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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
善行[shàn xíng, ㄕㄢˋ ㄒㄧㄥˊ,  ] good actions #46,451 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
善行[ぜんこう, zenkou] (n, adj-no) good deed; good conduct; benevolence [Add to Longdo]
嘉言善行[かげんぜんこう, kagenzenkou] (n) good words and good deeds [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The girl was given a prize for good conduct.その少女はその善行に対して賞を与えられた。
The boy was awarded a prize for good conduct.その少年は善行に対して賞を与えられた。
One good turn deserves another.一つの善行はもう一つの善行に値する。
The teacher exhorted his pupils to do well.教師は生徒に善行をするように説き勧めた。
Be active in doing good for people.人々に善行を施すのに積極的であれ。
He is active in doing good to people.彼は積極的に人々に善行を施している。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"weigh the balance in favour of my good deeds that day "when the deeds of all my life are judged.[JP] "審判の日には この石が 秤の善行の皿に置かれんことを" The Way (2010)
They're no good to me if their feet aren't up to snuff.[CN] 他们是不 善行对我,如果他们的脚不向上的弄熄。 How I Won the War (1967)
Think of it as a good deed.[JP] 彼女は心臓病がある 善行と思え The Intern (2015)
We honor charity and benevolence, but it must be provided on the giver's terms...[CN] 我们崇尚慈善和善行 但是那一定是在给予者的条款基础上进行的 Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
His charitable contributions with stolen money.[JP] 彼の慈善行為は 盗んだ金で行われてたんだ! Blue Jasmine (2013)
No, next time you need my help for one of your good deeds, I'm not nothing be here.[CN] 不 下次你为了自己的善行 No, next time you need my help 来找我帮忙 我会坐视不管的 for one of your good deeds, I'm not nothing be here. Fredi (2015)
For your own good, Dan, leave it alone.[CN] 为你自己的善行,丹, 别管它。 Street Kings 2: Motor City (2011)
? And crown thy good with brotherhood[CN] 以兄弟之爱为称的善行加冕 The Delta Force (1986)
You did a good deed, if you don't mind me saying.[JP] 言うなれば君は善行をした Skinny Dipper (2014)
May he grow up to Torah and Hupa and good deeds.[CN] 也许他长大后托拉 和石杉碱甲和善行。 Fill the Void (2012)
Lucky for you we didn't meet in battle. You're blessed by your parent's good deeds.[JP] 戦闘で君に会わなかったのが幸いだ 君は君の親の善行で祝福される Assembly (2007)
I would like to repay your kindness.[CN] 我愿意报答妳的善行 Barbie Mariposa and the Fairy Princess (2013)
Littlest chose to help the bull even after it had been so mean to him.[CN] 善行一 最小天使帮助了大公牛 即便大农牛凶暴的对待他 The Littlest Angel (2011)
If you obstruct a good deed you'll not only die, but also rot in hell.[CN] 你要妨碍善行.. 你不仅会死, 还会在地狱里腐烂掉 Secret: The Mystery Continues (2009)
The way forward, man.[JP] 善行だよ Heart of Darkness (2016)
Well, I've done my good deed for the day.[JP] これで 今日の善行は済んだかな His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts (2012)
I was happy taking care of my own family, doing the occasional good deed downtown.[CN] 我爱我自己的家庭照顾 偶尔善行市中心 The Makeover (2013)
You saw for yourself how much they love what Emma's doing.[CN] 你亲眼看到了 那些人有多感激 埃玛的善行 The Ugly American (1963)
Spirits there care not for good deeds or priestly invocations.[CN] 在那儿的亡灵才不关心什么 善行或圣僧似的祈祷 Episode #2.19 (1991)
You know, for example, say when he chose not to sleep with a drunken woman?[CN] 邓利尔先生有没有说过在无私助人之后 会出现某种善行的快感 St. Lucifer (2016)
His good deeds.[CN] 他的善行 Number Crunch (2011)
God love him, but I have kids to go home to at the end of the day.[JP] 善行には違いないが 私には 帰る家も守るべき子供達もいる The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014)
Don't teach me about good and bad deeds.[CN] 不用你来教我善行, 恶行 Secret: The Mystery Continues (2009)
I choose to leave this wicked world with a proud record of good deeds.[JP] この世から去る方を選びます 誇らしい善行の記録とともに And Then There Were None (1945)
- no more confessions, no more good deeds, and no more fucking remorse.[JP] 告解も善行も そして後悔もない The Getaway (2009)
I think I'm past trying to earn points for good behavior, Stefan.[CN] 我觉得我不用再用 善行争取她的好评了吧 Stefan Man on Fire (2014)
Please, God, let me do some good.[CN] 求求您,天主,講我有善行 The Nun's Story (1959)
At the hour of your judgement, look at his life, his good deeds and thoughts[CN] 在您审判的时刻 看到他一生功德 他的善行善念 Al otro lado del espejo (1973)
To his beneficence.[CN] 敬他的善行 To his beneficence. Minimum Viable Product (2014)
From this moment on, the Afterlife must be earned, not with gold, but by good deeds, compassion, and generosity.[JP] この瞬間から 死後の世界は 黄金ではなく 善行 思いやり そして寛大によって 審判される Gods of Egypt (2016)
we praise you today for your servant Roberto and for all that you did through him.[CN] 已经你最后赐予他们的和平而赞美你 我们今日是因为你的仆人,罗伯特 以及你的那些善行而赞美你 Zarra's Law (2014)
A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good.[JP] 善行は悪行を洗い流しはしない 逆もまた然り Garden of Bones (2012)
Through Christ, our Lord... from Whom all good things come... through Him in the unity of the Holy Spirit.[CN] 以主耶穌基督 帶來善行 以基督和聖靈 光明榮耀歸全能天父 Apocalypse Now (1979)
You are the snake in the garden trying to drag him down into the dirt with you, but you still have a chance to do some good.[JP] あなたは彼をスキャンダルに 巻き込もうとしている 庭の蛇よ でもまだ善行のチャンスがある Home (2014)
And by each crime and every kindness, rebirth our future.[JP] 全ての罪が 全ての善行が― 未来を創り出す Cloud Atlas (2012)
And by each crime... and every kindness... rebirth our future. "[JP] "全ての罪が―" "全ての善行が―" "未来を創り出す" Cloud Atlas (2012)
That's your good deed for the day?[CN] 这是你今天的善行吗 Broken (2013)
Generosity... benevolence... and dust.[CN] 慷慨... 善行... 和死 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
A good deed is always stronger than an evil spell.[CN] 善行永遠比魔咒更強大 The Singing Ringing Tree (1957)
" Donate gold for the good of Brazil" , an attempt at solving the economic problems of the country with acts of patriotic charity.[CN] "捐赠黄金用于巴西的利益"运动, " Donate gold for the good of Brazil" , 一个靠爱国的慈善行为 an attempt at solving the economic problems of the country 解决国家经济问题的尝试。 Jango (1984)
Littlest risked his own freedom to save these two helpless creatures.[CN] 善行二 最小天使冒险失去自由 的危险去救两个无助的生灵 The Littlest Angel (2011)
- It's no good to me.[CN] - 它是没有善行对我。 How I Won the War (1967)
And I have to hear about your little act of philanthropy on the news?[JP] お前の慈善行為をニュースで 知らなきゃならんのか? Confessions (2013)
You just don't know all that you've done. If it hadn't been for you...[CN] 你只是不知道自己所做到善行 要不是你... It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Sins as much as good deeds.[CN] 罪恶和善行相当 It's Better to Be Wealthy and Healthy Than Poor and Ill (1992)
For far too long, I failed to recognize my own hypocrisy.[JP] あまりにも長い間 受け入れられませんでした 私自身の偽善行為を Last Knights (2015)
- Namely... ..the rewards of virtue are largely spiritual, but all the better for it.[CN] - 也就是... ... 善行的獎賞主要是精神上的 不過反而更好 Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988)
I'm in. Okay. This is why I'm not nice to people.[JP] 僕も行こう 人々への善行が出来ないわ Human for a Day (2015)
Maybe an alms.[CN] 288) }是一個慈善行為 Three Brothers (1981)
And we who grieve must take solace in the fact... that we, too, are promised life eternal, as our reward for our good work.[CN] 我们悲痛者必须因此事得安慰... 我们也被许诺得永生 作为我们善行的奖赏 Burnt Offerings (1976)


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