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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
chagrin(?ะกรีน') vt., n. (ความ) เสียใจ, โทมใจ, ผิดหวัง, Syn. distress

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
chagrin(n) ความผิดหวัง, ความเสียใจ, ความโทมนัส
chagrin(vt) ทำให้ผิดหวัง, ทำให้เสียใจ, ทำให้โทมนัส

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
หัวอกหัก[hūa-ǿk hak] (v, exp) EN: be heartbroken  FR: avoir le coeur brisé ; avoir un gros chagrin
ความเศร้า[khwām sao] (n) EN: sorrow  FR: tristesse [ f ] ; chagrin [ m ]
หมองใจ[møngjai] (v) EN: be gloomy ; be blue ; be downcast ; be downhearted ; be despondent ; be depressed ; be in sorrow ; be hurt  FR: être chagriné ; être attristé ; être peiné
สลด[salot] (x) EN: saddened  FR: triste ; chagrin ; malheureux
เศร้าโศก[saosōk] (x) EN: depressed ; sorrowful ; sad ; unhappy ; dispirited  FR: triste ; chagriné ; peiné ; déprimé
ทุกข์[thuk] (n) EN: sorrow ; distress ; trouble ; adversity ; anxiety ; bitterness ; sadness ; misery ; pain ; suffering  FR: tristesse [ f ] ; chagrin [ m ] ; peine [ f ] ; amertume [ f ] ; misère [ f ] ; douleur [ f ] ; souffrance [ f ] ; détresse [ f ] ; tourment [ m ] ; désolation [ f ]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

adv. & a. [ Pref. a- + grin. ] In the act of grinning. “His visage all agrin.” Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
己(P);己れ[おのれ, onore] (pn, adj-no) (1) (arch) oneself (itself, etc.); (2) (hum) I (or me); (3) (derog) you; (adv) (4) by oneself (itself, etc.); (int) (5) interjection expressing anger or chagrin; (P) #5,159 [Add to Longdo]
悔しさ[くやしさ, kuyashisa] (n) chagrin; bitterness; frustration; vexation; mortification; regret [Add to Longdo]
悔し涙;悔やし涙[くやしなみだ, kuyashinamida] (n) vexation; chagrin [Add to Longdo]
残念至極[ざんねんしごく, zannenshigoku] (n, adj-na) deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation [Add to Longdo]
残念無念[ざんねんむねん, zannenmunen] (n, adj-na) deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation [Add to Longdo]
歯痒い(P);歯がゆい[はがゆい, hagayui] (adj-i) impatient; tantalized; tantalised; irritated; chagrined; chagrinned; vexed; (P) [Add to Longdo]
惜しくも[おしくも, oshikumo] (n) to one's regret (chagrin); regrettably [Add to Longdo]
憤悶[ふんもん, funmon] (n, vs) (arch) (See 憤懣) anger; resentment; indignation; chagrin; irritation [Add to Longdo]
憤懣;忿懣[ふんまん, funman] (n, vs) anger; resentment; indignation; chagrin; irritation [Add to Longdo]
無念[むねん, munen] (adj-na, n) (1) chagrin; regret; (2) { Buddh } (See 有念) free from obstructive thoughts; (P) [Add to Longdo]

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