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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
做主[zuò zhǔ, ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄓㄨˇ,  ] make the decision; take charge of; back up; support; be host #15,885 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Goodbye, and thank you for making me chairman.[CN] 并谢谢你们推举我做主席 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
Oh... The dawn is not of our concern....[CN] 這是由上帝做主的 The White Bird Marked with Black (1971)
Yes, it's me who decides here![CN] 是的, 這裡一切都由我做主! The White Bird Marked with Black (1971)
# Love the life that I lead[CN] # 我喜欢我做主的命运 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Well, it's entirely up to you, of course, Prime Minister, but I suspect Her Majesty might be a little surprised if you asked her to appoint a man who'd make her break her coronation vows to defend the Church.[CN] 当然 完全由您做主 首相 Well, it's entirely up to you, of course, Prime Minister, 不过我怀疑女王陛下会有点意外 but I suspect Her Majesty might be a little surprised 如果您要她任命 if you asked her to appoint a man who'd The Bishops Gambit (1986)
I wrote, directed and starred in it just like Orson Welles did in Citizen Kane.[CN] 我写剧本 导演还做主演... 就像奥森·韦尔斯的《公民凯恩》 Ed Wood (1994)
Come back here. You're not going anywhere. You're not going to tell anybody anything.[CN] 你哪都不能去 这里由不得你做主 Episode #1.1 (1989)
There was an action group of which Clement Davies was chairman, the Liberal leader, and I was secretary.[CN] 有一个活动团体 由自由党领袖克莱门特·戴维斯 做主席, 我则是秘书长 Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
It's his case, Mr. Chalmers.[CN] 他的案子他做主,查莫斯先生 Bullitt (1968)
I just feel like half of my life has been spent building something just to stand on.[CN] 为了着手做主要的东西 花了半辈子的生命 现在刚开始,可我这辈子也快完了 而主要的东西还在前头, 看不见也摸不着。 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972)
But she has a hell of a temper and a mind of her own. She wishes to wear the trousers.[CN] 可她脾气可怀呢,主意又大 都得由她做主? Death on the Nile (1978)
I took the liberty. My son picked it in the woods.[CN] 我自做主張掛上去的 是我兒子在樹林裏摘的. Tess (1979)
The long hours, having to wave at people, you're no longer your own boss.[CN] 漫長的時間 向人群揮手 你永遠也不能給自己做主 Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988)
But it's gonna be my water. It'll cover the whole country.[CN] 不过那是由我做主的深水区 而且那将会操控全国 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Me the boss?[CN] 我做主? Saratoga Trunk (1945)
- You can't always be the one to decide![CN] - 不能总是由你做主! Appassionata (1974)
You're now Supervisor of the Business Dept[CN] 你去營業部做主任 Biu choa kam (1987)
OK...wife, you decide.[CN] 那... 老婆,你做主吧 All's Well, Ends Well 1997 (1997)
It's up to you, father.[CN] 全凭父亲做主 Ballad (2009)
It will always be horrible for me to be the master, but there'll be no more sexuality in me.[CN] 由我做主總是可怕的 但我將放棄性慾 Hail Mary (1985)
No, I'm joining a merchant bank... as a director.[CN] 不 我要进一家商业银行 做主管 No, I'm joining a merchant bank... as a director. Equal Opportunities (1982)
I'm not responsible for the decision. Don't you see?[CN] 我无法替你做主, 你明白吗? Born Free (1966)
I told her you wanted Margo to play the part and I would want your approval.[CN] 我说你希望玛格演这个角色 我是不会未经过你同意而擅自做主的 All About Eve (1950)
Long live the world revolution![CN] 直到讓大家翻身做主人! 革命萬歲! Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
- You just lie back and let me be the boss.[CN] 放松,让我做主 Disclosure (1994)
You are the team leader here. That's right. You can give the order.[CN] 嗨 你是隊長 你做主嘛 (你說吧) The Herdsman (1982)
You let me do the thinking instead.[CN] 这次换我做主 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
This is your dad talking now.[CN] 你老爸做主了。 Parenthood (1989)
I'll rule this town from now[CN] 以后这个镇由我莫天做主 Lightning Fists of Shaolin (1984)
- He said he couldn't do it himself.[CN] -他说他不能做主 The V.I.P.s (1963)
Hire him as a prosecutor next time[CN] 不如下次找他做主控官 Police Story (1985)
I hope that I'll win the support from Your Majesty.[CN] 望万岁为老臣做主 Havoc in Heaven (1963)
You're an engineering student who's not even in my classes.[CN] 不用你替我做主 Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (1991)
To run things?[CN] 要他替你们做主吗? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Isn't that up to you?[CN] 这难道不由你做主吗? Diary of a Rape (1971)
- Discovery, we'd like you to go free drift.[CN] -发现号,希望你做主动漫游 Destiny in Space (1994)
She's the boss. He only gets pocket money.[CN] 但家里由她做主,他就只得到些零花钱 It Happened in Broad Daylight (1958)
No, only love will decide.[CN] 算了, 只有愛情才能做主 The White Bird Marked with Black (1971)
I can take the responsibility[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }有我在,萬事我來做主 Dai lü nian hua (1957)
It took all Paul's cunning to persuade her.[CN] 现在我什么事情都是由保罗做主 Les Cousins (1959)
When the Bureau gets called in, the Bureau's in charge.[CN] 当局里决定插手管这件事时 就得由我们来做主 Episode #1.1 (1989)
I can't answer for the place. Only for myself.[CN] 我无法为地点做主 我只能为自己作主 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
He will be the examiner[CN] 明天郑世伯做主考 King of Beggars (1992)
Hugo, my daughter's old enough to make her own decisions so I've decided to let her do it.[CN] 雨果 我女儿大的足够自己做主了 所以我决定让她去 Bye Bye Birdie (1963)
He's the supervisor at the school where I teach[CN] 他在我教的那一家小学做主任 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }He's the supervisor at the school where I teach Sha zhi lian (1988)
I'd like you to do it.[CN] 想找你做主角 你很上鏡頭呀 Always on My Mind (1993)
If I have my way, Callahan, you won't make another arrest as long as you live.[CN] 如果我能做主 卡拉汉 在你有生之年是无法再逮捕任何人的 Magnum Force (1973)
Did we promise you all these?[CN] 我們答應了要讓你們做主人的 The Wall (1983)
General Che, please help us.[CN] 车将军 替我们做主 Kung Fu Invaders (1974)
No, you had better decide.[CN] 不好,还是你做主好 All's Well, Ends Well 1997 (1997)


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