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-keep in touch with-

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
keep in touch with(idm) ติดต่อ

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I was inside. You were supposed to keep in touch with the band.คุณควรที่จะมีการติดต่อกับวง The Blues Brothers (1980)
You said you were keeping in touch with them.คุณพูดว่าคุณกำลังติดต่อพวกเขา The Blues Brothers (1980)
I'll keep in touch with these.ฉันจะสื่อสารด้วยสิ่งนี้ Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005)
You will keep in touch with me, am I right?พี่จะติดต่อกับผมเสมอ, ใช่มัย? Episode #1.5 (2008)
Thank you. But it seems like you don't keep in touch with Joo Won?แต่ดูเหมือนว่า เธอจะไม่ได้ติดต่อกับจูวอนแล้ว Episode #1.11 (2010)
Is Tae Seong still keeping in touch with Noona?แทซองเค้ายังติดต่อกับพี่สาวผมอยู่เหรอ? Episode #1.4 (2010)
Do you still keep in touch with him though?แต่คุณทั้งสองคนไม่ได้ติดต่อกันเลยหรือครับ ? Episode #1.12 (2010)
"It's good to keep in touch with your roots.""มีความทรงจำให้ระลึกถึง มักเป็นสิ่งที่ดีเสมอ" Pulling Strings (2012)
I'll keep in touch with you.แล้วฉันจะติดต่อไป To tsuki to oka (2012)
Do you always keep in touch with your students after graduation?คุณมักจะยังติดต่อกับนักเรียน แม้พวกเขาเรียนจบไปแล้วเหรอ? Panama Red (2012)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
keep in touch withEven if you go far away, let's keep in touch with each other over the phone.
keep in touch withHomeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
keep in touch withI keep in touch with my parents by mail.
keep in touch withI keep in touch with my parents in my hometown by phone.
keep in touch withKeep in touch with me.
keep in touch withKeep in touch with what is happening in foreign countries.
keep in touch withLet's keep in touch with each other.
keep in touch withOld school friends often try to keep in touch with one another.
keep in touch withTry to keep in touch with me, just in case.
keep in touch withWe must keep in touch with the times.
keep in touch withWhen you return to your company, don't forget to keep in touch with me.
keep in touch withWould you promise to keep in touch with me?

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