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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Mrs MacCormack, your sister has us so excited about you coming.Mrs. MacCormack, wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie bei uns sind. Footloose (1984)
Come and meet the MacCormacks.Das sind die MacCormacks. Footloose (1984)
This is Mrs MacCormack.Das ist Mrs. MacCormack. Footloose (1984)
MacCormack, where the hell are you?MacCormack, wo zum Teufel steckst du? Footloose (1984)
Ren MacCormack.Ren MacCormack. Footloose (1984)
Because, Mr MacCormack, there's a town council.Nun, Mr. MacCormack, es gibt einen Stadtrat. Footloose (1984)
It's MacCormack, ain't it?Es ist MacCormack, stimmt's? Footloose (1984)
Support Ren MacCormack at the council meeting.Unterstützt Ren MacCormack. Footloose (1984)
I'm Ren MacCormack.Ich bin Ren MacCormack. Footloose (1984)
I think Mr MacCormack has a right to be heard.Ich finde, Mr. MacCormack sollte angehört werden. Footloose (1984)
You gonna dance now, MacCormack?Tanzt du jetzt, MacCormack? Footloose (1984)
This is my sister's son, the one I was telling you about. Ren MacCormack.Das ist der Sohn meiner Schwester, von dem ich Ihnen erzählt habe, Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
This is Ren MacCormack.Das ist Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
MacCormack.MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
- MacCormack.- MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
Hey, MacCormack.Hey, MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
On the outside, we've got the new kid racing in the Fun Zone, Ren MacCormack.Auf der Außenlinie fährt der Neue mit der Spielzeugkiste, Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
Caroline and MacCormack are door to door, they're battling for third place!Caroline und MacCormack sind gleichauf! Sie kämpfen um Platz drei! Footloose (2011)
Russell and MacCormack are duking it out for second place.Russel und MacCormack kämpfen um den zweiten Platz. Footloose (2011)
Oh, we've got us a regular Mexican standoff, folks.MacCormack und Chuck fahren direkt aufeinander zu. Footloose (2011)
MacCormack takes the lead!MacCormack ist in Führung. Footloose (2011)
Hey, MacCormack.Hey, MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
You got that music's cranked pretty loud, Mr. MacCormack.Die Musik war ziemlich laut, Mr. MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
"You got that music cranked pretty loud, Mr. MacCormack.""Die Musik war ziemlich laut, Mr. MacCormack." Footloose (2011)
Ren MacCormack.Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
Your behaviour has been atrocious, young lady, and it seems to have started when Ren MacCormack came to town.Dein Benehmen wird immer schrecklicher, junge Dame. Offensichtlich fing es an, als Ren MacCormack in die Stadt kam. Footloose (2011)
It's Ren MacCormack.Ich bin Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
You got my vote, Ren MacCormack.Meine Stimme hast du, Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
Did Ren MacCormack do this to you?Hat Ren MacCormack dir das angetan? Footloose (2011)
My name is Ren MacCormack.Mein Name ist Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
- Mr. MacCormack.-Mr. MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
Roger, if I may address Mr. MacCormack on this matter.Wenn ich darf, würde ich das Wort an Mr. MacCormack richten. Footloose (2011)
I think Mr. MacCormack has a right to be heard.Ich denke, Mr. MacCormack hat das Recht, gehört zu werden. Footloose (2011)
It's Ren MacCormack.Ren MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
We got some business to take care of with our friend MacCormack.Wir haben was zu klären, mit unserem Freund MacCormack. Footloose (2011)
- MacCormack!- MacCormack! Footloose (2011)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

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