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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
多幸[たこう, takou] (adj-na, n) great happiness [Add to Longdo]
多幸感[たこうかん, takoukan] (n) (1) (See 多幸) euphoria; eudemonia; (adj-f) (2) euphoric [Add to Longdo]
多幸症[たこうしょう, takoushou] (n) (1) euphoria; (adj-f) (2) euphoric [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
May this letter find you well and happy!あなたのご多幸をお祈りします。
May you be happy!ご多幸を祈ります。
May you and your family be happy.家族のご多幸を祈ります。
May you be happy.御多幸をお祈りします。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
-You're lucky.[CN] - 你们多幸福啊 Sieben Sommersprossen (1978)
So you know you are lucky[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }那你該知道自己有多幸福了 The Soong Sisters (1997)
It's fantastic![CN] 多幸福啊 Coco Before Chanel (2009)
I can't see how Billy got so lucky. Come in. Let's find ourselves somethin' to drink.[CN] 真不敢相信比利有多幸运,进来吧,喝点饮料 The Man in the Moon (1991)
And how happy this must make you.[CN] 你多幸福呀. Emma (1996)
Lucky? You just shot an innocent man.[CN] 你不知道我们有多幸运 Dissonance Theory (2016)
If you'll permit me, my name is...[CN] 我哥哥真的不知道自己有多幸运啊 Einstein: Chapter Two (2017)
But I have this terrible feeling from time to time that we might all just be human.[CN] 你知道你有多幸运吗 And do you have the first idea how lucky you are? The Lying Detective (2017)
How lucky that we can bury her here.[CN] 多幸运我们可以在这里埋葬她 Allonsanfan (1974)
Leave us alone for now.[CN] 所以说我今晚该有多幸福啊 Episode #1.16 (2016)
£­ Oh, yeah? £­ Yeah. Hope he's not using all the hot water.[CN] 他有Amy多幸运。 The Lone Barone (1998)
To me, that's happiness.[CN] 所有這些... 帶給我這麼多幸福 Les Visiteurs du Soir (1942)
- I didn't know just how lucky, either. - Thank you.[CN] 根本就没有 Edmonds夫人 我正在告诉Clemmons 他有多幸运 The Sleeping Tiger (1954)
Lucky to have been born an O'Shea.[CN] 多幸运生为欧西. Little Giants (1994)
- What are you guys gonna ride?[CN] 你们得有多幸运 13 Hours (2016)
It's a lot of real money, the kind of money that can buy happiness.[CN] 今天可是赚大钱的好时机 有些钱可以买很多幸福 Monkeybone (2001)
- If Father had been as good as Mother... think how good I'd have been.[CN] -怎麼說? -如果爸爸跟媽媽一樣好... 我該會多幸福啊 The Uninvited (1944)
Katia, you don't know how lucky you really are![CN] 卡提亚 你不知道自己有多幸运 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1980)
Stephen does not know how good he had it.[CN] Stephen不知道他有多幸运 The Women (2008)
- Oh, don't worry.[CN] 是有多幸福? Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Still, what a lovely thought it is, at this moment, all over the country, from highest to lowest, through those charming plump folk somewhere in the middle, everyone is enjoying Christmas.[CN] 想想此刻多幸福 整個國家的人們 從貴族到貧民 Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988)
People with capital don't realize how lucky they are.[CN] 有钱人不知道他们有多幸运 Dial M for Murder (1954)
Consider you guys lucky now[CN] 现在多幸福啊 Bishonen (1998)
We were so happy together![CN] 我们在一起时多幸福啊! Night Train (1959)
Look, they look so sweet.[CN] 你看他们多幸福 Second Time Around (2002)
I was euphoric when I killed Freddie Lounds.[JP] フレディー・ラウンズを殺したときに 多幸感を感じた。 Ko No Mono (2014)
He's out I know[CN] 那滋味该多幸福啊 Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies (1986)
Lord, what happiness![CN] 天呀! 多幸运! Doctor Zhivago (1965)
What a lucky guy![CN] 多幸運的一個人! Amores Perros (2000)
How lucky.[CN] 多幸运,在我的无知面前一直面对 New York Stories (1989)
Lucky to have been blessed with abilities that allowed me to bring something back here to Urbania my town.[CN] 多幸运拥有能力... ...让我能做出贡献给乌尔巴尼亚... ...我的家乡. Little Giants (1994)
They couldn't be happier.[CN] 现在他们有多幸福 Part VIII (1989)
You see how happy we are![CN] 你瞧我们多幸福! The Castle of Purity (1973)
[ VIKA ]: There are more, with survivors.[CN] 有很多幸存者 The Darkest Hour (2011)
Wow, wasn't that nice![CN] 她多幸运呀 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
What lucky people![CN] 多幸運的人啊! The Uninvited (1944)
Oh, Mike, it's just that we're so happy here.[CN] 我说过,这事由我来管。 哦,迈克,我们过去在这多幸福啊。 The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
I'm so happy.[CN] 我多幸福 Part IX (1989)
What a lucky boy he was.[CN] 那孩子有多幸运 Love Letter (1995)
And then you ask them if they know how lucky they are to be there.[CN] 然后问他们知不知道 他们能活着有多幸运 25th Hour (2002)
Well, let's see how lucky you are![CN] 好吧,我们看看你有多幸运! Reindeer Games (2000)
Do you have any idea how fortunate you are?[CN] 你知道人类有多幸运吗? My Favorite Martian (1999)
Lucky to have been born in this great town.[CN] 多幸运生在这么好的镇上. Little Giants (1994)
After my first ortolan, I was euphoric.[JP] 初めてこれを食した後、 多幸感に包まれた。 Ko No Mono (2014)
A boy. Such happy memories at our summer house.[CN] 童年,有那么多幸福回忆 留在了我们夏日的住处。 Love and Death (1975)
Do you know how lucky you are to live in Metropolis?[CN] 你知道你有多幸运能住在大都会? Superman III (1983)
These visions of bugs, they're just garden-variety psychosis but a clear indication that you've hurdled over the initial fun and euphoric phase and passed on to the next phase.[JP] 虫の幻覚は ただのありふれた精神病だ だが、明らかにそれは 障害になってるな 初期の喜びから 多幸感の段階を過ぎて A Scanner Darkly (2006)
You mind if I keep this, put it up, so I can remember?[CN] 看看你当初多幸福啊 我保留这个你不介意吧 Look at how happy you look here. Deadpool (2016)
See how lucky they are, and me?[CN] 你看人家多幸福 我留在这儿献世吗 92 Legendary La Rose Noire (1992)
You know how lucky you are?[CN] 你知道你有多幸运吗? Under the Sheets (1976)


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