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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
堂而皇之[táng ér huáng zhī, ㄊㄤˊ ㄦˊ ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄓ,    ] overt; to make no secret (of one's presence); grandiose; with great scope #31,928 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But Nate's five minutes away and still tryin' to figure out how he's gonna walk two prisoners off an Army base using an ID that's already been reported stolen.[CN] 是啊 可以Nate还有五分钟车程 而且还在琢磨 到底如何用已经挂失的 偷来的假身份 把两名囚犯 堂而皇之地带离陆军基地 The Three Days of the Hunter Job (2009)
Officially allowed to ignore velvet ropes.[CN] 堂而皇之無視圍欄 Around the Bend (2010)
You shouldn't have left it out so presumptuously.[CN] 你不该这么堂而皇之的拿出来才对 Episode #1.8 (2012)
There's a whisky bottle that doesn't appear to be neglected.[CN] 你办公室里堂而皇之地摆着威士忌酒瓶 Sinister (2012)
Entitled ease. That's it![CN] 堂而皇之的轻巧 说得对! Episode #1.2 (2014)
The key, in jobs like this one, is to contrive a way to walk in through the front door, find the right lab, take the formula, and walk out again, calmly, without attracting attention.[CN] 这种活的成败关键 在于想出个法子 堂而皇之地走进去 找到正确的实验室 拿走配方 Eat Yourself Slender (2012)
I bet lots of stuff go bad in an operations.[CN] 你认为他们会说 他们堂而皇之地 Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe (2011)
But you must plot regicide against the King, so that Anne could marry one of her lover's and rule as regent for her bastard child.[CN] 你还密谋 But you must plot regicide 大逆弑君之事 against the King, 尔后 安妮就能堂而皇之地和她某个情人完婚 so that Anne could marry one of her lover's The Act of Treason (2008)
I don't think we can make it in through the main entrance, [CN] 我不认为我们能从正门 堂而皇之的进去 The Maltese Falcon Job (2010)
- Entitled ease.[CN] 堂而皇之的轻巧 Episode #1.2 (2014)
However many, they could be possessing anyone. Anyone could just walk in.[CN] 不管有多少个,它们可以附身在任何人身上 然后堂而皇之的进来 Jus in Bello (2008)
There's a whole packet of research they just left laying about all willy-nilly for anyone to see.[CN] 那有一摞研究资料 他们就堂而皇之地摆着 欢迎大家去看呢 Heavy Is the Head (2014)
Then he walks into your bedroom while you're doing Joyce Kim and you still stay?[CN] 他还堂而皇之走进你卧室 当时你正要和这个叫Joyce Kim 的女的做 你居然还能住下来? The Staircase Implementation (2010)
And... you're letting him go.[CN] 而你们让他堂而皇之地离开 Abducted: Part I (2013)
We can't waltz into the general's office and steal that card.[CN] 我们也知道 我们没法堂而皇之的走进将军的办公室偷走那最后一张卡 Quiet Riot (2008)
What is more shocking is that such polluted water is allowed to flow across residential areas.[CN] 而这样的黑水 竟然还堂而皇之的流经住宅区 Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above (2013)
How did two, obviously professionals, pass right through security personal[CN] 为什么两个职业杀手 能堂而皇之的进来 The Expendables (2010)
I wish I could just come right out and tell everyone Ann's a lousy lay, the beautiful, the popular Ann Bishop Mullany.[CN] 我希望我可以堂而皇之的 跟每个人说安在床上差劲透了 那位既美丽又受欢迎的安小姐 Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)
He's sitting at your desk, he's kissing your lover, he's eating supper with your family![CN] 他堂而皇之地坐在你书桌前 他吻着你的女人 还和你家人淡定地共进晚餐 Spectre (2015)
Jordan is gonna get away with everything and we're gonna be arrested?[CN] Jordan会堂而皇之逍遥法外 我们反而要被抓? Hop a Freighter (2010)
You can walk right up to him in Times Square, put a gun to his head and pull the fucking trigger, and there's nothing anybody can do about it![CN] 堂而皇之的开枪杀他 没有人可以对付你 Double Jeopardy (1999)


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