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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
子弹[zǐ dàn, ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,   /  ] bullet #7,104 [Add to Longdo]
原子弹[yuán zǐ dàn, ㄩㄢˊ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,    /   ] atom bomb #15,903 [Add to Longdo]
中子弹[zhōng zǐ dàn, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,    /   ] neutron bomb #116,907 [Add to Longdo]
内爆法原子弹[nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn, ㄋㄟˋ ㄅㄠˋ ㄈㄚˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,       /      ] implosion atomic bomb [Add to Longdo]
子弹火车[zǐ dàn huǒ chē, ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] bullet train; Shinkansen 新幹線|新干线, Japanese high-speed train [Add to Longdo]
拨子弹[bō zǐ tán, ㄅㄛ ㄗˇ ㄊㄢˊ,    /   ] plectrum [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
How much are you asking for all of this?[CN] 枪加子弹一共多少钱? Babel (2006)
On the next load, he wants to front them silver, but pay them in lead.[CN] 下次运完货他想让他们吃子弹 Miami Vice (2006)
But Germany shoots at us. Left, right, everywhere it shoots.[CN] 但德国人一直向我们射击 左边,右边,到处都是子弹 Days of Glory (2006)
Half these bullets are bent. Then the guns jam.[CN] 这些子弹有一半是弯的,那样枪就会堵住 Flyboys (2006)
Well, you fired enough to take down six.[CN] 你射出的子弹都足够打下6架了 Flyboys (2006)
In fact, those claws are as fast as a 22-caliber bullet.[CN] 事实上那些爪子的速度跟手枪子弹一样快 Deep Sea (2006)
~McMillan ~ Get that bullet out of my leg I[CN] 把子弹从我腿上取出来 The Last Drop (2006)
All we have is UV rounds, it won't take him down[CN] 我们只有UV子弹,这并不能杀死他 Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Bullet went right by you.[CN] 子弹只是擦过而已 Flyboys (2006)
The bullet didn't touch her spine.[CN] 子弹没有打中脊椎 Babel (2006)
Have you a round? One round?[CN] 你有子弹吗 一发也好 The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006)
Only thing that'll help that dog is a bullet.[CN] 唯一能帮你的就是给它颗子弹 哎! Walker Payne (2006)
How many bullets do you have left?[CN] 你还剩下多少子弹 The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Hey, Tom, it's probably none of my business, but I doubt I'd ever let my father-in-law take a bullet for me like that.[CN] 嘿 汤姆 这也许不是我该管的事 但我不知道要是我的话 会不会让自己的岳父给自己挡子弹 The Ex (2006)
I've got a jam.[CN] 我上子弹 The Last Drop (2006)
Only four in the clip.[CN] 弹夹里只有4发子弹 Lonely Hearts (2006)
No matter. I've plenty of ammunition.[CN] 无所谓,反正我子弹很多 Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006)
Over my dead body will we give up a single bullet.[CN] 我们死也不会交出一粒子弹 The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006)
Apparently they we using some kind of new ammunition, some sort of UV round[CN] 显然他们使用了新式武器... ...一种紫外线子弹 Underworld: Evolution (2006)
A good cadet always knows how many bullets he has left, son.[CN] { \fn黑体\fs19\bord1\shad1\1cHD8AFAF\4cHC08000\b0 }好的军校生一定会知道还剩多少子弹 Fido (2006)
Yussef started shooting at the cars... because Hassan said that the bullet could go far.[CN] 约瑟夫先开枪打汽车的 因为哈森说这子弹的射程很远 Babel (2006)
Ranging fire. One round.[CN] 上子弹 一轮 The Last Drop (2006)
And we should use rubber bullets. Take head shots. Put their lights out.[CN] 用橡胶子弹 瞄准头部,把他们打昏 Inside Man (2006)
- Ah, the Nazi bullets![CN] - 啊唷, 纳粹子弹 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Besides, I'd take my bullets over your prayers any day.[CN] 而且我摸过的子弹比你做的祷告还多呢 The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
You may be right. How many rounds you got left in the gun?[CN] 也许是 你枪里还有多少子弹? Unknown (2006)
Rubber bullets it is, baby.[CN] 那就用橡胶子弹吧 Inside Man (2006)
Wow. How much are the bullets for this?[CN] 不便宜啊 这枪的子弹多少钱? Failure to Launch (2006)
A bullet or a bomb?[CN] 子弹还是炸弹? The Last Drop (2006)
We haven't a bullet between us. Stay where you are.[CN] 我们一粒子弹都没有 你呆着别动 The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006)
You want some?[CN] 你还要吃子弹吗? The Last Drop (2006)
~ Soldier~ Ammunition![CN] 子弹! The Last Drop (2006)
Don't forget the bullets.[CN] { \fn黑体\fs19\bord1\shad1\1cHD8AFAF\4cHC08000\b0 }别忘了子弹 Fido (2006)
I'll classify a bullet right up your posterior unless you start talking right now.[CN] 我把子弹射入你的身体 除非你现在开始说话 The Last Drop (2006)
Look, take the bullets out of the gun, and put it in my hand so it has my fingerprints on it.[CN] 来 把子弹从枪里取出来 然后放到我手里 这样我的指纹就会留在上面 Civic Duty (2006)
- But it's out of bullets![CN] - 没有子弹的! Fido (2006)
I was also shot, paralyzed.[CN] 我被子弹打中脊椎, 就站不起来了. Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing (2006)
A bullet zipped by my face.[CN] 一颗子弹从我脸旁飞过 My Wife Is a Gangster 3 (2006)
-Bitch, he didn't even have ammo.[CN] - 该死的 他连子弹都没有 Bastards (2006)
- I still got Nazi bullets in my ass![CN] - 我屁股上还留着当年的纳粹子弹呢 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
You're right, they're useless.[CN] 你说得对 这些子弹太差了 Babel (2006)
~ Soldier~ Need more ammol[CN] 没有子弹了! The Last Drop (2006)
Anyone still standing gets shot![CN] 不然就吃子弹! Inside Man (2006)
Wait a while. You'll get your share of bullets tomorrow.[CN] 是啊 明天你就会跟大家分享德国人的子弹了 Days of Glory (2006)
We don't want you bringing bullets home. We have millions.[CN] 不希望你们带着子弹回来,这有上百万 Flyboys (2006)
I bet the bullet can't hit that far.[CN] 我打赌这子弹根本就打不了那么远 Babel (2006)
Spatter on the walls, blood, bone, brains, but no bullet. Soap underneath the baseboard. They thinned it out when they cleaned up.[CN] 墙上有血迹脑浆骨头但没子弹 Lonely Hearts (2006)
Three hundred cartridges.[CN] 300发子弹 Babel (2006)
What will happen is, I will put a round at 2, 700 feet per second into the medulla at the base of your brain, and you will be dead from the neck down before your body knows it.[CN] 接下来会是... 我的子弹会以每秒2700尺的转速 直接打进你大脑的额叶 Miami Vice (2006)
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.[CN] 愿主保佑,然后把子弹给我 The Hills Have Eyes (2006)


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