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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
下院[xià yuàn, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄩㄢˋ,  ] lower house (of parliament) #35,547 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
下院[かいん, kain] (n) lower house; lower (legislative) body; (P) #5,487 [Add to Longdo]
下院議[かいんぎ, kaingi] (n) lower house (of Parliament, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
下院議員[かいんぎいん, kaingiin] (n) (See 下院) member of the lower house [Add to Longdo]
下院議長[かいんぎちょう, kaingichou] (n) Speaker of the House (US, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
議会下院[ぎかいかいん, gikaikain] (n) (See 議会上院) lower house (parliament, congress, diet) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The British Parliament is divided into the House of Commons and the House of Lords.イギリス国会は下院と上院とに分かれている。
When the scandal broke, the Congressman's constituents were seething.スキャンダルが発覚したとき、その下院議員の支持者たちは激怒しました。
The House cut the budget for foreign aid.下院は外国援助の予算を削減した。
The Congressmen rammed the bill through committee.下院議員はその法案を委員会で強引に可決させました。
The Representative said he will put a brake on spending.下院議員は支出に歯止めをかけると言いました。
We elected him as our Representative.我々は彼を下院議員に選出した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They killed a congressman.[JP] 下院議員を殺した Root Cause (2012)
Perhaps they ought to be in the House of Commons.[CN] 也许他们该进下院 Perhaps they ought to be in the House of Commons. The Challenge (1982)
He wants to be an MP.[CN] 他想当下院议员 Episode #1.2 (2014)
How about having a little go at the patio today, please?[CN] 今天去收拾一下院子怎么样 Life Is Sweet (1990)
Why tarnish your invaluable luster with a battle in the House?[JP] なぜわざわざ下院で 泥をかぶるのです? Lincoln (2012)
Minister, you're due at the House.[CN] 大臣 您10分钟内得到下院 Minister, you're due at the House. A Question of Loyalty (1981)
Congressman Delancey didn't make it.[JP] デランシー下院議員は 乗り切れなかったって Root Cause (2012)
In retrospect, mild enough, but a Conservative MP, Chips Channon, thought it demolished the edifice of capitalism.[CN] 现在回头来看, 这个预算案算够温和了 但一个保守党下院议员, 奇普斯·阐农, 认为它拆毁了资本主义大厦 Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
In the House of Commons this afternoon... the prime minister, Mr. Churchill, said...[CN] 今天下午在议会下院 邱吉尔首相说 Battle of Britain (1969)
All these emails are addressed to congressman Delancey's office.[JP] その全部の行き先が 下院議員デランシーの事務所だ Root Cause (2012)
Then he goes and shoots a congressman.[JP] そしたら下院議員を撃ちに行った Root Cause (2012)
"Beanpole" Burton.[JP] バートン下院議員? Lincoln (2012)
People who might have wanted the Congressman dead.[JP] 下院議員を殺す可能性のある人の Root Cause (2012)
It's a statutory instrument to go before the House.[CN] 这是下院提交的法令草案 It's a statutory instrument to go before the House. The Middle-Class Rip-Off (1982)
Do I have to sign now?[CN] 非得现在签吗? 怎么没提交下院? The Quality of Life (1981)
He went on this crazy rant about an assassination plot against a U.S. Congressman.[JP] 彼は延々と戯言を 下院議員の暗殺計画があると In Memoriam (2012)
And after weeks of hearings, the senate judiciary committee was scheduled to vote today on the nomination of...[JP] 数週間の審議後、 今日下院司法委員会が候補者指名を 可決する予定だった... A Love of a Lifetime (2007)
Just keep it in mind, Congressman.[JP] 心に留めて置け、下院議員 Root Cause (2012)
Congressman Delancey.[JP] デランシー下院議員のね Root Cause (2012)
The assembly has decided that the actions of Chairman Cho are out of order.[JP] チョー議長の行動は規則に反していると下院が決まった Trespass (2009)
Congressman, huh?[CN] -下院议员? The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
Why doesn't it go before the House?[CN] 为什么没提交下院? Why doesn't it go before the House? The Quality of Life (1981)
Whoever shot Congressman Delancey and framed Powell went to a lot of trouble.[JP] 一体誰がデランシー下院議員を撃ち パウェルを多くのトラブルを 抱えるよう仕向けたのか Root Cause (2012)
It's a rat's nest in there.[JP] 下院はネズミの巣窟です Lincoln (2012)
And when I went to the Congress in the middle 1970s, [JP] 70年代の半ば、私は下院議員になったとき An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Transportation. Secretary of State. Commerce.[JP] 上院議長 下院議長 副大統領... Eagle Eye (2008)
Yes, I've just come fromthe House of Commons.[CN] 我知道 我刚去过下院 Yes, I've just come fromthe House of Commons. The Right to Know (1980)
How you going to do on the polygraph when they ask if you ever executed a member of Congress?[JP] このポリグラフ資料をもとに 下院議員の殺害を問われたら? The Choice (2012)
Ask Walter Fowler of the Express to meet me for a drink.[CN] 让《快报》的沃尔特福勒今晚到下院找我喝一杯 Ask Walter Fowler of the Express to meet me for a drink. The Death List (1981)
State senator, assemblyman, people who work for the governor.[JP] 上院議員 下院議員 政府が関わる仕事についている者 Little Red Book (2011)
It's been suggested I've not been conducting myself in a manner befitting an MP.[CN] 有暗示我自己点行为 并不适合当一名下院议员 What a Girl Wants (2003)
The Council and the House of Commons must be concerned about the standards which have applied in this disgraceful matter.[CN] 评议会和下院必须重视 The Council and the House of Commons must be concerned 这起恶劣事件带来的深远影响 about the standards which have applied in this disgraceful matter. The Moral Dimension (1982)
Even if every Republican in the House votes yes, far from guaranteed.[JP] 下院で共和党が全員賛成票を 投じたとして Lincoln (2012)
Daphne. The wife of a future MP.[CN] 达芙妮 未来下院议员的妻子 Episode #1.2 (2014)
Well, Mr. Representative Ashley.[JP] アシュレー下院議員 Lincoln (2012)
We caught up with Senator David Finch speaking to the Marthaville Order of Visionary Southern Gentlemen as he embarks on his campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives.[JP] フィンチ州議員です 公の場で 合衆国下院議員選挙への出馬を 本日 表明しました To Love Is to Bury (2008)
I'll put it to the House, then announce it in my broadcast.[CN] 我下午提交下院 晚上在电视上宣布 put it to the House, announce it in my broadcast. The Ministerial Broadcast (1986)
The Pantoran assembly has called you out of order.[JP] パントーラ下院はあなたの行為が規則に反しているって Trespass (2009)
If it were a statutory instrument it would have to go before the House, but because it is an administrative order under section seven of the...[CN] 我说了 如果是法规 If it were a statutory instrument 就要下院审核 it would have to go before the House, 但这是行政命令 but because it is an administrative order The Quality of Life (1981)
Wow. And I even had a fling with a congressman.[JP] 下院議員との浮気もあった Chapter 9 (2013)
Thank heavens I wasn't asked about this![CN] 幸好下院没问 为什么消息没泄漏? Thank heavens I wasn't askedabout this! The Compassionate Society (1981)
Minister![CN] 大臣 这就像把下院设在大西北 Minister! The Devil You Know (1981)
Praise heavens, praise heavens. Just when I had abandoned hope of amusement, it's the Chairman of the House Ways[JP] お久しぶりね あなたが下院の 歳入委員長の時には Lincoln (2012)
"Can you assure us no colleagues have ever been under surveillance?"[CN] "您能向下院保证 各位同僚没有受监视吗?" Can you assure us no colleagues have been under surveillance? The Death List (1981)
Hanson was super rich, and he was a California state representative for six years.[JP] ハンソンは 超大金持ちで6年間も 州の下院議員を務めていたの A Dozen Red Roses (2009)
The speaker of the assembly. He has the power. Let's get back to the base.[JP] 下院の議会ができる 基地に戻ろう、嵐が弱まってる 通信が可能になったかな Trespass (2009)
Sir, I apologize, this woman...[JP] - すみません - 下院議員 Chapter 1 (2013)
You're going to try to get the amendment passed in the House of Representatives before the term ends?[JP] 下院で修正案を通過させたいんだわ Lincoln (2012)
Yes?[CN] 下院分组表决 大臣 Yes? Doing the Honours (1981)
I'm just saying that I think that somebody somewhere is looking at him right now and thinking congressman or senator or...[JP] 下院議員か上院か それとも Pilot (2011)


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