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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -喽-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, lóu, ㄌㄡˊ] used in onomatopoetic expressions
Radical: , Decomposition:   口 [kǒu, ㄎㄡˇ]  娄 [lóu, ㄌㄡˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] mouth
Variants: , Rank: 3220

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[lóu, ㄌㄡˊ, / ] subordinates in gang of bandits #5,569 [Add to Longdo]
[lou, ㄌㄡ˙, / ] (final particle equivalent to 了) #5,569 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So this might not getinto the National Press?[CN] 各大媒体不会批评喽? So this might not getinto the National Press? The Right to Know (1980)
Tell him you've killed Lui Gung ...then he'll get the reward[CN] 就说已经杀死我雷公了 那他不是可以去领奖喽? Legendary Weapons of China (1982)
I jumped.[CN] 我跳下去喽! Shanghai Blues (1984)
You saw this by moonlight, of course, Madame?[CN] 你当时是朦朦胧胧看见的喽? Death on the Nile (1978)
Andrei, my dear friend; don't faint! We're standing by the facts.[CN] 安德列,我的朋友, 不要再耍滑头喽 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972)
It's working![CN] 好耶! 发达喽... Shanghai Blues (1984)
The purple loosestrife, then?[CN] - 那就是千屈菜喽? - 不是 Slavnosti snezenek (1984)
You mean, no.[CN] 就是不行喽? 不 You mean, no. The Quality of Life (1981)
I was divorced three times.[CN] 我离过三次婚喽 Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future (1973)
I'm traveling![CN] 我要旅行去喽 Lovefilm (1970)
Jin Dongshui have to beg with your children this time[CN] 金东水 这回该带着孩子们出门要饭去喽 Xu Mao and his Daughters (1981)
Those fucking guys would have followed you anywhere, man.[CN] 就是小喽罗会追随着你 Rumble Fish (1983)
Briers:[CN] 各大媒体不会批评喽? Yes Minister (1980)
Hello, Doinel. I see you're doing fine.[CN] 哈喽 杜瓦内尔 做的不错 Bed & Board (1970)
No more English, no more French, no more bloody anything at all.[CN] 没英语,没法语,什么他妈都没喽 Summer Holiday (1984)
- Then you must have a bed.[CN] - 那么你一定有床喽 Four Times that Night (1971)
O, so you are in love with him?[CN] 哦 你过去爱过他喽? The Dead (1987)
The sphinx is dead![CN] 斯芬克斯死喽 Oedipus Rex (1967)
- You are, naturally[CN] - 自然是你喽 La corrupción de Chris Miller (1973)
It's just a bunch of hoods trying to muscle in.[CN] 他们不过是一群小喽啰 The Long Good Friday (1980)
Hello, little fellow.[CN] 哈喽 小家伙 Bed & Board (1970)
Hello, Antoine.[CN] 哈喽 安托万 Love on the Run (1979)
I've made a fortune![CN] 发达喽... 发达喽... Shanghai Blues (1984)
- I'm not eating alone.[CN] - 现在不是喽 Moonstruck (1987)
- I fell asleep.[CN] - 我就是想睡觉嘛 所以在你床上喽 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
'Cause I'm going in.[CN] 我可要进去喽 The Burning (1981)
You know, Signore, there are people I hate even worse than followers of Juarez.[CN] 比恨尤阿里兹的喽罗尤甚 我看不起所有的美国人 The Big Gundown (1966)
Peekaboo![CN] 找到喽 The Burning (1981)
I'm afraid this could be your last.[CN] 今后怕是来不了喽 汉弗莱 I'm afraid this could be your last. 怎么? Doing the Honours (1981)
Hello, Charlie.[CN] 哈喽,查理 Wake in Fright (1971)
I suppose you fancy me, is that it?[CN] 那你喜欢我喽? Summer Holiday (1984)
Come on![CN] 走喽! The Dead (1987)
Hello. How are you today?[CN] 哈喽,你们今天好吗? The King of Comedy (1982)
- Who the fuck let you in?[CN] 你们在这儿做什么? 谁要你带着这群小喽啰? The Cotton Club (1984)
So being a bishop is just a matter of status?[CN] 这么说主教就是个名份喽? So being a bishop is just a matter of status? The Bishops Gambit (1986)
And of course, it was your flag that went up and ours that came down.[CN] 当然喽,你们的旗帜升了上去, 我们的就必然要降下来了 O Lucky Man! (1973)
Hello, Christine.[CN] 哈喽 克莉丝汀 Bed & Board (1970)
Oh, you mean "frying tonight".[CN] 哦 你是说 "今晚下油锅喽" Carry On Screaming! (1966)
Stretch, Norma.[CN] 伸直 诺玛 伸直喽 Stretch, Norma, stretch. Carrie (1976)
Hello, Antoine.[CN] 哈喽 安托万 Bed & Board (1970)
So we won't be together any more?[CN] 这么说,我们不会再在一起喽? 322 (1969)
Hello.[CN] 哈喽! Hidden 3D (2011)
Frying tonight![CN] 今晚下油锅喽! Carry On Screaming! (1966)
- Just take it![CN] 抓住喽! Slavnosti snezenek (1984)
Then it's rather your funeral, isn't it?[CN] 这是要你命的事喽? Death on the Nile (1978)
Then... Enjoy your meal![CN] 那就开吃喽 Naoko (2008)
- Don't make me mad![CN] 别把我逼疯喽! Slavnosti snezenek (1984)
- Drive like a bird to Trinity College![CN] - 飞奔三一学院喽! The Dead (1987)
A tsar? You are a tsar, too?[CN] 沙皇 你也是沙皇喽 Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future (1973)
We'll be there 4 hours later.[CN] 可以早点回家喽 The Wild Geese (1978)


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