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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
出兵[chū bīng, ㄔㄨ ㄅㄧㄥ,  ] send troops #17,441 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
出兵[しゅっぺい, shuppei] (n, vs) dispatch of troops; despatch of troops; expedition #14,899 [Add to Longdo]
三韓出兵[さんかんしゅっぺい, sankanshuppei] (n) (obsc) legendary military invasion of Korea in the 3rd century [Add to Longdo]
台湾出兵[たいわんしゅっぺい, taiwanshuppei] (n) Taiwan Expedition (punitive expedition by the Japanese military forces; 1874) [Add to Longdo]
朝鮮出兵[ちょうせんしゅっぺい, chousenshuppei] (n) Imjin War (1592 - 1597) [Add to Longdo]

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Sending those men in was the most courageous thing.. you ever did in your life.[CN] 出兵伊朗是你做過最勇敢的事 White House Down (2013)
You can take my life now.[CN] 只要你肯出兵救我爹 Saving General Yang (2013)
MR. MULLEN?[CN] MR。 出兵? A Dangerous Place (2012)
Why can't I send troops to fight against them?[CN] 难道我项羽不能出兵击之吗 White Vengeance (2011)
If he'd sent his troops out then, we wouldn't be here now.[CN] 他若肯出兵 我們也不會落得今天這個地步 Saving General Yang (2013)
Prepare the armadas for surface invasion.[CN] 准备出兵 向地表入侵 Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
How can you fall for such childish trick[CN] 我已命上将军,出兵马陵道 The Warring States (2011)
Leonidas has marched north to the Hot Gates.[CN] 雷奥尼达已出兵北上温泉关 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Kind of you to go to war for me.[CN] 非常感谢您为我出兵打仗. Kind of you to go to war for me. The Pointy End (2011)
If he strikes us by surprise while our army is away[CN] 倘若乘我军出兵之时 突施暗袭 White Vengeance (2011)
Japanese plan to attack tomorrow morning. They have about 330 battle ships.[CN] 敌军意欲明早出兵,船舰约有三百艘 The Admiral (2014)
My lord, why don't you send out troops?[CN] 项王为何还不出兵 White Vengeance (2011)
I'll dispatch 10, 000 troops with 200 Vickers machine guns.[CN] 我出兵一万加两百枝"维克斯"重机枪 The Great Magician (2011)
My scouts report the French have left Calais.[CN] 斥候報告法國人出兵了 Ironclad (2011)
Call the chiefs to wage war on White City![CN] 您应该马上召集七大部落的首领出兵白城 Painted Skin: The Resurrection (2012)
The Festival of the Carneia is all that stands in our way.[CN] 唯一出兵的阻碍是喀尼雅节 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Ride with me against my enemies and you shall have all my son promised you and more.[CN] 与我一同出兵作战 Ride with me against my enemies 你们将得到我儿子承诺的一切, 甚至更多. and you shall have all my son promised you and more. The Pointy End (2011)
King of Wei wants Sun Bin to write down the Art of War Then dispose of him[CN] 魏王想要孙膑献出兵法,将他除掉 The Warring States (2011)
I'm going to report for duty.[JP] 僕は出兵する The Wolves of Deep Brooklyn (2015)
The basic violation of sovereignty aside, we can't take the bait.[CN] 政府出兵有违国际主权政策 我们不能吞这个鱼饵 Machete Kills (2013)
What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution, [CN] 要是巴基斯坦明天出兵孟买 你知道他们会抓你女儿 去足球场处决 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
He served our nation proudly for two years overseas in Afghanistan.[JP] 2年のアフガン出兵を経て Minute Changes (2014)
Please keep your word and send troop immediately to combat the enemy![CN] 唯请大人遵守诺言 即刻出兵制敌 Legendary Amazons (2011)
Majesty, the rebel band is weakened without Alfonso.[CN] 陛下 失去阿方索的叛军 正溃不成军 若我们此时出兵 Tragedia en la corte (2012)
Get the army and horses ready! Let's act now![CN] 准备兵马 立刻出兵 White Vengeance (2011)
If he has an army, why does not he use it?[CN] 假如他有军队 那他为什么当初没有出兵协助 Avengers Grimm (2015)
We'll move out when the joss stick ends[CN] 等烧完这柱香再出兵 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)
I'm going to Huanzhou to make Lord Pan send reinforcements.[CN] 孩兒這就去寰州城逼潘仁美出兵 Saving General Yang (2013)
He gets to go in and out of base at will[CN] 他能随意进出兵营 My Way (2011)
We're gonna make a great team.[JP] いいコンビになるな リーサルウェポン 「エピソード1 最悪のコンビ」 3回出兵したのね 大変だったでしょ? Pilot (2016)
Here we all are.[CN] 所以我们得出兵 One of Them (2006)
You could order him to invade the vassals[CN] 项王便可令其出兵 以灭诸侯 White Vengeance (2011)
I had prayed that the Spartans would come to lend a hand this morning.[CN] 我祈祷斯巴达今早会出兵相救 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Japan and Great Britain joined forces in 1914, attacking and occupying the German colony and port city of Tsingtao on the yellow sea.[CN] 日本和英国便于1914年出兵 进攻并占据了德国殖民地 -黄海边上的港口城市 青岛 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014)
I know I can't stop you from fighting[CN] 我知道不能阻止你出兵 White Vengeance (2011)
I'll assign backup troops as soon as he finishes that task![CN] 只要他任务完成 我即刻出兵 Legendary Amazons (2011)
Therefore I decided to send out my troops immediately to prevent this[CN] 所以我决定马上出兵制止 White Vengeance (2011)
The four main gates have been closed To avoid trouble from outside[CN] 自我上书,出兵整三日 The Warring States (2011)
As Jo obtained the records, the local office sent out officers to those who couldn't repay, and harassed the citizens mercilessly.[CN] 赵润就这样轻而易举地取得名册 而官衙不分昼夜的派出兵卒 要人民归还所借贷的白米 Kundo: Age of the Rampant (2014)
- They'll come from Mariager too.[CN] - 马里耶尔也会出兵的 This Life (2012)
Sending troops is OK![CN] 出兵可以 Legendary Amazons (2011)
The Nation's Advisor is here[CN] 若君上为天下百姓念 别无他法,惟有出兵,以战止战 换天下太平 The Warring States (2011)
I was born on the Island of Naath.[CN] 不介意的话,请缴出兵器 The Queen's Justice (2017)
And wait until he change his mind about writing the Art of War[CN] 等他冷静下来,就会献出兵法 The Warring States (2011)
You would go to war over a handful of gems?[CN] 您会为了一些宝石出兵打仗? The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
If you want me to send troops, you should either execute Mu Guiying who usurped the marshalship or execute the assassin Yang Wenguang![CN] 让我出兵没问题 你首先要处斩阵前夺帅的穆桂英 或者处斩刺杀本帅的杨文广 Legendary Amazons (2011)
Moving our troops by night may disturb the spirits[CN] 临夜出兵 怕会惊扰鬼神 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)
I proposed to my girl right before I left for Afghanistan.[JP] 俺は アフガニスタンに出兵する直前に 恋人にプロポーズした An Unnatural Arrangement (2013)
I support the troops.[CN] 我支持出兵的 Wanderlust (2012)
Charge! Attack![CN] 出兵攻击! My Way (2011)


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