的血 What's in a Name? (2012)
We'll be seen together Sundays at mass and Thursdays at the market.[CN] 我们会被看到周日一起去做弥撒 周四一起去市集 Thérèse (2012)
Dad was an altar boy? Yeah, he sure was.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }[ 举行弥撒时协助神父的侍者 ] Daddyz Girl (2011)
You don't have to go to mass.[CN] 你可以不用去做弥撒 Thérèse (2012)
After I was raped, I stopped going to Mass.[CN] 我被强奸后,就没再做过弥撒。 There Be Dragons (2011)
Monsignor, celebrate mass in his memory.[CN] 阁下 请你主持纪念教皇的弥撒 Elecciones (2012)
I was at mass that morning, and your father came into the church, [CN] 那天上午我还在做弥撒 你爸爸走进教堂来 The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby (2011)
There you'd have the High Altar where the Mass was celebrated day in, day out.[CN] 举行弥撒的地方,天天如此。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
And the High Altar, at which they presided at Mass, was the most sacred place in church.[CN] 而他们主持弥撒的高高祭坛, 就是教堂里最神圣的地方。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
The oldest child was serving mass, [CN] 最大的孩子做弥撒 The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby (2011)
Next Sunday, I go to Mass for the first time since I was a kid.[CN] 下周日, 我去弥撒 第一次, 因为我还是个孩子。 Blue Like Jazz (2012)
They showed miraculous ability in the Mass to turn bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ.[CN] 并在弥撒中展示其神奇的能力, 能将面包和酒变成耶稣 基督实实在在的身体和血。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
It is prohibited to say Mass, Padre Robles.[CN] 禁止举行弥撒,Robles神父 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
A special requiem mass will be said for his eternal soul tonight.[CN] 今晚一场专门弥撒会为他永生的灵魂超度 Cabal (2011)
Judson and his wife invited me over after morning mass, but I think I'll take a drive up to Santa Mira.[CN] 贾德森夫妇邀我 在晨间弥撒结束后去他们家做客 不过我想开车去趟圣米拉镇 Hell Hath No Furies (2012)
Her old man kept her locked up in a cellar her whole life and then raped her every Sunday after Mass.[CN] 她老爹一直把她锁在地窖里 每周日弥撒后还强暴她 Vendetta (2011)
You can meet him tomorrow at Mass.[CN] 你明天能在弥撒上见到他。 The Perfect Game (2009)


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