(Few results found for -dulocracy- automatically try democracy) |
Dulocracy | n. See Doulocracy. [ 1913 Webster ] | Democracy | n.; pl. Democracies [ F. démocratie, fr. Gr. dhmokrati`a; dh^mos the people + kratei^n to be strong, to rule, kra`tos strength. ] 1. Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the people. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed; a constitutional representative government; a republic. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. Collectively, the people, regarded as the source of government. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] 4. The principles and policy of the Democratic party, so called. [ U.S. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | democracy | (ดิมอค'ระซี) n. ประชาธิปไตย, ความเสมอภาคของสังคม |
| democracy | (n) การปกครองระบอบประชาธิปไตย, ความเสมอภาคทางการเมือง |
| democracy | ประชาธิปไตย [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔] |
| | | | | อนุสาวรีย์ประชาธิปไตย | [Anusāwarī Prachāthippatai] (n, prop) EN: Democracy Monument | จรรโลงประชาธิปไตย | [janlōng prachāthippatai] (v, exp) EN: promote democracy FR: promouvoir la démocratie | กลุ่มประชาธิปไตยแรงงาน | [Klum Prachāthippatai Raēng-ngān] (org) EN: Workers Democracy Group | แนวร่วมประชาธิปไตย | [Naēoruam Prachāthippatai] (org) EN: United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) | นปช. | [Nø.Pø.Chø.] (org) EN: UDD (United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship) | พันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย | [Phanthamit Prachāchon Pheūa Prachāthippatai] (org) EN: People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) FR: Alliance du Peuple pour la Démocratie (PAD) | ประชาธิปไตย | [prachāthippatai] (n) EN: democracy FR: démocratie [ f ] | ประชาธิปไตยรวมศูนย์ | [prachāthippatai rūam sūn] (n, exp) EN: centralized democracy | ประชาธิปไตยทางตรง | [prachāthippatai thāng trong] (n, exp) EN: direct democracy FR: démocratie directe [ f ] | ประชาธิปไตยตัวแทน | [prachāthippatai tūathaēn] (n, exp) EN: representative democracy FR: démocratie représentative [ f ] |
| | | democracy | (n) the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives | democracy | (n) a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them, Syn. commonwealth, republic |
| Democracy | n.; pl. Democracies [ F. démocratie, fr. Gr. dhmokrati`a; dh^mos the people + kratei^n to be strong, to rule, kra`tos strength. ] 1. Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the people. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed; a constitutional representative government; a republic. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. Collectively, the people, regarded as the source of government. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] 4. The principles and policy of the Democratic party, so called. [ U.S. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 民主 | [mín zhǔ, ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨˇ, 民 主] democracy #1,838 [Add to Longdo] | 民主政治 | [mín zhǔ zhèng zhì, ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄓㄥˋ ㄓˋ, 民 主 政 治] democracy; democratic #18,306 [Add to Longdo] | 民主主义 | [mín zhǔ zhǔ yì, ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ, 民 主 主 义 / 民 主 主 義] democracy #20,264 [Add to Longdo] | 民权主义 | [mín quán zhǔ yì, ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ, 民 权 主 义 / 民 權 主 義] democracy; civil liberties; principle of democracy, the second of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning widespread popular involvement in affairs of state) #128,857 [Add to Longdo] | 民主墙 | [mín zhǔ qiáng, ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄑㄧㄤˊ, 民 主 墙 / 民 主 牆] Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement #195,816 [Add to Longdo] |
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