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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
しつこい[shitsukoi, shitsukoi] (adj) ดื้อดึง, เซ้าซี้, เข้มข้น

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
しつこい(P);しつっこい[shitsukoi (P); shitsukkoi] (adj-i) (1) insistent; obstinate; persistent; tenacious; (2) too rich (taste, etc.); fatty; heavy; greasy; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
You should persist in your efforts to learn English.あなたは英語を学ぶ努力をしつこいくらいにやるべきだ。
I have a persistent pain here.ここにしつこい痛みがあります。
I have a persistent cough.しつこいせきが出て、なかなか治りません。
I can't get rid of a nasty cold.私はしつこい風邪が抜けない。
She's really persistent, Shinobu is. I think I might be out-stubborned.ホントしつこいなぁ、しのぶさん。なんか根負けしそう。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But eventually, being uncool, or being stubborn[JP] でもそのうち 格好悪いとか しつこいとかさ Honey & Clover (2006)
You're the most persistent human I've ever met in my life, I swear.[JP] 君は人生で会った中で1番しつこいな Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Purple People Eater's back and she looks hungry.[JP] またハイエナがきた しつこいな Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Both you and the bank are real pests.[JP] 銀行も あんた達も しつこいのよ Episode #1.4 (2013)
- Larry, don't get - Larry![JP] - ラリー しつこいぞ Any Day Now (2012)
This guy was bothering me, that's all.[JP] あいつが しつこいのよ それだけ Self Made Man (2008)
I think I got it.[JP] しつこいぞ Under the Knife (2013)
Come on, people. What the hell?[JP] なんてしつこいんだ Tell It to the Frogs (2010)
You become paranoid. In affected more grass...[JP] しつこいな 大麻のせいか Due Date (2010)
They said they needrto speak with you right now, this moment, and they are most insistent.[JP] 今すぐに 先生と話したいと言って とてもしつこいんです Miss Red (2009)
But Sif is on the hunt.[JP] けど シフは しつこい Yes Men (2014)
Making new friends like that spider psycho.[JP] 新しい友達は クモみたいにしつこいな Treasure Planet (2002)
Frobisher's lawyer calls three times a day.[JP] フロビシャーの弁護士が しつこいの Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker (2007)
God, you don't quit, do you?[JP] しつこいぞ Real Steel (2011)
Saying it's in the name of God-- the devil is busy.[JP] 主の御名を語るなど 悪魔はしつこいな A Horse of a Different Color (2011)
-Stop going on about it.[JP] しつこい人ね Gosford Park (2001)
But let me tell you one thing, I am persistent.[JP] 言っとくけ ど 俺はしつこいからな 覚悟しろよ Namida no hennyûshiki (2003)
Fuck Keith![JP] しつこいわね Homefront (2013)
Oh, man.[JP] しつこい The Ungrateful Dead (2013)
I'm Rain Man counting his toothpicks.[JP] 俺は しつこい性格でね ...And the Bag's in the River (2008)
It's a telemarketer, "Give me money for Haiti," or the Democrats, or National Suck-My-Dick Week.[JP] 金をせがんでくる しつこい セールス電話の野郎かもな Silent Night (2012)
Frobisher's lawyer calls three times a day.[JP] フロビシャーの弁護士が しつこいの And My Paralyzing Fear of Death (2007)
I don't want to spoil it either.[JP] これが しつこいの? Groundhog Day (1993)
But he won't take no for an answer. So me and the girl...[JP] けどしつこいから その子と―― Letters of Transit (2012)
That's too rich for Kamin's blood.[JP] あまりにもしつこい カミンの家系か One Percent (2013)
You're a real pest.[JP] (未樹)ほんと しつこい Episode #1.4 (2013)
Tenacious or what?[JP] しつこいわね? The Secrets in the Proposal (2013)
God, Badger![JP] しつこいぞ Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
That's just the beginning. He's like a Mountie.[JP] 序の口よ 彼しつこいわ Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
Boy, Mr. Paranoid or what?[JP] しつこいな 何だよ? Matter of Time (2012)
You're relentless.[JP] あんたもしつこいね Life as a House (2001)
You damned insatiable lecher! Why are you torturing me again?[JP] あの女もしつこいよ 私にまた嫌な思いをさせて Tikhiy Don (1957)
- l don't want to see you here again.[JP] しつこいわね Turkish Delight (1973)
He's fucking persistent, you know?[JP] なんとしつこい野郎だ Wanted (2008)
Damn.[JP] しつこいな Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003)
- That guy was persistent. - Yeah.[JP] しつこい奴だ Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Let's not take this anyplace you'll regret.[JP] しつこいと後悔するわよ Over My Dead Body (2012)
Let's not spoil it, okay?[JP] しつこいのはイヤ Groundhog Day (1993)
Wow. You never let up, do you?[JP] ほんとしつこいんだな Wine and Bear (2013)
Like I said, yes.[JP] あるよ しつこいな 4 Days Out (2009)
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, all right.[JP] しつこいったらありゃしないわ Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
You're a bit pushy for a Bible salesman, ain't you, friend?[JP] 聖書を売る信者として かなりしつこいな? Just Business (2008)
- You keep going like this, and you're gonna talk yourself out of the bureau.[JP] しつこいわね Neither Here Nor There (2011)
- I want to do it now. - No, don't go down there.[JP] しつこいな! Finding Neverland (2004)
- You're pressing your luck, Ian.[JP] しつこいぞ! The Manster (1959)
He doesn't seem to take a hint, this guy.[JP] なんてしつこい野郎だ Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
- Piper, leave her alone.[JP] - パイパー しつこいぞ How I Live Now (2013)
How long can we keep this up?[JP] しつこいやつらだ Fury (2014)
Why must you keep harping on about the baby?[JP] なぜ子について 兄上はそうもしつこいんだ Always and Forever (2013)
You ready for some ancient feel-good spellcraft?[JP] 王国に戻りましょう! しつこいぞ! Adventure Time (2010)


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