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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. (Naut.) Same as Moonsail. [ 1913 Webster ]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The two of us used to hit up the Moonraker Arcade down in Little Tokyo.Wir zwei waren oft in der Moonraker Arcade in Little Tokyo. Ghost Rider: Meet the New Boss (2016)
Yeah, well, I saw Moonraker and there was a pigeon that did a double take.Ich sah Moonraker. Eine Taube hat einen Double Take gemacht. Maybe It's All the Disco (2017)
Moonraker?Moonraker? Moonraker (1979)
And what happened to the Moonraker?Und der Moonraker? Moonraker (1979)
- What do you know about Moonraker?- Was wissen Sie über den Moonraker? Moonraker (1979)
Then you'll know that Moonraker, the space shuttle, was being flown over here on loan from the Americans on the back of a 747.Das Moonraker-Shuttle wurde leihweise hierher überführt, mit einer 747. Moonraker (1979)
We've been through it with a fine-toothed comb, but there's no sign of Moonraker, not a trace.Wir haben es genauestens untersucht, aber es gibt keine Spur vom Moonraker. Moonraker (1979)
That's where the Moonraker shuttle is made?- Hier wird der Moonraker gebaut? Moonraker (1979)
Well, an apology will be made to the American government, Mr. Drax, when we've discovered why there was no trace of the Moonraker in that wreckage.Eine Entschuldigung wird an die amerikanische Regierung gehen, wenn wir wissen, warum der Moonraker nicht bei den Trümmern war. Moonraker (1979)
This is it, the Moonraker.Da ist er - der Moonraker. Moonraker (1979)
What goes on here besides the manufacture of Moonraker? And the astronaut training program?Was geschieht hier außer dem Moonraker und dem Astronautenprogramm? Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker One on preset launch program, minus two minutes.Moonraker 1 eingestellt auf Startprogramm minus zwei Minuten. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker launch program now commencing.Programm Moonraker-Start jetzt beginnen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker One, liftoff.Moonraker 1, abheben. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Two, T minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.Moonraker 2, Zeit minus zehn, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Two, liftoff.- Moonraker 2, abheben. Moonraker (1979)
- Moonraker Three.- Moonraker 3. Moonraker (1979)
- Moonraker Three, liftoff.- Moonraker 3, abheben. Moonraker (1979)
- Moonraker Two, confirm program pitch.- Moonraker 2, bestätigen Sie PB. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Four on preset launch program.- Moonraker 4, Startprogramm. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Four, liftoff.- Moonraker 4, abheben. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker One, SRB jettison.Moonraker 1, SRB abgeworfen? Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Three, confirm program pitch.Moonraker 3, Programm bestätigen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five, on preset launch program.Moonraker 5 eingestellt auf Startprogramm minus zehn. Moonraker (1979)
One of my own Moonrakers developed a fault during assembly.Einer meiner eigenen Moonraker zeigte einen Fehler bei der Montage. Moonraker (1979)
- Confirmed. - Moonraker Two, go for orbit.Moonraker 2, in die Umlaufbahn. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five, cleared for launch.Moonraker 5, fertig zum Starten. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five, transfer orbiter power.Moonraker 5, Orbiterstrom übertragen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five, preset.Moonraker 5, Neustart. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six, astro-technicians prepare to embark.Moonraker 6, Astrotechniker an Bord. Moonraker (1979)
I repeat, Moonraker Six astro-technicians, prepare to embark.Ich wiederhole, Moonraker 6, Astrotechniker an Bord. Moonraker (1979)
- Moonraker Five crew.- Moonraker 5, Besatzung. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six, start launch sequence.Moonraker 6, Startprogramm beginnen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five ground crew stand down.Moonraker 5, Bodenbesatzung abziehen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six, preset launch program completed.Moonraker 6, eingestelltes Startprogramm läuft. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six cleared for launch.Moonraker 6 klar zum Start. Zeit minus zehn Sekunden. Moonraker (1979)
That's Drax in Moonraker Five.Das ist Drax im Moonraker 5. Moonraker (1979)
AII Moonrakers prepare to initiate docking procedures and continue radio silence.Alle Moonraker fertig zum Andocken, weiterhin Funkstille. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six, you are now in manual.Moonraker 6, jetzt im manuellen Programm. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six technicians, commence operational sequence.Moonraker 6, Techniker mit der Operationssequenz beginnen. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Six technicians to M2 segment.Moonraker 6, Techniker zum Segment M2. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker One and Three to M1 segment.Moonraker 1 und 3, zum Segment M1. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Four and Five to M4 segment.Moonraker 4 und 5, zum Segment M4. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Two to M5 segment.Moonraker 2, zum Segment M5. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker Five, that's the answer. Drax's shuttle is armed with a laser.Moonraker 5 - das ist die Lösung. Moonraker (1979)
Moonraker?Moonraker? Life Serial (2001)
Moonrakeris inexcusable.Moonraker ist unverzeihlich. Life Serial (2001)
"Moonraker.""Moonraker". Safe (2011)

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. (Naut.) Same as Moonsail. [ 1913 Webster ]

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