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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
宽宏大量[kuān hóng dà liàng, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ,     /    ] magnanimous #61,723 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Mighty fucking big of you, Doc.[CN] - 你好宽宏大量啊 Complications (2005)
- You are very forbearing.[CN] 你很宽宏大量 Episode #1.3 (1995)
You know, a less magnanimous man than I might be thinking he could beat the living snot out of you[CN] 如果我不是这么宽宏大量 就会趁现在狠狠修理你一顿 All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues (2004)
We'll see how liberal you are when he's breaking into your place.[CN] 当他闯入你家的时候, 我们倒想看看,你还能有多么宽宏大量。 S.W.A.T. (2003)
Thanks. That's big of you.[CN] 谢谢 您真是宽宏大量 Liaisons (2007)
Even in death, my munificence is boundless.[CN] 即使对死亡,我仍很宽宏大量 Moonraker (1979)
I think I'm probably as broad-minded... as the next man...[CN] 我想我大概算是宽宏大量了... 作为一个陌生人... Bitter Moon (1992)
- How magnanimous.[CN] 好宽宏大量 Under the Sheets (1976)
I appreciate your magnanimity.[CN] 我感谢你的宽宏大量 Second Double (2003)
Be generous.[CN] 要宽宏大量 Requiem for a Gleet (2005)
You're mighty broadminded, Joe.[CN] 你真宽宏大量 乔 High Noon (1952)
I want her to know we're being generous.[CN] 我要让她知道我们宽宏大量 Heaven & Earth (1993)
We beg your hearing patiently.[CN] 请宽宏大量看到结局 Hamlet (1948)
Sulley, I think that given the circumstance I've been extremely forgiving till now.[CN] 我想到目前为止 我一直都在宽宏大量地容忍 Monsters, Inc. (2001)
And when he bows down to Greece Alexander will be merciful.[CN] 当他向希腊低头的时候 亚历山大会宽宏大量的 Alexander (2004)
I understand and admire your forbearance.[CN] 我很了解 也很佩服你的宽宏大量 Episode #1.3 (1995)
I hope you would show mercy and forgive us.[CN] 希望您在天之灵能够宽宏大量 千万不要责怪我们 Out of the Dark (1995)
I choose to overlook the entire incident.[CN] 我选择了宽宏大量 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
Oh, thank you, Mr. Egelbauer. Oh, that's big of you.[CN] 谢谢 伊格保尔先生 您太宽宏大量了 Design for Living (1933)
My lord... you are magnanimous and powerful.[CN] 我的主人 你真是宽宏大量又大有能力 Quo Vadis (2001)
That's good, generous and flexible.[CN] 我非常宽宏大量,懂得变通 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
But I'm generous and flexible.[CN] 但我宽宏大量,懂得变通 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
I am in a generous mood and I will grant your boon.[CN] 我是个宽宏大量的人 会给你提供方便的 Dances with Wolves (1990)
You mean ask for her hand again? Be magnanimous and so on.[CN] 你是说要我和她言归于好吗 宽宏大量之类的 War and Peace (1956)
Alma so graciously lets her be included, and she's expecting my grandchild.[CN] 多得爱尔玛宽宏大量 她现在已是我们家族中的一员 还有 她现在还怀了我的孙儿 Fanny and Alexander (1982)
Be a little decent.[CN] 宽宏大量 Say Anything... (1989)
Mr Gold wishes to extend his respect for such a magnanimous gesture.[CN] 戈尔德先生向你的宽宏大量的姿态作出了祝福 Revolver (2005)
He will make a great personal show of his generosity and you will have learned your lesson.[CN] 他会将它变成一种 显示他的宽宏大量的个人表演, 而你则由此汲取了教训, Love and Death (1975)
Well, that's big of her, I must say.[CN] 必须得承认 她还真是宽宏大量 Blithe Spirit (1945)
I pray God will open your eyes to his infinite mercy.[CN] 祈祷上帝让你睁开眼睛, 因为宽宏大量 Shogun (1980)
Your Government is most generous[CN] 你的政府真是宽宏大量 Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
I was really touched by your call, it was so big of you.[CN] 你能打电话来真让我感动 你太宽宏大量了 No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds (2007)
And she had a huge heart and a love for life, and...[CN] 她有一颗宽宏大量的心, 对生活充满热爱 Drop Dead Sexy (2005)
Please be kind enough to let us go![CN] 就请皇上你宽宏大量,放过韦小宝全家 Royal Tramp (1992)
"Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to be run.[CN] "各位,我已寄给你们数封 最宽宏大量的信件 详细指出我的剧院该如何经营 The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Your dad would have spared me! He would have shown me mercy![CN] 你爸爸会原谅我的 他会对我宽宏大量的 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
One with a large heart... the other with a large pocket to pay the bills.[CN] - 当然了,一位是宽宏大量的人 一位是腰缠万贯的人 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... (2001)
Isn't it a fact that you knew your daughter intended to turn you in and that you beat her to the punch only by an hour in order to secure a degree of leniency from this body?[CN] 你知道你女儿打算叫你自首后 在一小时前你对她大发雷霆 求她宽宏大量 以免受到监禁 这是不是事实? Salvation (2002)
because I'm all about healing.[CN] 我很宽宏大量的 Urban Legend (1998)
He's a very forgiving sort of a man.[CN] 咱们的主教可是宽宏大量 Ladyhawke (1985)
This being a Te Deum day, His Excellency shows magnanimity.[CN] 今天是感恩日, 阁下表示宽宏大量 Allonsanfan (1974)
Whereupon Jakob Korngold said "You see, my commandant it's the one that favors me with a kindly look."[CN] 康果回答说 营长先生... ...你左眼看人很宽宏大量 Gloomy Sunday (1999)
I'm generous and flexible.[CN] 我宽宏大量,又懂得变通 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
Your names are marked. You'll be watched.[CN] 我并非如此宽宏大量大 你们会被监视 Cleopatra (1963)
I would hope if I made the mistakes he made, people would be generous with me.[CN] 要是我犯了他的错误 我也希望别人对我宽宏大量 Shattered Glass (2003)
Do you think that's the right way to put me in a forgiving mood?[CN] 你觉得这就是让我宽宏大量的好办法? Downtown - Die nackten Puppen der Unterwelt (1975)
Do not kill me. Be nice... do not kill me.[CN] 别杀我 请宽宏大量 别杀我 Angel-A (2005)
They've kindly agreed not to press charges.[CN] 他们都很宽宏大量 不再追究了 Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
And you ought to be advised that military court-martials are lenient.[CN] 你应该知道... 军事法庭是有名的宽宏大量 Casualties of War (1989)
She isn't that stupid as not to notice that you're overflowing with noble-mindedness.[CN] 她没那么笨 不会不注意到你宽宏大量 Girls in the Night Traffic (1976)


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