(Few results found for -transpositional- automatically try transposition) |
| Transpositional | a. Of or pertaining to transposition; involving transposition. Pegge. [ 1913 Webster ] | Transposition | n. [ F. transposition, from L. transponere, transpositum, to set over, remove, transfer; trans across, over + ponere to place. See Position. ] The act of transposing, or the state of being transposed. Specifically: -- [ 1913 Webster ] (a) (Alg.) The bringing of any term of an equation from one side over to the other without destroying the equation. [ 1913 Webster ] (b) (Gram.) A change of the natural order of words in a sentence; as, the Latin and Greek languages admit transposition, without inconvenience, to a much greater extent than the English. [ 1913 Webster ] (c) (Mus.) A change of a composition into another key. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | transposition | (แทรนซโพซิช'เชิน) n. การ-เปลี่ยนตำแหน่ง, การถูกเปลี่ยนตำแหน่ง, การสับเปลี่ยน, การขนย้าย, รูปแบบที่ถูกเปลี่ยนที่., See also: transpositional, transpositive adj. |
| transposition | ๑. การย้ายข้าง (อวัยวะ)๒. การผ่าตัดเลื่อนแผ่นเนื้อเยื่อปะปลูก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔] | transposition | ๑. การย้ายข้าง๒. คู่สลับ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗] |
| | | transposition | (n) any abnormal position of the organs of the body, Syn. heterotaxy | transposition | (n) (genetics) a kind of mutation in which a chromosomal segment is transfered to a new position on the same or another chromosome | transposition | (n) (mathematics) the transfer of a quantity from one side of an equation to the other along with a change of sign | transposition | (n) (electricity) a rearrangement of the relative positions of power lines in order to minimize the effects of mutual capacitance and inductance | transposition | (n) the act of reversing the order or place of, Syn. reversal | transposition | (n) (music) playing in a different key from the key intended; moving the pitch of a piece of music upwards or downwards |
| Transposition | n. [ F. transposition, from L. transponere, transpositum, to set over, remove, transfer; trans across, over + ponere to place. See Position. ] The act of transposing, or the state of being transposed. Specifically: -- [ 1913 Webster ] (a) (Alg.) The bringing of any term of an equation from one side over to the other without destroying the equation. [ 1913 Webster ] (b) (Gram.) A change of the natural order of words in a sentence; as, the Latin and Greek languages admit transposition, without inconvenience, to a much greater extent than the English. [ 1913 Webster ] (c) (Mus.) A change of a composition into another key. [ 1913 Webster ] | Transpositional | a. Of or pertaining to transposition; involving transposition. Pegge. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | 互換 | [ごかん, gokan] (n, vs) (1) transposition; interchange; (adj-f) (2) compatible (e.g. PC); (P) #7,382 [Add to Longdo] | 移項 | [いこう, ikou] (n, vs) transposition [Add to Longdo] | 移調 | [いちょう, ichou] (n, vs) (musical) transposition [Add to Longdo] | 換位 | [かんい, kan'i] (n) (logical) conversion (transposition of subject and predicate to form a new proposition) [Add to Longdo] | 転位 | [てんい, ten'i] (n, vs) transposition; dislocation; rearrangement [Add to Longdo] | 転置 | [てんち, tenchi] (n, vs, adj-no) { comp } transposition (e.g. a matrix) [Add to Longdo] |
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